Pandemic 2020

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I protected myself through this to such an extent that I've become comfortable with reclusiveness
I've semi retired from my job of 30 years because my anti social nature has really taken over in the year we've been closed. Looks like we are going to reopen after the 4th. But I told them to find someone else to do weekends. (when we do the bulk of our business) I'll still do weeknight events, but most weeks that will be one night, with the same group every week.


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"Manitoba is asking the federal government for dozens of health-care workers to help fight rising COVID-19 numbers. Manitoba needs up to 50 critical care nurses, 20 respiratory therapists and up to 50 contact tracers from Statistics Canada, Premier Brian Pallister said after talking with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday. Officials from the two levels of government have been discussing the idea for about a week, Pallister said. "

So much for them saying we have more ICU capability. I was surprised by the statement before, I at the largest hospital with the greatest capacity and wondered where it would be coming from. There is a lot more involved that sticking some equipment in a room. But that can be done with the need driving it, we had about 100 maintenance staff with all the trades with the skills needed to pull it off. We could pull guys off other duties, pull overtime to get it done. But to staff it then with the highly skilled people to keep patients alive, not something you pull out of thin air.


Well-Known Member
"Manitoba is asking the federal government for dozens of health-care workers to help fight rising COVID-19 numbers. Manitoba needs up to 50 critical care nurses, 20 respiratory therapists and up to 50 contact tracers from Statistics Canada, Premier Brian Pallister said after talking with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday. Officials from the two levels of government have been discussing the idea for about a week, Pallister said. "

So much for them saying we have more ICU capability. I was surprised by the statement before, I at the largest hospital with the greatest capacity and wondered where it would be coming from. There is a lot more involved that sticking some equipment in a room. But that can be done with the need driving it, we had about 100 maintenance staff with all the trades with the skills needed to pull it off. We could pull guys off other duties, pull overtime to get it done. But to staff it then with the highly skilled people to keep patients alive, not something you pull out of thin air.
If Pallister wasn't busy sucking the asses of religious loonies for political purposes it might not have come to this.


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Study says those who have had COVID-19 may need just one dose of the vaccine

Some researchers say those who have been infected with COVID-19 may only need one dose of a vaccine but still can't say for sure how strong natural immunity is.


Well-Known Member
Just for kicks, people around me are saying they never got a cold or the Flu this year. Strange.
Many didn't. The masks, cancellation of huge gatherings and sporting events and people staying indoors away from others is mostly responsible for that.


Well-Known Member

A Winnipeg church that has repeatedly flouted public health orders appears to have held an in-person graduation ceremony without masks — in violation of Manitoba's current pandemic restrictions.

Springs Church posted a series of photos on Instagram Friday, one of which shows more than a dozen people dressed in formal attire standing on a stage. It's not clear when or where the photos were taken, but a backdrop behind the people in the photo reads "Springs College Graduation 2021."

According to its Instagram page, the college is a full-time program for students age 18 to 25. The college offers a biblical studies program, and a leadership and management program, its website says.

Screengrabs of the pictures continue to circulate on social media, prompting criticism of the church. Current public health orders, in effect since May 8, prohibit all indoor religious, cultural and community gatherings in the province. Dozens of Manitoba clergy have also spoken out against Springs in the past, saying that congregation's actions are not in line with Christian teachings to love your neighbour.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member

A Winnipeg church that has repeatedly flouted public health orders appears to have held an in-person graduation ceremony without masks — in violation of Manitoba's current pandemic restrictions.

Springs Church posted a series of photos on Instagram Friday, one of which shows more than a dozen people dressed in formal attire standing on a stage. It's not clear when or where the photos were taken, but a backdrop behind the people in the photo reads "Springs College Graduation 2021."

According to its Instagram page, the college is a full-time program for students age 18 to 25. The college offers a biblical studies program, and a leadership and management program, its website says.

