Does this look ok?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
My last plant looked the same as this and the bud was gross. Theres no smell to it unless you rub the stems it's got a cheesy sweatyness to the air. I want to know why its soo leafy.
Genetics and it’s really earlier it’ll swell a good bit.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
My last plant looked the same as this and the bud was gross. Theres no smell to it unless you rub the stems it's got a cheesy sweatyness to the air. I want to know why its soo leafy.
looks good how long has it been in flower


Well-Known Member
I can't make up even a single bract or pistol on my 4k display due to the faked highlights with the flash shot reflecting off the trichomes. I wouldn't be able to tell you how far along they are TBH from those pics.


Well-Known Member
Much better photo! Everything looks perfectly healthy, even the one-fingered little sugar leaf tips. Over the next few weeks those colas will fatten up as the calyxes swell and the pistils recede, giving the cola a less "leafy" look. Calyx to leaf ratio is mostly determined by genetics anyway. Just keep on doing what you're doing.


Active Member
Much better photo! Everything looks perfectly healthy, even the one-fingered little sugar leaf tips. Over the next few weeks those colas will fatten up as the calyxes swell and the pistils recede, giving the cola a less "leafy" look. Calyx to leaf ratio is mostly determined by genetics anyway. Just keep on doing what you're doing.
Thanks buddy