Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I've heard the same from my relatives who've gotten it. I'm getting my first dose today, kind of sucks to know I'm going to feel sick tomorrow, but better than Covid!!

Yea but that doesn't mean that if you didn't get the shot, you're catching covid....that's just a weak view

270,000+ population in my county, 6800 positive cases, 103 total deaths since the beginning.... so that's a grand total of 2.52% of the population has had covid...and i won't even go into the super low death rate

6% positivity rate in the last 7 days....im still not freaking out like omg i need to stand in line to be injected with who knows what

those numbers just don't justify an experimental gene therapy injection (because let's face it, this isn't a vaccine as you know a vaccine to be -it's only being called that to protect the shady companies from being held liable)

It has been shown that covid immunity protects against variants. This T cell immunity is real as opposed to vax immunity.
Not so fast.

"Investigators from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) aimed to determine whether CD8+ T-cell responses from COVID-19 patients maintain recognition for other variants of the infection. Previous research has suggested that virtually all anti-COVID-19 CD8+ T-cell responses should recognize these newly described variants, the study authors explained.

The investigators collected 30 blood cell samples from patients who recovered from COVID-19 prior to the emergence of these variants in late 2020. Then, they identified variants of the virus to test, including B.1.1.7 (originating in the United Kingdom), B.1.351 (originating in South Africa), and B.1.1.248 (originating in Brazil). The study authors also added that the mutations seen in the spike protein, which is used to attach and enter cells, could make the virus less recognizable to the T-cells and neutralizing antibodies. "

The investigators reported that the CD8+ T-cell responses remained mostly intact and was able to recognize the 3 variants that were tested. They noted that larger studies are needed but what remains from their findings is that the T-cell response for individuals who have had and recovered from COVID-19 as well as those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 should be protected against the emerging variants, they wrote.

Brazil variant can reinfect virus survivors; COVID-19 vaccine antibodies pass into breast milk
A coronavirus variant circulating in Brazil is likely able to reinfect people who survived infections with earlier versions of the coronavirus, new data suggest. The variant that emerged in Brazil, called P.1, carries a mutation that is already known to make a variant prevalent in South Africa harder to treat with antibodies and harder to prevent with available vaccines. New data suggest that in many recovered patients, immunity to earlier versions of the virus will not afford immunity to P.1. Researchers tested the neutralizing ability of antibodies in plasma samples taken from survivors of COVID-19 caused by earlier versions of the virus. The plasma "had 6-fold less neutralizing capacity" against the P.1 variant than against earlier virus versions, the researchers reported on Monday ahead of peer-review on a preprint server belonging to The Lancet journal. "Lower neutralization capacity of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and partial immunity against new variants suggests that reinfection could occur in convalescent or even vaccinated individuals," the authors said. In a separate paper posted on Wednesday on medRxiv ahead of peer review, some of the same researchers estimated that among every 100 survivors of COVID-19 due to earlier virus versions, 25-to-60 could become reinfected if exposed to the P.1 variant because their antibodies could not protect them. As of Thursday, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control of Prevention, there have been 13 cases of COVID-19 due to P.1 in the United States.

So the authors ignored the P.1 variant out of Brazil. That is convenient.

COVID-19 Vaccine Found to Be Effective against Brazilian P.1 Variant
The P.1 variant of coronavirus causing devastation in Brazil is now one of the most reported variants in the U.S., data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows, following an uptick in new infections and the spread of the contagious B.1.1.7 U.K. variant officials say is now the dominant strain circulating in the U.S..

The P.1 variant, which has proliferated rapidly in Brazil, thought to be more contagious than the original strain of Covid-19 and is potentially able to evade the body's immune responses, has been detected in 28 states as of April 8, CDC data shows.

Variant Found in Brazil Could Evade Immunity from Past Infection
According to a study uploaded to GitHub on February 27 that has not been peer reviewed, an emerging variant of SARS-CoV-2 first spotted in November in Manaus, Brazil and known as P.1 is around twice as transmissible as the variant that gripped the country last spring. Manaus experienced another surge of cases in December, and the study’s model predicts that P.1 could evade antibodies from previous infections 25–61 percent of the time, perhaps pointing to reinfections as a driver of the recent COVID-19 wave.

