Lobster compost

Weasels ( or Ermines specifically where i am) are RUTHLESS! I was actually home when I heard the commotion outside our window and looked outside to see our cat standing armpit deep in a little waterway next to the house. I ran out to see wtf was going on, and after picking up the cat, i looked to where he was looking, and there was a little face looking back from the water:shock: probably lost one of his lives that day lol.

Post up a pic of Sash if you'd like(:

Ermines are really cool. A few years ago we had one do it's round here.......wipes everything out. Honey bagger don't give a fuck!
Ermines are really cool. A few years ago we had one do it's round here.......wipes everything out. Honey bagger don't give a fuck!
They are badass. I don't mind them at all. Anything that small with guts like they have is alright in my book. Hopefully keeping the red squirrel population down.

We also get beaver's in the pond which really used to aggravate me. It's amazing the work they do overnight and the size of the rocks they can manipulate. I swear they have plans all the way to Z. I'd free up one side of the pond daily for a week so they'd move to the other end of the culvert and start working on that side :lol: they will use anything to plug a culvert or make a dam, I found an old porcelain doorknob one time lol.
Now, seeing how hard they work and knowing it's their nature, i respect them. It's all a game now between us and I look at it as a daily workout with the pitchfork.
They are badass. I don't mind them at all. Anything that small with guts like they have is alright in my book. Hopefully keeping the red squirrel population down.

We also get beaver's in the pond which really used to aggravate me. It's amazing the work they do overnight and the size of the rocks they can manipulate. I swear they have plans all the way to Z. I'd free up one side of the pond daily for a week so they'd move to the other end of the culvert and start working on that side :lol: they will use anything to plug a culvert or make a dam, I found an old porcelain doorknob one time lol.
Now, seeing how hard they work and knowing it's their nature, i respect them. It's all a game now between us and I look at it as a daily workout with the pitchfork.
You sure we got Ermines in Maine? we got fisher cats an a few other weezels i thought Ermines were way up north.
You sure we got Ermines in Maine? we got fisher cats an a few other weezels i thought Ermines were way up north.
Yes, we have Ermines in Maine. I couldnt tell you 100% it is was one, but looked like the ones I've googled. Very small face and body on it. A Fisher cat would've matched my cats size, which this one did not. Fishers are way bigger than ermines.
Yes, we have Ermines in Maine. I couldnt tell you 100% it is was one, but looked like the ones I've googled. Very small face and body on it. A Fisher cat would've matched my cats size, which this one did not. Fishers are way bigger than ermines.

It's not even close to the same size. Ermines are like ferrets. Mine came in, in the winter so it was pure white except for the tip of the tail. They kill everything and stockpile it for the winter. I was within 3' of it twice. I wish I had pictures of it.....it really is a stunning animal.
Oh yeah. Im not an ermine expert by any means lol, but I'd guess you're right.
And yes, ferret looking 100%, long bodied, slinky like.

I talked to fish & wildlife because I didn't think they came down this far. They said they're around, have about a 10 mile radius that moves as it finds more food. I had pretty much no chipmunks, squirrels, mice or anything little like that for a good season after. When it was around (only about 3-4 days) I tracked it a little......that thing checked out everything. Every little nook and cranny in the woods around.
All animals in the mustelid family are insane. Fisher cats, weasels, badgers, stoats, otters, etc. I live right next to a big swamp and we get tons of fisher cats. One of them killed my cat and the next week chewed through my chicken coop and killed all the hens. Next night I was smoking on my porch and I noticed the fucker was sitting at the bottom of the stairs staring at me with it's beady little eyes, probably sizing me up. My cats are now indoor only and the I rebuilt the coop like fort Knox.