Well-Known Member
Its all good, but when imports come into my state and start talkin about tourists, well it cuts us.
We are the poorest state in Australia, life aint been easy for the majority, but these cashed up mainlanders come over here buy property and after a couple of years they think they own the place.
We don`t love the tourists, but they bring opportunities for the locals, so even though you maybe doin alright thats good for you, but you don`t care about us.
My mum and dad, grandmother and grandfather, great grandmother and great grandfather are all buried in southern tasmania and I will be right there with them when my time comes.
One thing we can always do is have a laugh at ourselves, unlike so many, thats why blokes like Lucky will never get it and will always be a long term tourist.
My grandfather went to ww1 he was a lite horseman, he didnt die like so many, he came home and worked his arse off and gave us the best he could.
He is a small town southern man.

What a fucken wanker. You a grower mate or just a cryer? Nobody cares about your grandparents dude we've all got em its no big deal hey