How are these looking so far, veg stage, time to top?


Well-Known Member
Was just hoping for some feedback on my plants as they are today. This is my third grow and want to stay ahead of any issues.
Anyone else think the leaves look dark green? I know that stems from a nitrogen issue, but I’ve been making sure to not over water or over feed, so I’m not sure if there’s even a problem there.
These are considered to be in the vegetative stage, right? So I should be able to drop my humidity range to 40~70?
Last question is are these ready to top?
I’ve never topped a plant before, but after last time I know it needs to happen. Any special process to topping aside from using sharp shears?
Thanks in advance for any feedback



Well-Known Member
You could still wait a bit to top it. Wait till you have 6 nodes and the plant is a little bigger. You could top now, but it will respond better if it's a bit bigger with a more robust root system. Are you just topping to start making more bud sites or are you going to try mainlining?


Well-Known Member
I dont agree. Common consensus is 3-5 and your 5+ if im not wrong, you dont really want alot under the top. Maybe the side branches of node 3. or 4 in your case then. I wouldnt wait long

I would call that an established plant with enough fanleaves to power through
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Well-Known Member
You could still wait a bit to top it. Wait till you have 6 nodes and the plant is a little bigger. You could top now, but it will respond better if it's a bit bigger with a more robust root system. Are you just topping to start making more bud sites or are you going to try mainlining?
I’m pretty much fresh as a daisy to this so I’m not even sure what mainlining is lol. Topping mainly for a more even light dispersement and to prevent such upward growth. My previous grow the main cola was taking all the light and reached as high as the light itself basically.


Well-Known Member
I’m pretty much fresh as a daisy to this so I’m not even sure what mainlining is lol. Topping mainly for a more even light dispersement and to prevent such upward growth. My previous grow the main cola was taking all the light and reached as high as the light itself basically.
Have you thought about LST


Well-Known Member
I dont agree. Common consensus is 3-5 and your 5+ if im not wrong, you dont really want alot under the top. Maybe the side branches of node 3. or 4 in your case then. I wouldnt wait long

I would call that an established plant with enough fanleaves to power through
I sense of topping you do not need to “top” it to the 6th node, but just simply to 3rd or 4th or 5th even if plant already works on its 6th node. Just removing bigger part of the plant. But on the other hand topping to more than 6th node is not good. Better top it more times than later than to the 5th node...


Well-Known Member
consider comboing it with pinching(gently squeeze the stem til snaps/collapse inside not outside) at the beginning of a a new stem that way everything can catch up if you concerned about overshadowing cola. If done right this even strenghtens the stem and can create a hub for nutrients. Can only do this is veg i believe but thats fine. Ofc switch to 12/12 when everything is optimal
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