Outdoors eastern Canada or North Eastern USA?

Just did quick search for Caribou ,ME says June 1st is last frost date and they had 14.5 hr days as of may 3rd so it shouldn't be to early imo
NB here, mine have been out in pots for the last week or so, got a little too cold couple nights ago but they survived. Although after tonight, I have some nice days but cold nights, they will be coming back in at night for those but I believe i should be good to go after that
We are going to have a few cold nights coming up, only dropping to 6 here. They shouldnt have any problems. Another growing season underway. Just cut first round of clones yesterday.. Looks like next weekend you can plant them, dont forget to harden off young plants. Dont want to put right into full sun, will fry them.
NB here, mine have been out in pots for the last week or so, got a little too cold couple nights ago but they survived. Although after tonight, I have some nice days but cold nights, they will be coming back in at night for those but I believe i should be good to go after that
Yeah I'm in Northern NB probably going to put them out this weekend, I put some right in the ground and some in pails so I can't take them all in at night.
I had several outside last fall until late October but they were definitely more mature.
Calling for -2 or around 30f tomorrow morning and Friday morning I'm a bit paranoid about frost.
Plants are about 1ft tall little over a month old but not sure if they will handle the cold morning's
Bloody cold last night, out shaking the flea beetles off of plants. Dont see frost so next couple of nights will tell all. Could cover them in newspaper if it gets too cold. Pots way too big to drag in. Hope you all make it through the weekend.