Like I said, I've worked in a lot of industries in a lot of capacities. I've met and worked with Chinese manufacturing companies. Shook their hands, shared meals, and worked with them helping an associate get the product to a quality level that was acceptable. I don't spout bullshit for shits and giggles, or to compare who has the biggest dick. You can try to spin it however you want, a dollar is only going to get you so much. Why don't I have any of these products in my house, even though I can get them dirt cheap?
What are the tolerances

Generally, tolerances are discussed between the company and the manufacturer. Do you know the tolerances of the lights you purchased? You can get your calipers and meters out and measure all you want, but that's only gonna tell you what it is, not what was specified. Not to mention, tolerances with a substandard material don't really mean jack. If you have a tolerance of .040, yet the material you use can't hold that tolerance for the lifetime of that product (or have the ability to recalibrate or replace wear parts) what good is it? If you built a building out of popsicle sticks and aluminum foil, even though it's within "tolerance" would you live there?
Manufactures diodes, Kingbrite
Manufactures lights. Samsung manufactures to a standard that knock off companies can't touch, without increasing their price. They also manufacture phones, televisions, household appliances, etc...
I still have gotten no response to the fact that you trust a company, that lies to you right off the rip. They sell you quantum boards, but they aren't quantum boards. So what makes you believe anything else they say is true?
You just gonna act like quality control isn't a major influence on the quality of the finished product?