Screengrabs of the pictures continue to circulate on social media, prompting criticism of the church. Current public health orders, in effect since May 8, prohibit all indoor religious, cultural and community gatherings in the province. Dozens of Manitoba clergy have also spoken out against Springs in the past, saying that congregation's actions are not in line with Christian teachings to love your neighbour.
They are just validating how stupid their religion (cough....cult) makes them in the eyes of everyone else. We also have a few here in eastern Ontario. One practices aversion therapy :(.


Well-Known Member

A Winnipeg church that has repeatedly flouted public health orders appears to have held an in-person graduation ceremony without masks — in violation of Manitoba's current pandemic restrictions.

Springs Church posted a series of photos on Instagram Friday, one of which shows more than a dozen people dressed in formal attire standing on a stage. It's not clear when or where the photos were taken, but a backdrop behind the people in the photo reads "Springs College Graduation 2021."

According to its Instagram page, the college is a full-time program for students age 18 to 25. The college offers a biblical studies program, and a leadership and management program, its website says.

Screengrabs of the pictures continue to circulate on social media, prompting criticism of the church. Current public health orders, in effect since May 8, prohibit all indoor religious, cultural and community gatherings in the province. Dozens of Manitoba clergy have also spoken out against Springs in the past, saying that congregation's actions are not in line with Christian teachings to love your neighbour.
They know Palliser isn't finished sucking their asses yet. The whole congregation should be jailed and then those who will protest it should be surrounded and interned. He wants federal and American help, but won't even help himself. Well Brian, the Lord helps those who help themselves. Unless this clown starts enforcing public health laws like he's obligated to do, the medical people coming from Newfoundland should go back home. Why should anybody help someone who won't lift a finger to help himself? There should be circles of razor wire on the prairie and these fucks should be inside them and vaccinated when they are put in them. A couple of weeks after they get their second dose they can be released, but they will have to wait for that like everybody else.


Well-Known Member
They are just validating how stupid their religion (cough....cult) makes them in the eyes of everyone else. We also have a few here in eastern Ontario. One practices aversion therapy :(.
It's only Tory governments who ass kiss these religious lunatics and antisocial assholes, here in Nova Scotia our liberal government locks the fuckers up. Hold an anti mask rally or a protest against public health policy and go to jail.

Injunction Granted to Stop Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Lockdown Protests - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Injunction Granted to Stop Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Lockdown Protests
The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia has ordered a halt to anti-vaccine and anti-public health order protests, effective immediately.

The province obtained a court injunction today, May 14, preventing Freedom Nova Scotia and others from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia’s public health orders.

Protestors had planned protests for Saturday, May 15. People attending previous demonstrations organized by the group ignored public health orders and refused to wear masks and maintain physical distancing.

“Nova Scotia is in a state of emergency. People have lost their lives. Our collective responsibility is to keep everyone safe,” said Premier Iain Rankin. “All Nova Scotians must respect the public health orders and directives. This is particularly important as the province and our health-care employees work around the clock to care for people in this third wave of the pandemic.”
The injunction, granted by Justice Scott Norton, prohibits any rally that would contravene the province’s public health directives. It also prohibits organizers from continuing to promote the rallies on social media and authorizes police to ensure compliance with the Health Protection Act.

The court accepted that the injunction is necessary to prevent and reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

“Masking, physical distancing and the other public health measures are essential to reducing the risk of COVID-19, especially with the variants we are seeing in Nova Scotia,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health. “With almost 100 people in hospital, we all have a responsibility to our fellow Nova Scotians to keep them safe and stop that number from getting higher.”
The injunction remains in effect until the state of emergency is lifted.


