Largest 1 person grow room

I am well aware the market will crash.i live in virginia and the state is revitalizing the old tobacco land with the legalization. The generation that was paid to not grow tobacco is dying off and the communities are hurting. I am also aware that I will fail. Statistically anyhow. But the land I bought was owned by Thomas Jefferson. And I will be helping social equity applicants. I have a very green thumb. I am totally going to grow the best. There is no way I can compete with the mass production and purification of the chemicals and then putting it in food and drinks. Or vapes. I can grow candy and make hash with the extra
sounds awesome! and definitely gives us a better idea of what you are doing.

I would start simple and plan on breaking up your space into a veg and flower area. or better yet 2 - 4 seperate flower areas so that you can have a harvest every month (or every 2 weeks if u did 4 rooms) to keep cash flow going, and minimize the amount you need to trim at same time. also minimizes risk in case something herms or you get PM or something in one space.

Personally I think a 10x20 flower is about all I would want to handle as a one man operation, and have others have noted, that will require help trimming and packing up, and cleaning.

once you have a basic layout I think environmental control such as AC/heating/humidifier/DH/exhaust and possibly C02 if you are going to run sealed rooms is going to be the biggest outlay of cost. then calculate 30-40w sf for your led lighting for your flower spaces and 15-20W sf for veg. calculate all your other power costs and then make sure you can supply all that power.

I would definitely consider paying a consultant w experience in building rooms to help you think this all through.

I will also say that while I share your dream, as others have noted the bottom is going to fall out of the market as soon as federal legalization happens. we are only a couple years away from corporate weed in California. I would focus on craft cannabis and high end if it was me. theres going to be a ton of commercial grade and trim on the market that you will need something special to differentiate yourself and set your own prices.

good luck and blessings!
Thank you for your knowledge and time. This is a great answer
I appreciate everyone's concern. The question is what is the largest room one person can run. Alone. I am building a new space. And while I will not run at full speed right away I am hoping people will tell me what they would chose for equipment ect. I seem to be getting alot of what people would not do... I hope you have bumper crops and dankness clinging to every inch of your ladies
I thought Rurumo's answer got at what we need from you to answer your question with any level of confidence. I don't mean to be cheeky, but it's really hard to give you a good answer without more information. I think that's why you're not getting the kinds of answers you might be expecting.
I thought Rurumo's answer got at what we need from you to answer your question with any level of confidence. I don't mean to be cheeky, but it's really hard to give you a good answer without more information. I think that's why you're not getting the kinds of answers you might be expecting.
Ty I have opened up some in a few of the other posts.and I have gotten a number of great answers. And they are along the same lines I have been thinking. 100 plants or so in 400 sq ft might be the maximum one person could operate. With any type of quality.. im building a new 2000 sq ft building and im wondering if it's too big. A 400 sq ft flower room and maybe 200 ft veg room. Space for drying and processing a toilet ect. My favorite answer so far is the one about 2 or 4 smaller flower rooms. I am so used to growing several varieties in my 6x12 basement closet with 7foot ceilings and my passion for saliva dominant strains. I can't wait to stand up and work.there have been many great posts . I am glad I bounced my thoughts off here. I'm still letting the led recommendation sink in. I like the cmh alot the Phillips bulbs . However everyone on here is saying led. Are they really that good? Is the 15 percent reduction on electricity worth the extra pest and mildew risk? The uv from these bulbs chases critters away .at least it seems that way to me
This is great information.

What kind of lights would you use. Would you go for a commercial dehumidifier straight away or continue with the double 70 pint? What type of control systems do you use? Soil in smart pots with just water? Or coco 70/30 with a dosatron?

I really want other people's opinions. Specifically on the one man size setup
I went with HLG LED lighting. 18 of them for a 20x30 room (about 300 sq ft of actual canopy space), the rest is room for a sink, mix tank, work bench, pumpvac, etc. I don't need any dehuyes during flower, I have to use a swamp cooler to get the RH up there. But like now, Im using 3, 70 pint dehuyes running on turbo 24/7. 3 tons of AC is just right except for the last 2 weeks. I'd like to get it cooler in there, but the only way I can do that is to dim the lights just a bit. Which is not a bad thing, but Im going to look at adding another 3 ton unit for the next run.
We use a Titan Spartan controller to auto control the RH (in veg), and CO2 generator. We run peat based soil in 7 gallon hard plastic pots. We also run an AirROS H203 generator to keep things sanitized and keep the bud form forming WPM, bud rot, mold, etc. (we have failed labs once, and added this $5000 machine).... but like most others have said, there are alot of factors that are going to come into play.. like where you live, the environment, access to propane for the CO2 generator, prob a min of a 200 amp panel, your water source,.. it's just hard to say man. If you want to jump in head first into this project, you're just going to have to experience those hard lessons and adjust accordingly. Every grow is going to be different in the way they react to what you can provide them for success... I know its a vague answer, but then again, your question is vague as well. Read through my grow journal, and you'll see that I have added things here and there over the past couple of years to counter problems... you can skip through the bullshit talk, we do alot of that on this forum during our down time.
I am still looking for the answer to my original question of what size room for a one man operation. Somewhere in this banter I wrote what I am considering using. 12 1k sunsystem 14ft ceilings a dosatron in coco. Sliding tables ect. In approximately 400 sq ft flower room. I am doing this to help people . To give the social equity to people who would benefit. There has been alot of chatter on here but only two responses that have been helpful and or on the subject of the post.
Here's a disclaimer. This is my first time in a forum. I put my first seed in a pot half buried by the railroad tracks in 1989

Oh thank you thank you . This is the kind info I was hoping for.
Depends on grower skill. I can handle well over a 100 plants on my own. I’d will only run leds anymore. I have rolling tables they’re nice. You need about 100k easy trolmaster, quest or anden dehumidifier, humidifiers, fans, plumbing, electrical work ie needing 400- 600 amp Service or more, pots, soil, nutrients, holding tanks, ro system, hvac, and A lot of stuff I know I’m missing.
Depends on grower skill. I can handle well over a 100 plants on my own. I’d will only run leds anymore. I have rolling tables they’re nice. You need about 100k easy trolmaster, quest or anden dehumidifier, humidifiers, fans, plumbing, electrical work ie needing 400- 600 amp Service or more, pots, soil, nutrients, holding tanks, ro system, hvac, and A lot of stuff I know I’m missing.
You get all set up with METRC?
I'm still letting the led recommendation sink in. I like the cmh alot the Phillips bulbs . However everyone on here is saying led. Are they really that good? Is the 15 percent reduction on electricity worth the extra pest and mildew risk? The uv from these bulbs chases critters away .at least it seems that way to me
Dude dont do led for this project, use DE hps. 900 sq feet of canopy is workable for 1 person biggest effort being transplanting, cleaning undergrowth, and chopping. Trimming will be a 3 person job for 2 straight weeks if done by hand per run.
15% less electricity?... better look that one up again. LED's (good ones) can burn 40-60% less electricity, and the heat output alone is enough to switch.
It's a bitch.... glad I don't have to jack with it. Paige does all that crap, I just grow, she does the books. But we're all tagged up and inventory input into the system.... looked like a hassle.
I’m honestly waiting to see the results of the lawsuit. Several states have beaten it.