Angry the next morning


Well-Known Member

The 3 A's of cannabis withdrawl symptoms.

Treatment course #1: Wait a few more days.
Treatment option #2: Smoke more now

Both work.
When you realize which is more fun you don't really see 2 options.
But if he is white with small penis..........................................anger management classes :rolleyes:
Are you trying to make me mad,or are you just gay and desperate? All you talk about is a man's penis lol,I think you're an idiot but that's my opinion,go get laid
I don't smoke in the morning nor do I smoke during the week,I drive a company truck and I need my job. When I do smoke,it feels great,and relaxes me,it's the next morning for no apparent reason,I get angered at nothing lol


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to make me mad,or are you just gay and desperate? All you talk about is a man's penis lol,I think you're an idiot but that's my opinion,go get laid
Trying to make you mad? No no no. You already made a thread about that. See young man there is a reason you are mad and it ins't weed. It's your tiny penis. You need help son. Anger management classes will help with that. Good luck bro :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member

The 3 A's of cannabis withdrawl symptoms.

Treatment course #1: Wait a few more days.
Treatment option #2: Smoke more now

Both work.
When you realize which is more fun you don't really see 2 options.
Nailed it.
Homeopathy works great in this case.