Dampening off


I started a new grow and my seedlings are dampening off i heard that hydrogen peroxide will help with this is this true or should i not start new ones because it seems like one started to do it and then the rest followed right after? Ive grown before with bagseeds and that went very well but these seeds i bought seem to be infected or my grow area is infected either way my seeds are dying as soon as they come out the soil


Well-Known Member
Can also be from unsterile medium......

i ALSO usually add hydrogen peroxide to seed presoak to aid in oxygenation and sterilization of seeds ( pathogenic).
Prior to planting.
I always do a short presoak in diluted h2o2, best germination product on the market! Then direct to media (wash hands or use gloves) and then I add Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide to all my water and foliars while they're young. Also good air circulation!! You want that surface media drying out quickly! I think a lot of damping off comes from finger germs and/or "paper towel method" bacteria.


Well-Known Member
The only time I ever experienced damping off was when I started my seeds in rockwool..........never do that again.


Well-Known Member
I start my seeds in water with hydrogen peroxide. I also started pouring boiling water in my media effectively sterilizing it before transplant. Then let it cool and add in some mycos.


Active Member
I started a new grow and my seedlings are dampening off i heard that hydrogen peroxide will help with this is this true or should i not start new ones because it seems like one started to do it and then the rest followed right after? Ive grown before with bagseeds and that went very well but these seeds i bought seem to be infected or my grow area is infected either way my seeds are dying as soon as they come out the soil
The ones that are standing can be saved... dont water, take dome off and use a few drops of mixed peroxide... any that have started to fall over are already doomed. I lost about 14 expensive seeds before i learned todo it right