I think we might be in this for a long slog.
Yea but that doesn't mean that if you didn't get the shot, you're catching covid....that's just a weak view

270,000+ population in my county, 6800 positive cases, 103 total deaths since the beginning.... so that's a grand total of 2.52% of the population has had covid...and i won't even go into the super low death rate

6% positivity rate in the last 7 days....im still not freaking out like omg i need to stand in line to be injected with who knows what

those numbers just don't justify an experimental gene therapy injection (because let's face it, this isn't a vaccine as you know a vaccine to be -it's only being called that to protect the shady companies from being held liable)

But the virus will continue to circulate until there is not enough hosts to sustain it. And the number of cases and the outcomes would be much worse if we did not take the steps we have been taken. If you want us masked and holed up away from each other, well then don't do a thing.
Yea but that doesn't mean that if you didn't get the shot, you're catching covid....that's just a weak view

270,000+ population in my county, 6800 positive cases, 103 total deaths since the beginning.... so that's a grand total of 2.52% of the population has had covid...and i won't even go into the super low death rate

6% positivity rate in the last 7 days....im still not freaking out like omg i need to stand in line to be injected with who knows what

those numbers just don't justify an experimental gene therapy injection (because let's face it, this isn't a vaccine as you know a vaccine to be -it's only being called that to protect the shady companies from being held liable)

bad take...

but im only commenting to say primus sucks. nice name
But the virus will continue to circulate until there is not enough hosts to sustain it. And the number of cases and the outcomes would be much worse if we did not take the steps we have been taken. If you want us masked and holed up away from each other, well then don't do a thing.


because you've done the research

but i got news for you

Yea but that doesn't mean that if you didn't get the shot, you're catching covid....that's just a weak view

270,000+ population in my county, 6800 positive cases, 103 total deaths since the beginning.... so that's a grand total of 2.52% of the population has had covid...and i won't even go into the super low death rate

6% positivity rate in the last 7 days....im still not freaking out like omg i need to stand in line to be injected with who knows what

those numbers just don't justify an experimental gene therapy injection (because let's face it, this isn't a vaccine as you know a vaccine to be -it's only being called that to protect the shady companies from being held liable)

I live in one of the least populated states and my best friend's Uncle died of Covid-very healthy 50 year old guy who ran 5 times per week-and my cousin was hospitalized and almost went on a ventilator. Now she's showing symptoms of "long Covid" and has some of the neuological issues people talk about at the age of 22. Anyone who has seen what Covid can do to a member of their family...is getting this vaccine, or else they are a complete idiot.

because you've done the research

but i got news for you


Since it's not possible to test every medicine on every person, they sample tens of thousands and review the effects, just like they did with the Covid vaccines. After those tens of thousands are evaluated and, if thought to be safe, they still monitor reactions from the public. Technically speaking, we are ongoing research for every medicine. You may as well be saying all-caps-bold "MILK COMES FROM COWS" (it'd be a mic drop moment, except everyone knew that already).
Good time to buy stock though
dogecoin. crypto is booming. i got doge, cosmos, bitcoin and filecoin. ive only gained money since i started except right in the beginning because i only grabbed bitcoin. it dipped and i got scared so i moved it like a dumbass. when i get out of doge im putting that whole return into etherium. doge alone already got me a 4 digit percentage return. took a hit today but still up like crazy. my average was .0013 per coin and its worth around 30 cents right now
Since it's not possible to test every medicine on every person, they sample tens of thousands and review the effects, just like they did with the Covid vaccines. After those tens of thousands are evaluated and, if thought to be safe, they still monitor reactions from the public. Technically speaking, we are ongoing research for every medicine. You may as well be saying all-caps-bold "MILK COMES FROM COWS" (it'd be a mic drop moment, except everyone knew that already).

Yea milk comes from cows....

hey listen man, if you're ok with being a test subject, then by all means, go ahead and be one.....but don't sit there at the same time, insisting that the rest of us be the same test subject as you

i don't take any prescription meds - it's not in my best interests - nor do i take experimental injections of any sort

so pickup that mic that you accidentally dropped
Oh come on, you've taken medicine and you'd happily take any medicine that you felt you needed. Don't take the PJ Diaz angle of flat out lying in order to give the appearance of being consistent.
dogecoin. crypto is booming. i got doge, cosmos, bitcoin and filecoin. ive only gained money since i started except right in the beginning because i only grabbed bitcoin. it dipped and i got scared so i moved it like a dumbass. when i get out of doge im putting that whole return into etherium. doge alone already got me a 4 digit percentage return. took a hit today but still up like crazy. my average was .0013 per coin and its worth around 30 cents right now
So many millionaires here. We should form an investment club.

because you've done the research

but i got news for you

And I have spent many hours in an ICU. I have seen nurses and doctors fight to keep people alive. I have seen families morn the ones that have not. I have lived with a painful neurological disease for the past ten years as a result of my working in the hospital. My work in the hospital had me working with Infectious Controls, dealing with ICU's, Isolation rooms, we had over 100, the hospital converted entire floors as isolation wings to care for the patients. I know my way around medical papers, read thousands in relation to the pain and immune system. So I know many sides to the story. I know I can not convince such as yourself. Not my point. But when you proclaim falsehoods that some may take away and endanger our all, well I have to speak up.

I would rather just ignore you.