Yea just keep the nicest male, collected a bit of pollen and do isolated polination on a few lower bud sitesSpent $200 on a pack of black koffee from green source gardens. Really solid looking outdoor strain. Placed 6 in a moist paper towel like I always do and 3 days later they were all covered in this weird white mold. The seeds were completely melted. Never had that happen fml. The next 6 I soaked in water with a little iso and put them straight in soil afterwards. They all grew like a dream and now it looks like I have 5 males and only 1 female. Definitely flowering out the males and making f2s to get my money's worth but man this is definitely the most expensive female plant I've ever grown. I have a few females from other strains so I'll be good this season
If it isn't too rainy next week I'll probably start hardening everything off outdoors. Everything is going in the greenhouse mid may and will transplanted out into beds June 1st.