Advice on making a small batch of cannabutter.


New Member
Hi there,

I looking to make a small amount of cannabutter. I usually smoke bongs but I'm having a couple of wisdom teeth out, and need something else that doesn't involve poisoning my wounds. I just wanna know if I've got this about right.

I've got 9 grams of decent bud to use (not sure on thc percentage). I need 120g of butter (1/2 cup) for the recipe and it makes 16 brownies. I planned on using 160g or so for waste. If for the sake of ease, it's about 10% strength, that's 900mg of THC. I'll probably lose 50-100mg in straining. So I'm hoping to be left with 120-130 grams of butter with about 800mg of THC in.

Is this right? Will this be strong enough for 16 portions of brownies? By my estimation it works out about 50mg per portion. Sorry for the essay.

The math is hard to do
Are you using a crockpot method or something similar?
I would look up the efficiency of your extraction method and plug those numbers in to your calculations
I do cold alcohol extraction which seems to run in the 60%-70% efficiency range, so on a projected 1000mg I would expect between 600-700 mg extracted
Don't obsess too much over exact numbers, its all guesstimate at this point
I'm pretty sure there is no 100% extraction rate for the diy crowd, could be wrong

Just make sure you do a thorough decarb (I decarb at 240f, 115c for 40 minutes)
Thanks for the reply. I never even factored in the extraction efficiency of making butter. Of course I won't get 100% extraction. I'll have to have a look into it. I may have to do a smaller amount of butter and just adjust the recipe for the brownies.

Edit: also in response to your question, I'm going to use the crock pot method. It seems the best for small amounts as I can just use a smaller jar.
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I dose 1/2 gram per serving.. You're plan will work.. I don't de-carb, the crockpot does it for you.. Also coconut oil works better than butter..
I can't even think of anything I'd do with coconut oil, to be honest. I was just going to go with oil and find an oil brownies recipe but thought that butter is more versatile so would rather get better at making that.
It takes 8 hrs in the crock pot if you skip decarb. And you can do it in a canning jar. If you don’t disturb it the pulp will sink to the bottom and you can chill it and use it right from the jar. Also if you choose to still pour it into a mold ( pour very slowly) and you will get 80-90% out without a strainer. Seems worth it to accept the loss.
Do you still get the same potency from decarbing in the butter as opposed to the oven? Also if I left it for 8 hours and decarbed it in the oven would it ruin it.
Yeah I bet bubble hash just melts into the butter. Well I've just finished the decarb so wish me luck. I've chosen to just decarb in the oven for time reasons. I just hope I haven't wasted over a Q
Hi there,

I looking to make a small amount of cannabutter. I usually smoke bongs but I'm having a couple of wisdom teeth out, and need something else that doesn't involve poisoning my wounds. I just wanna know if I've got this about right.

I've got 9 grams of decent bud to use (not sure on thc percentage). I need 120g of butter (1/2 cup) for the recipe and it makes 16 brownies. I planned on using 160g or so for waste. If for the sake of ease, it's about 10% strength, that's 900mg of THC. I'll probably lose 50-100mg in straining. So I'm hoping to be left with 120-130 grams of butter with about 800mg of THC in.

Is this right? Will this be strong enough for 16 portions of brownies? By my estimation it works out about 50mg per portion. Sorry for the essay.

May be too late since you started but,, this calculator has helped in the past to get rough estimates. The site itself has a shitload of recipes as well .. :joint:
So the brownies kind of worked. I feel like they were better once it had been a couple of days without smoking it. But with 3 teeth missing and a sore mouth, they weren't easy to eat.

I've got about a gram and half of bud left and no brownies. Is it possible to decarb the weed and then just mix it into some yoghurt to get a high from it? Or is it a waste?
I feel like you’re wasting your time with 1.5 grams. Can’t you get more? Id be making infused MCT oil instead of brownies with such small amount..