I'm jealous of you guys that grew up before cell phones and the internet. I genuinely mean that. The internet (facebook) and cell phones have completely changed the dynamic of social interaction for the worse. I grew up in the 90's. The 90's were actually pretty great. Cell phones and the internet (facebook) hadn't negatively altered the social fabric of society just yet. When we were with our friends we spent time actually talking to each other and smoking a lot of pot while doing it. Nobody had a stupid cell phone 10" from their nose finger fucking the screen as it illuminated their face while they ignored the presence of every other human being actually in their presence. That was a little gift of the 2000's that really went off the fucking rails in the 2010's. I don't even know what the present state of affairs is, but I can tell you it ain't good. Man, you remember those good old days? You weren't constantly distracted by an alert on your cell phone? An email ding? A text message? New technology that makes things work better is great. I'd argue cell phones and the internet have substantially lowered the quality of human being in this world due to the way it has changed how we communicate with one another. And cats like you got to go through the best years of your lives without any of those awful society degrading distractions.
I got an honest question for you. Completely genuine. How much better was life before the cell phone and internet age? I just feel like it had to be better in almost every way. Sure, amazon is great. But almost everything else sucks worse from my perspective. Oh, and grow lights are better. Most of everything else sucks