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Aliens from outer space rule the world secretly.
Well, we'd really like to ...
in reality my planet uses Earth as a penal colony.

Aliens from outer space rule the world secretly.
I kinda like this answer.It's "bible brain", when you're raised from the start to deeply believe the contents of a book as absolute truth, versus being raised with kid's books and parents that say, "It's all just silly stories". The former creates gullible people that become bitter and angry as they age and find out the world is full of "lies", when really the issue just their ridiculous expectations and inability to filter information.
I thought it was the insane asylum!Well, we'd really like to ...
in reality my planet uses Earth as a penal colony.
I knew you were not from this world. I figured this out after our first private convo 14 years ago. When you sent me my first warning and used that classic green smiley to polish off your reply.Well, we'd really like to ...
in reality my planet uses Earth as a penal colony.
I kinda like this answer.
Can we all blame our upbringing tho?
Or do we finally grow up and "some" of us see the light?
As much as I hate to bag on religion, there is something (IMO) to the development of narcissism that allows a person to believe that the most powerful being that made the sun, stars, planet, all life and everything else, will sit there and listen to their bullshit night after night no matter what.It's a great question. Tough thing to change, probably not much different from convincing you to believe their things. Creating that brain structure at a young age is powerful stuff. Religious following probably drops by 90% overnight without indoctrination. When it comes to actions though, I figure you don't get to really blame upbringing once you get into those philosophical early 20's.
No shit sherlock.This thread is turning out to be a good study of sophistry.
Club Conspiracy Forums-Counter Intellegience Tricks and Techniques
Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation by H. Michael Sweeney sweenfam@teleport.com copyright (c) 1997 All rights reserved Perwww.clubconspiracy.com
Proof of government paid disinfo agents/trolls!
Some people still need waking up. I think this will wake up a few. You seem to think this is somehow bad.Wake up there is no need for bullshit moon conspiracies when you have the shit show we all just witnessed over the last 4 years.
Is 'wake up' conspiracy troll for believing the big lies that dick trolls spread to convince the vulnerable in our society of 'them'?Some people still need waking up. I think this will wake up a few. You seem to think this is somehow bad.
As much as I hate to bag on religion, there is something (IMO) to the development of narcissism that allows a person to believe that the most powerful being that made the sun, stars, planet, all life and everything else, will sit there and listen to their bullshit night after night no matter what.
Once you believe that you are important enough for God to listen to you, the sky's the limit on what you can trick yourself into believing just because you think it is true.
You seem to be trying to muddy the waters to confuse the viewers. The government lied about Apollo and now they're lying about the plandemic.Yeah, the fact that this same bullshit is being used to attack our society which now has over 500k deaths here in the states makes me think that it is somehow bad.
You make me so happy, seeing how desperate you are to believe.You seem to be trying to muddy the waters to confuse the viewers. The government lied about Apollo and now they're lying about the plandemic.
Dr Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt - The Medical Industry Has Now Been Weaponized
https://www.bitchute.com/video/oxwvbo4iggyH/ April 17, 2021 - Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt: Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arugetube.com
Home | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
He admonishes against the twenty most common and perilous ones — many rooted in our chronic discomfort with ambiguity — with examples of each in action:In addition to teaching us what to do when evaluating a claim to knowledge, any good baloney detection kit must also teach us what not to do. It helps us recognize the most common and perilous fallacies of logic and rhetoric. Many good examples can be found in religion and politics, because their practitioners are so often obliged to justify two contradictory propositions.
Sure thing troll. It is me trying to muddy the waters over your propaganda conspiracy bullshit spam.You seem to be trying to muddy the waters to confuse the viewers. The government lied about Apollo and now they're lying about the plandemic.
Dr Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt - The Medical Industry Has Now Been Weaponized
https://www.bitchute.com/video/oxwvbo4iggyH/ April 17, 2021 - Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt: Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arugetube.com
Home | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
I was going to answer then thought then looked at the choices again then realised who gives a feck, now if we were talking about singularities or Dyson spheres it might of sparked an interest, didn't find Alice down the rabbit hole again