Weed brownies.


New Member
Hey guys, I have about 4 ounces of some whatever shake and i was thinking about making crazy strong edibles and only using a stick an half of butter with the 4 ounces. Any insight into this would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
4oz for a single batch should be like space travel if your shake is any decent. I simmer for no longer than 2hrs.


Well-Known Member

With a fair quantity like 4 oz I'd invest in a Magical Butter Machine to make your butter or oil. You'll get the most from your material.

Also, preheat your oven and use an oven thermometer to ensure you don't get temperature creep and burn off your cannabinoids.



New Member
4oz for a single batch should be like space travel if your shake is any decent. I simmer for no longer than 2hrs.
Yeah it's not bad. I had tossed the original plant bc it had mites but I didn't know that mites leave when there's no moisture on the plant and my plant had been dry hanging for a couple days so they would have just left. But I pre emptively threw the plant in the woods then went an got it back when I found that out, dried it, smoked it, and it's not gonna get you destroyed but it gets you where you need to be a for a bit. So ended up salvaging about 4 ounces of it in a jar grinded up just hanging in my room. I don't plan on smoking it so I figure why not make crazy edibles. I just didn't know how much weed one stick of butter could like hold


Well-Known Member
So you have 4 ounces of shake from a mite infested plant that you tossed in the woods, then went back and got, and now you want to turn it into butter? How far along had the plant been flowering before you tossed it the woods? If it's just immature bud and leaf shake I wouldn't bother with it. You might just want to toss it back in the woods.