Serious question (sort of):
Has GLG ever sold a pack of:
Listen I get MMS made these strains but what total fxxxxx idiot named them? Lol does someone grow GLORY HOLE and tell his friends dudes you gotta try out this special strain?
Do patients respond well to a name like Anaphalaxis, which references a shock response that could kill someone with an allergic reaction?
Chick Magnet is going to go over great with the ladies. Lol I dont get it. Maybe these are great strains but wtf who gets excited to smoke fxxxxx GLORY HOLE?
Lol some crazy stupid names
I wont consider them on name alone
Well done MMS lol
It's fun naming a strain and you can name it whatever the hell you want, it's awesome. If you arent lighthearted enough to handle that fact, then maybe you arent smoking enough weed

it's all fun and good times man.
The original Glory hole sold out in 4 minutes across all vendors. Name is because of parents Mr. E x PuTang. Just fun.
Anaphylaxis is Peanut Butter Breath x Deadly Sativa. Collab with Thug Pug. The name is a play on peanut allergy. I know somebody who uses cannabis to STOP his Anaphylactic reactions, by the way, and he loved it too.
Sure some names are offensive to some people, but what isn't? If you cant have fun and joke around... we are being kind and spreading good vibes, and on the side, naming strains as ridiculous as we can. It's not gonna stop.
Someone asked about best pupil hybrids. My favorites are PuTang, Prayer Pupil, and Grape Pupil. The types of high they offer are just perfect mixes of psychoactive and positive, happy, energetic, creative, focused, and stress relief!