Random Jabber Jibber thread

I might be in the minority here ... I thoroughly enjoy howling jets, door-tapping sonic booms and the other audiovisual consequences of massively powerful propulsion systems being given a workout. It’s not a bug but a feature of the meep-meep life.

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I live in a medium sized valley, years ago fighter jets coming from the south heading NW would buzz my valley, come in low(`200-300 ft) and hit the burners sometimes with sonic booms. I loved it, my neighbors hated it, they all were horse ranches and the horses would absolutely go batshit.

Apparently that was illegal and now they don't do it anymore sigh
Naval Jelly( not the product you were referring to, it just works)
edit: I think the prod you spoke of was a citrus oil based cleaner, Calif banned those citrus based as potential carcinogens
Naval jelly is excellent for rust...I never trid it for cleaning / stains though. But you made me think of another excellent stain / rust remover that might work...Oxalic acid. I have used it fior really stubborn stains, like urine in hardwood floors, or stained asphalt shingles on a house. It's a powder you mix with water, and it's pretty easy to work with...Won't burn your hands, and it's cheap. And no scrubbing required!
That's what I was thinking. It's legal....but I wouldn't want the wrong eyes to see it. Nice people, I'm pretty positive it's for pot. It was mentioned in conversation the other day.....not on my end but it came up.
More and more people are using blurples to start veggies, or even on houseplants. I got my hair cut yesterday and they had a blurple on a huge indoor houseplant in the waiting room.
Naval jelly is excellent for rust...I never trid it for cleaning / stains though. But you made me think of another excellent stain / rust remover that might work...Oxalic acid. I have used it fior really stubborn stains, like urine in hardwood floors, or stained asphalt shingles on a house. It's a powder you mix with water, and it's pretty easy to work with...Won't burn your hands, and it's cheap. And no scrubbing required!

More and more people are using blurples to start veggies, or even on houseplants. I got my hair cut yesterday and they had a blurple on a huge indoor houseplant in the waiting room.
Yep oxalic is very good and so is Phosphoric acid. Phosphoric is gentler than HCl and not as dangerous to metal pipes etc
Yep oxalic is very good and so is Phosphoric acid. Phosphoric is gentler than HCl and not as dangerous to metal pipes etc
The house my buddy bought had hardwood floors under carpet, and the carpet was shot....But once we tore out the carpet there were a LOT of dark urine stains...Probably 20-25% of the area was heavily stained. By mopping it down with oxalic acid with water and letting it soak over night we pretty much removed all the stains. Even I was amazed!

I have also used a auto buffer and buffing compound to clean them...Messy!!
The house my buddy bought had hardwood floors under carpet, and the carpet was shot....But once we tore out the carpet there were a LOT of dark urine stains...Probably 20-25% of the area was heavily stained. By mopping it down with oxalic acid with water and letting it soak over night we pretty much removed all the stains. Even I was amazed!

I have also used a auto buffer and buffing compound to clean them...Messy!!
Ever used muriatic acid?
I've been breeding marigolds a few years and they are surprisingly diverse.
African strains are awesome!

They have 4 distinct flower types:
  1. small regular
  2. big daisy
  3. dandelion
  4. poof ball
I always grow them and I love them because they flower all season long. These were seeds I saved from lasts years flowers, and they were called miniatures so probably in the small regular category. The germination rate wasn;lt great but I got about 3 dozen started, which is more than enough.

Ever used muriatic acid?
I believe I have seen plumbers use it to clean really nasty toilet bowls. That's the kind if shit that's scary when it starts boiling!!