Random Jabber Jibber thread

I know that feeling.

Roar at me in during a snooze and BOOM it is game on.

Señor GIF - karate - Greatest GIFs Of All Time - Pronounced GIF or JIF? -  Cheezburger

i jumped my seat when it woke up......i was like holy crap......

what a beautiful animal
RIP Shock G

RIP, bro. Loved him. Fuck, we are losing these MCs WAY too early. DMX last month and now Shock. Digital Underground's Sex Packets was my fav album album in the early 90s, produced by Shock. They were way ahead of their time, love this funny and erotic tune -

My brother and I had this memorized as kids, he was Mellow B and I did Shock ;) So fun. That beat is so sick, even by today's standards...
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Happy Blessed Sunday, my RIU brethren. I haven't posted Harry in a while, but this week's Omegle Bars was a collaboration with YT pianist, Marcus Veltri. It's cool to see these talents improvise music on the spot, and brighten people's day. Livin' the Dream. Enjoy!

That was a cool one with Harry just popping out after Marcus started.

But I'm afraid you lost a week of your life somewhere along the line…

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Perhaps a bit different but I really appreciate strong female vocals. And this girl's voice intoxicates me. She's got a ton of covers.

Wow, I wasn't expecting for her to spit Em's lyrics along with singing the hook. Nice, edgy inflections on his lyrics, crisp cadences with just the right touch of anger. Plus, she's cute as hell. I finna check out more of her, thanks.
I just came across a YouTube video of a guy using a water distiller to process QWET, and I thought what an idea!! The rest of his technique suck's, but has anyone tried this, heard of it, or have comments?

I didn't use a water distiller and let the alcohol sit with the bud for a long time. But otherwise that's what I tried 20 years ago lol and ended up with green chlorophyll tar.....got you high but damn it tasted like shit. It went in the garbage :spew:
Yeah, that's the reason for doing a quick wash with everything super cold using dry ice, to avoid the chlorophyll and fats and all that nasty stuff.

I tried it years ago with iso alcohol and that was about like your experiment...and I tried it a few months ago with the dry ice and it came out much better, but still not good enough. The water distiller seems like a brilliant idea!
Wow, I wasn't expecting for her to spit Em's lyrics along with singing the hook. Nice, edgy inflections on his lyrics, crisp cadences with just the right touch of anger. Plus, she's cute as hell. I finna check out more of her, thanks.

Right?! I posted that song in particular cuz I felt it really showed her range. She covers a gamut of styles too. Not just soft pop.

Yeah, that's the reason for doing a quick wash with everything super cold using dry ice, to avoid the chlorophyll and fats and all that nasty stuff.

I tried it years ago with iso alcohol and that was about like your experiment...and I tried it a few months ago with the dry ice and it came out much better, but still not good enough. The water distiller seems like a brilliant idea!

I'm sure the "quick" is the trick. Never did it with iso.
I think the "cold" is as important.

Here's yet another twist, One I had yet to see. This guy used the sun to get rid of chlorophyll from his wash instead of cold... , like if he was making sun tea! Imagine if you did both!! And he also used the water distiller. He had a few good trick's!

The trouble with that is that once the pigment gets bleached below a certain level, the cannabinoids will begin to photopolymerize.

Over the years I’ve found three great (?) ways to turn dabs into varnish:
- expose to air for a year or three
- store in silicone containers (brittle crap after six weeks!)
- expose to sun for some weeks/months.

Stradivari’s violins are said by some to be what they are due to a tacky, very slow-setting varnish formula that he took to his grave. I sometimes wonder how a varnish formula incorporating cannabis distillate would have sounded.