Well-Known Member
They know Palliser isn't finished sucking their asses yet. The whole congregation should be jailed and then those who will protest it should be surrounded and interned. He wants federal and American help, but won't even help himself. Well Brian, the Lord helps those who help themselves. Unless this clown starts enforcing public health laws like he's obligated to do, the medical people coming from Newfoundland should go back home. Why should anybody help someone who won't lift a finger to help himself? There should be circles of razor wire on the prairie and these fucks should be inside them and vaccinated when they are put in them. A couple of weeks after they get their second dose they can be released, but they will have to wait for that like everybody else.
The problem is the 80% of the rest of us suffer when Palliser gets his face spite. It does not effect him personally, he (before the pandemic) would spend weeks in his southern getaway saying he is doing his job from there, even without cell phones or other connectivity devices. He said he gets more work done on paper. Yeah right. He is of the privileged class. It also might be some racism (have little doubt of this from past comments) when 75% of the people in ICU's are Native.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
It's only Tory governments who ass kiss these religious lunatics and antisocial assholes, here in Nova Scotia our liberal government locks the fuckers up. Hold an anti mask rally or a protest against public health policy and go to jail.

Injunction Granted to Stop Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Lockdown Protests - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

Injunction Granted to Stop Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Lockdown Protests
The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia has ordered a halt to anti-vaccine and anti-public health order protests, effective immediately.

The province obtained a court injunction today, May 14, preventing Freedom Nova Scotia and others from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia’s public health orders.

Protestors had planned protests for Saturday, May 15. People attending previous demonstrations organized by the group ignored public health orders and refused to wear masks and maintain physical distancing.

The injunction, granted by Justice Scott Norton, prohibits any rally that would contravene the province’s public health directives. It also prohibits organizers from continuing to promote the rallies on social media and authorizes police to ensure compliance with the Health Protection Act.

The court accepted that the injunction is necessary to prevent and reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

The injunction remains in effect until the state of emergency is lifted.
Well it’s lucky that the courts and not the government is dealing with it here for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Well it’s lucky that the courts and not the government is dealing with it here for the most part.
The problem is they are not wise enough to know what to tolerate and what not to. Blatantly disregarding and encouraging others to disregard public health measures during a deadly pandemic is not acceptable at all. This virus kills people and those who refuse to wear masks or social distance are equivalent to murderers and should be treated as such. I feel much the same way about those who refuse the vaccine because they believe bullshit or think they are "special", they will sicken or kill the immunocompromised and children. I'll draw the line on rounding the fuckers up and jabbing them though, but it's a thin fucking line!

This was a mistake that almost all liberal democracies made and the more conservative the government, the more they pandered to minority lunatic religious interests or antisocial assholes. They seem to have forgotten it's about collective rights and responsibilities and not individual rights or feelings of entitlement.


Well-Known Member
They are just validating how stupid their religion (cough....cult) makes them in the eyes of everyone else. We also have a few here in eastern Ontario. One practices aversion therapy :(.
A local preacher's daughter has a Rife machine - basically a frequency generator & amplifier, then some handheld wands and foot plates attached to it. She claims it cures Lyme disease, cancer, parasites, etc, you name it - just 3hrs/week @ $60/hr - but it may take 6 years of treatment to cure you. Her name tag may as well be BJ Piaz. Deja vu. :D


Well-Known Member

A Winnipeg church that has repeatedly flouted public health orders appears to have held an in-person graduation ceremony without masks — in violation of Manitoba's current pandemic restrictions.

Springs Church posted a series of photos on Instagram Friday, one of which shows more than a dozen people dressed in formal attire standing on a stage. It's not clear when or where the photos were taken, but a backdrop behind the people in the photo reads "Springs College Graduation 2021."

According to its Instagram page, the college is a full-time program for students age 18 to 25. The college offers a biblical studies program, and a leadership and management program, its website says.

Screengrabs of the pictures continue to circulate on social media, prompting criticism of the church. Current public health orders, in effect since May 8, prohibit all indoor religious, cultural and community gatherings in the province. Dozens of Manitoba clergy have also spoken out against Springs in the past, saying that congregation's actions are not in line with Christian teachings to love your neighbour.
We have so many churches like that. Like this:

More COVID-19 cases linked to Peoples Church as pastor vows to keep in-person services

Oregon health officials have linked 13 more COVID-19 cases to Peoples Church in Salem, bringing the total to 87 cases over the past five weeks and making it the state’s largest workplace outbreak this year.

