Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

I would love to see your data on long term side effects?

Never forget that people that get (the normal) vaccinations have much higher incidences of cancer btw. Bet you didn't know that.
I haven't seen the evidence and neither has any credible scientist. As soon as the mRNA vaccines come out of emergency use statues and the large scale data is rapidly accumulating on safety and efficiency in the real world, things will change. So far it looks real good. Like I said, the variants and their effects on unvaccinated children will drive a lot of future decisions, both by governments and parents. So far the Brazil variant has killed 1300 infants in Brazil and there could be a worse one from India that is in the UK and North America now.
Citation, please.
Immunology. There is the acute infectious response followed by the memory/antibody dependent response. The acute response leads to the creation of cells that hunt and down regulate cancer cells. By vaccinating you skip the acute response and don't produce those cells.

A better wording would be - actually getting sick prevents cancer, but I like the first way better.
Since when does the right support any of those things? The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets lol. That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation.
You are pretending like people don't know for a fact that the Republicans allowed Trump to do exactly that for years.

Shit Trump had Cohen tossed back in jail to try to strong arm him into not releasing his book. And was actively flooding 'his' resorts with our tax payer dollars. Along with using the cons that his criminal syndicate did with all the funds that could have gone into things like getting the nation ready to get all the shots dispersed and making sure that the last few hundred thousand deaths did not happen.

Obamas policies if you forgot.
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Never happened. He called his mother and told her he was fine. Catch up. He was never seriously injured. Keep pretending two heart attacks, a stroke, an amphetamine overdose, and the girl climbing through a windoe are violent insurrectionism.

lmao I love it.


You mean where biden decided to govern be executive order to the point where states had to pass laws saying he didn't have the power, eg the border? You mean when biden put the execs of twitter and fa ebook on his transition team to censor speech? When 600 women stormed the capitol only 2 years earlier in 2018 and held congresswomen hostage to make their demands?
Do you even understand anything about how the United States of America works? I know you said you don't live here, but you are so full of shit.

You can say anything you want and pretend like any of it is anything but propaganda from right wing hate mongers, but that doesn't make it true.
Immunology. There is the acute infectious response followed by the memory/antibody dependent response. The acute response leads to the creation of cells that hunt and down regulate cancer cells. By vaccinating you skip the acute response and don't produce those cells.

A better wording would be - actually getting sick prevents cancer, but I like the first way better.
Pure bullshit.
That's about what I thought.

If you can't link the study then you're just pulling more shit out of your ass.

Here's how it's done, diphsit:

Longer Lifespans in America
America’s prevalence against infectious and parasitic illnesses denote a notable accomplishment for the medical community. [3] Researchers have developed vaccines to alleviate several conditions, such as measles and polio. As a result, more United States children mature into adults. This improvement accounts for a 60-percent increase in life expectancy among women.

A review of historical data reveals the most improvements in recent years. As a result, population researchers, or demographers, have underestimated the comparatively sudden increase in lifespan, leaving them wondering how much more population longevity will grow.

Source: vaccines,in life expectancy among women.

Human life expectancy has increased dramatically because of vaccines. So you're wrong. You're completely full of shit.
I haven't seen the evidence and neither has any credible scientist. As soon as the mRNA vaccines come out of emergency use statues and the large scale data is rapidly accumulating on safety and efficiency in the real world, things will change. So far it looks real good. Like I said, the variants and their effects on unvaccinated children will drive a lot of future decisions, both by governments and parents. So far the Brazil variant has killed 1300 infants in Brazil and there could be a worse one from India that is in the UK and North America now.
Any evidence the vaccine prevents death? No. The only trials have looked at minor symptoms because they don't go infecting people but rather wait for them to become infected. The vase majority of those will only have mild symptoms. The vaccine is not proven to prevent death, or getting covid, or spreading covid, just proven to be whatever % "effective" in preventing mild cases or making the symptoms un noticeable in mild cases.

Any evidence the vaccine will protect yoi from these variants? From future variants?
So what you're saying is that it's not trump, but rather the nfl who's fascist then? And trump is by connection fascist since he did nothing to stop their supression of free speech (acting fascistically)? What does that say about Biden who is even more pro corporations (such as blm ltd)?

Biden and Hillary are indeed part of the corporatocracy, but you completely ruin your argument when you try to insulate Trump like that.
I agree. We can both be right btw. Getting sick prevents cancer through the type 1 immune response. Vaccination prevents the type one response and skips straight to the type 2 response.

Here's one article out of thousands, tldr, the more infections as a kid, the less your risk of skin cancer.
Good God you're an idiot.

That study you just linked proves you wrong. Note:

In this paper results of a hospital-based case control study on 139 melanoma patients and 271 suitable selected controls are presented, addressing the question of whether this relationship exists with respect to malignant melanoma while simultaneously controlling for the effects of other risk factors.​

So that's the study. Here's what they noted:
Group I diseases did not show a marked influence on the risk of malignant melanoma. Considering group II diseases, a significant protective effect was determined for chronic infectious diseases (OR = 0.32) and also for wound infections, abscesses and furunculosis (OR = 0.21). In group III, herpes simplex infections (OR = 0.45) and influenza/common cold (OR = 0.32) substantially reduced the melanoma risk.​
Your idiocy is now complete. You can stop posting now.
influenza/common cold (OR = 0.32) substantially reduced the melanoma risk.
You literally bolded what I was saying. This is only when you catch the cold and go through a type 1 followed by a type 2 immune response, this does not apply if you get vaccinated and only go through the type 2 response, ie you don't get sick.
You literally bolded what I was saying. This is only when you catch the cold and go through a type 1 followed by a type 2 immune response, this does not apply if you get vaccinated and only go through the type 2 response, ie you don't get sick.
Dude, you AREN'T arguing that Covid is less of a risk than melanoma, are you?
Click the links dumbass. It will take you to the statistics from the studies.
Link goes to reuters who don't back up the 100% figure. Let me explain how these trials work because you obviously misunderstand. They vaccinate some number of people, then they wait for some number of hospitalizations, then the calculate what percentage recieved the vaccine. If all the hospitalizations were from the unvaccinated group then the vaccine is "100% effective". This in no way shape or form means that it prevents hospitalization or death although it might mean it makes it less likely or it makes the symptoms less severe

There is an ongoing or upcoming challenge trial in the uk which should answer some of these questions.