if you are looking for a one size fits all solution it's going to be hard. every environment and microclimate is different.
I can respect the goals you have.
It's really hard to answer your questions though, since there are so many factors such as environment, style of grow, etc. Your vagueness is not helping the situation as the folks here are going to troll you. Don't take it personally, we have nothing better to do lol. But seriously if you give us a clerer idea of what you have in mind, you will get honest answers. Might not be what you want to hear, but take it in stride. There are a lot of experienced and knowledgeable people here who will help if you open up just a little bit more.
From what I've read so far - are you looking to build a single setup and then rent/sell/giveaway access to the space for a startup? or are you looking to offer prefab grow rooms in say a 1/2 size shipping container or shed or something?
To give you some answers to your questions, I would look to use LED strips for best spread, most modular, and able to swap in / upgrade components. also LEDs allow for higher operating temps which in my area also reduces the amount of cooling I need during warmer months. My personal dream is a 10x20 room w 10 foot ceiling so I can do 2 level rack grow. living soil in SIPs linked together w pressure regulator to keep watering simple.
hope that helps!