The additional cases were reported three days after Pastor Scott Erickson vowed to never stop holding in-person services.

“We have been open for the last 68 years and I don’t think it’s appropriate to close down now,” Erickson said during one of three in-person Mother’s Day services Sunday.

The services, which were broadcast live, showed children standing shoulder-to-shoulder singing, without masks. Adults, too, sung maskless.

Oregon’s COVID-19 restrictions require faith institutions to ensure people wear masks and stay six feet apart.

Church officials did not respond to an interview request Thursday.

During the service, Erickson said cases linked to the church were simply part of an uptick in cases regionwide.

He said those calling for a pause in in-person services were trying to muzzle the church or limit its influence.

“We are providing a safe and anointed environment where people who want to be in God’s presence can experience the facts and the blessing of being with God’s people,” he said.

It was Erickson’s first sermon after he and his wife, Bonnie, were hospitalized with COVID-19.

The rona put that guy AND his wife in the hospital, sickened 85 others and he talks about his church providing a safe environment while ignoring statewide safety protocols. Also "anointed" whatever that's worth. God help them because they won't help themselves.
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Well-Known Member
A local preacher's daughter has a Rife machine - basically a frequency generator & amplifier, then some handheld wands and foot plates attached to it. She claims it cures Lyme disease, cancer, parasites, etc, you name it - just 3hrs/week @ $60/hr - but it may take 6 years of treatment to cure you. Her name tag may as well be BJ Piaz. Deja vu. :D
That shit is so offensive. Too bad it doesn't actually kill parasites.


Well-Known Member
We have so many churches like that. Like this:

More COVID-19 cases linked to Peoples Church as pastor vows to keep in-person services

Oregon health officials have linked 13 more COVID-19 cases to Peoples Church in Salem, bringing the total to 87 cases over the past five weeks and making it the state’s largest workplace outbreak this year.

The additional cases were reported three days after Pastor Scott Erickson vowed to never stop holding in-person services.

“We have been open for the last 68 years and I don’t think it’s appropriate to close down now,” Erickson said during one of three in-person Mother’s Day services Sunday.

The services, which were broadcast live, showed children standing shoulder-to-shoulder singing, without masks. Adults, too, sung maskless.

Oregon’s COVID-19 restrictions require faith institutions to ensure people wear masks and stay six feet apart.

Church officials did not respond to an interview request Thursday.

During the service, Erickson said cases linked to the church were simply part of an uptick in cases regionwide.

He said those calling for a pause in in-person services were trying to muzzle the church or limit its influence.

“We are providing a safe and anointed environment where people who want to be in God’s presence can experience the facts and the blessing of being with God’s people,” he said.

It was Erickson’s first sermon after he and his wife, Bonnie, were hospitalized with COVID-19.

The rona put that guy AND his wife in the hospital, sickened 85 others and he talks about his church providing a safe environment. Also "anointed" whatever that's worth.
They cut "religion" way too much slack, here and in America, conservative parties pander to them the most, because these loonies always vote "conservative". In America the constitution is pretty bare bones when it comes to religion and basically says the state can't establish one, like in the Church of England, Anglican, or suppress them, it says nothing about taxing them. It's kinda fuzzy about who gets to decide what is a religion and what the criteria are for membership in one.

If your religion demands human sacrifice, the state has something to say about it, because you are murdering someone. The way I see it, public health orders, masks and vaccines are not much different IMHO and the state has the power to intervene. Let them pray all they want behind razor wire, they can hold services 3 times a day 7 days a week for all I care. Only let them out after they've been vaccinated, plus 2 weeks, since they can't be trusted to wear a mask, or be honest.
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