So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

Only in the good ol USA you’ll find a 100 comment thread about target on a weed forum.

keep it classy murica

Australia is even worse. There was an uproar about a hardware chain down here that stopped putting grilled onions on their sausage sandwiches because it was causing slip and trip hazards in the stores. Trust me, the education system down here is severely lacking. More like babysitting with a touch of brainwashing.
I'm just wondering how this escaped TnT!
It seemed fairly accurate. And even a little entertaining. ADD is another one of my mental illnesses. Staying on topic is no easy task for me. I both accept and acknowledge that. My mind is like a blender full of razor blades. Some days it's painful just getting through it all. In all fairness I was there to buy a dehumidifier for my flower room. However, all I left with at target was a big healthy dose of fat cunt surprise. And I didn't even get my 5% Redcard discount :)
She was just doing her job, and you referring to her weight and calling her a c*nt is cruel. I know the situation was frustrating -- I'd be frustrated too -- but calling a woman a degrading name because she's doing something she could get fired for not doing is abhorrent.
She was just doing her job, and you referring to her weight and calling her a c*nt is cruel. I know the situation was frustrating -- I'd be frustrated too -- but calling a woman a degrading name because she's doing something she could get fired for not doing is abhorrent.
For fuck's sake. Another teenager with an opinion. I love it. East shit. She was being a cunt. There was no violation of company policy you retarded fucking rule nazi. She was paid to prevent the kind of situation that unfolded. And yes, she was a fat fucking cunt. As in huge fat ass with matching thunder thighs. If the girl spent more time on a tread mill instead of acting like a cunt towards everyone she encounters maybe she'd be a happier human being than what she is. Glad I could sort you out here. Idiot.
What I loved about the 70's thru 90's.................................................being able to beat the shit out of someone without it getting caught on iPhone.

and the mafia :eyesmoke:
What I loved about the 70's thru 90's.................................................being able to beat the shit out of someone without it getting caught on iPhone.

and the mafia :eyesmoke:
I can't emphasize enough how awesome it was growing up as a punk kid before cameras. Homie, we made the cops work for their money and they had to hustle if they wanted to keep up. And they always found out the hard way we were faster and knew the woods like the back of our hand. They weren't dumb enough to embarrass themselves by crossing the tree line searching for us in the sticks :)

One summer day my best friend had an idea of tying some nearly invisible fishing line to one of his mom's old purses. What can you do with a fishing line and an old purse? Well, things get interesting when you add that bottle of "pooh in a can" from Spencer's into the mix :)

We stretched out about 50' of line, filled the bottom of the purse with as much pooh in a can as we could, then tossed it in front of a stop sign at a busy intersection in front of my buddies house around 10 at night. This big fat bitch stopped, gets out of her car, looks in every direction, bends her fat ass down to pickup the purse, and we yanked that fucking line when her fat fingers were within inches of the purse :) She cussed us upside down and sideways before waddling back into her car. The one line I remember was, "goddam kids." Affirmative! And thank you for the free entertainment ma'am!

Well fat cunt got home and called the cops. Did we run? Nah. We weren't about to miss this fucking show unfold :) Cop pulls up with his lights on. He steps out of his cruiser and looks around. Kinda like the fat lady. Feeling like someone was watching, right? Oh yeah :) This time we really A) didn't want to get caught and busted up by our parents and B) we really wanted to see what kinda effect the pooh in a can was gonna have when this mothafucka got a hand full of it when he inevitably rooted through that purse :)

All we heard was, "Jesus H fucking Christ! Goddam fucking kids. Oh just what in the fuck?" Homie it was one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed. And let me tell you something about pooh in a can. It does not wash off for about a week. It is horrible stinky shit. How do I know this? Well we all smelled like pooh in a can for about a week from handling the purse :) What's the lesson to be learned here? Wear gloves when handling pooh in a can, right? :)
Take another puff and reeeeeeeelax
You know what's the most fucked up about this whole thing? I found out yesterday I don't even need the dehumidifier because I bought 2 and the 2nd unit wound up being unnecessary overkill. It's getting returned tomorrow. Just wow man :)
That's so cute and adorable. You've gotta be in your late teens or 20s with no kids and an abundance of time in your life. You'll understand when a cunt is wasting your time just to be a cunt when you get older. It's an unfortunate occurrence, but a part of daily life the older you get. Eventually you just strategize to avoid all cunts except the one you're fucking :)

This guy is so right i'll smoke to that. For real people are garbage I hate having to leave the pad.
im sure you could have gotten your point across without being offensive to the counterlady.
Just say fuck this place
She wasn't a minimum wage counter lady. She was the manager being paid over $20/hour to do her fucking job. I wasn't asking for a favor. I was just asking for the item I paid for and hand carried to the counter for them. I'm absolutely a prick and in the wrong because of how I behaved which drew other shoppers into my transaction. That was unfair of me. This is a perfect example of 2 wrongs don't make a right. I still like the other fella's idea. I really could have had some fun with this. I should have just showed up 2 hours later to pick the dehumidifier up like nothing ever happened. Really woulda blew that bitch's fucking mind. Then we could have shared some more quality time together :)
So I ordered it online for pickup on my target card for the 5% extra discount. I physically walked into the store, grabbed it off the shelf so they didn't have to, waited in line, and set it on the counter.
Stopped reading right there.

That is not how it works. The reason they have order online and pickup at store is so that you DON'T do that so there are fewer people in the store. Right on the page you click it tells you what to do:
  1. Once you get the email, you can check in with the Walmart app to let us know you're on the way. If you do not have the Walmart app, you can call the store directly. The store's phone number is located under the store's address in your ready for pickup email.
  2. Follow the orange signs to the pickup area, and park in any designated spot.
  3. We'll bring your order out to you!
You ignored it.

There's a very simple rule that prevents a great deal of frustration: READ THE DIRECTIONS.
Stopped reading right there.

That is not how it works. The reason they have order online and pickup at store is so that you DON'T do that so there are fewer people in the store. Right on the page you click it tells you what to do:
  1. Once you get the email, you can check in with the Walmart app to let us know you're on the way. If you do not have the Walmart app, you can
Stopped reading right there. Wow. What a fuck tard you are! Something tells me you got a lot of participation awards as a kid. You're awesome :)
Stopped reading right there. Wow. What a fuck tard you are! Something tells me you got a lot of participation awards as a kid. You're awesome :)

I just read the directions and don't act like a dick in thinking I'm so special I can ignore all the directions and rules and make people do everything my way.

That would be you.


I just read the directions and don't act like a dick in thinking I'm so special I can ignore all the directions and rules and make people do everything my way.

That would be you.

It was Target you fuck tard. Do you know where you are right now? Do you recognize your surroundings? Just checking ;)