Cocaine purity test at home

Just keep working towards your goal, but I wouldn't focus too much on the timeline. It doesn't matter how small the step is, being in the right direction is what's important. Set small goals, and dont be too concerned if they take longer than planned. You're gonna have bumps in the road, just remember the big picture. We've all got our own path, I hope yours gets a little smoother in the future :blsmoke:
Weed doesn't cure cancer, it helps with the pain and has fewer side effects than conventional medication.

It also lessens the sickening side effects from Chemo and radiation.
Not true. Cannabinoids have most certainly been found to attack cancerous cells. In accredited scientific tests, no less. There are also lots of documented experiences of people going into full remission by using ONLY Rick Simpson Oil when coupled with a vegan alkaline diet. No chemotherapy, no prescription medicine. Cannabis and an alkaline diet.
Hello everyone there
As always I always buy my cocaine from my trusted people
But still once in a while I do a test
The best way I found beside spend 80$ on a proper test it's with food coloring
The more pure the cocaine is the more the food color will separate
If any chemical in it the food color will mix with it
I heat it up on a piece of steel or spoon and drop food color on it
10second and u have an approximate purity
Where I leave in Canada won't be able to buy better then 98% but it's better then mixed with lidocaine or with D-vitamin
I been in Mexico and south America where the blow was great
As we all know from pure 100% cocaine u should be able to sleep eat and not just get a crazy rush and fast heart beat
I have 3 guys I trust and would never buy from no one
Specially nowadays they mixing it up with fentanyl
Keep it safe and enjoy the goods
Am a daily user 2-3grams a day ( but I work a lot and I want to stay awake
I won't recommend to anyone and am working on it to get clean or use less
If u have support do it get sober
You need to get sober man, i have to many friends that have been killed over the shit or their lives are just destroyed lost they kids and everything mane, Clean yo shit up and get your nasty ass “Disease” to yourself and get fucking potty elsewhere you addict. I have no respect for low life’s like you not giving a shit about like or putting in work to get where you wanna be. Nah just rail some coke and have fun that’d be lit, But your grown mf can’t be bangin coke your whole life and waste it. Got a wife with cancer and your out fucking wasting money on coke, That’s so pathetic and I hope you realize it one day man, I just feel bad for the girl who thinks she’s in love with such a low individual.
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You need to get sober man, i have to many friends that have been killed over the shit or their likes are just destroyed lost they kids and everything mane, Clean yo shit up and get your nasty ass “Disease” to yourself and get fucking potty elsewhere you addict. I have no respect for low life’s like you not giving a shit about like or putting in work to get where you wanna be. Nah just rail some coke and have fun that’s be lit, But your grown mf can’t be bangin coke your whole life and waste it.
OP has prolly already ODd
Brand name doesn't really matter
I usually use blue or light green color
And after you heat it up all you look for is if the color is mixing or just roll off ( floats)
Yes unfortunately I use 2-3 gram daily
But try to keep it 4 days per week as right now
I used to do it every day 365 day/year
But i guess am not strong in off just to quit it so since the past 5month I been cutting it off slowly
I don't have much of a personal support so it's all me( or I maybe just afraid to ask for help)but i set a goal by my 30th birthday I will be clear and won't use it
It's 5 month away and I will be reaching it I had rough 2019 ( reason I start it I know it's not makes it easier) but it's something to cover it
Trust me as hard as to believe it I will turn my self around ( back) where/who I was
5 months you been cutting it off slowly?
That means you have continued to uae it the last 5 months
I used to do coke a couple years ago, like 6 years ago. And I liked it, but meh. Marihuana is my lady, and I love to dance with her. She loves me back, and if I smoke too much the worst that can happen is to fall asleep. Good stuff.
Hello everyone there
As always I always buy my cocaine from my trusted people
But still once in a while I do a test
The best way I found beside spend 80$ on a proper test it's with food coloring
The more pure the cocaine is the more the food color will separate
If any chemical in it the food color will mix with it
I heat it up on a piece of steel or spoon and drop food color on it
10second and u have an approximate purity
Where I leave in Canada won't be able to buy better then 98% but it's better then mixed with lidocaine or with D-vitamin
I been in Mexico and south America where the blow was great
As we all know from pure 100% cocaine u should be able to sleep eat and not just get a crazy rush and fast heart beat
I have 3 guys I trust and would never buy from no one
Specially nowadays they mixing it up with fentanyl
Keep it safe and enjoy the goods
Am a daily user 2-3grams a day ( but I work a lot and I want to stay awake
I won't recommend to anyone and am working on it to get clean or use less
If u have support do it get sober
Do mean to have a pop , but is your nose a bit like a golf coarse ( hmm tink about it ) lol you no got holes here and there and more than the obvious 2 ? Lol my fucker has in side on septum. I had to stop well stop sniffing jus eating lol still works cus I know ol bil in me garden at night ( not the lemon makin me para HONEST lol ) I dun even like it I jus like the smell of it lol. I’m addicted to brake fluid now I know mad one but all good cus I can STOP WEN I WANT lol. Cookin it and wot ya left with doesn’t work any more , because it’s got a lot of magic in it ( levamisole) and I know someone who used to whip ( crack nasty ) and put tiny bit of yellow food colouring , but the one in tiny tube the gel one. I’m uk and if any of the lemon was 10% I’d learn how to punctuate and generally learn some proper ENGLAND lol. All the best bro be careful ery day hard core use destroys ya nose. I know from experience. Wright enuf waffle I’m jus gonna have breakfast BIG FAT LINE lol. Safe bruda no malice there jus jokin my bruda. Be safe ye look wot happened to my bro sad sad. Kwl kwl.
You ever smoke it in weed? We used to do that as kids. But hey that stuff is bad man
Truthfully my bruda , I wasted a lot of my life on the all the A team. Not smoked crack for 14 years and the H for 5 , sad times really. I left all that behind with my morals in tack and still had respect of family and friends so I not a fuckin nitty before I get judged not that I gi a flying about opinions of people who don’t know me. All’s I know is I can look my self in da mirror and SMILE cus ya can’t lie to yourself. RIP my brother who stabbed couple years ago still fuckin wi da A team and ATTEMP rob gone wrong RIP our kid still got ya no the one LOL
Truthfully my bruda , I wasted a lot of my life on the all the A team. Not smoked crack for 14 years and the H for 5 , sad times really. I left all that behind with my morals in tack and still had respect of family and friends so I not a fuckin nitty before I get judged not that I gi a flying about opinions of people who don’t know me. All’s I know is I can look my self in da mirror and SMILE cus ya can’t lie to yourself. RIP my brother who stabbed couple years ago still fuckin wi da A team and ATTEMP rob gone wrong RIP our kid still got ya no the one LOL

What’s the A team? I just know the TV show