
Well-Known Member
Me too. Better half is sleeping. :sleep:
Sitting in bed with the laptop.... don't know if I should just put on my machine and sleep or stay up a while. Vette told me you have sleep apnea too?
yEAH.. NEVER WAS A GOOD SLEEPER...opps stupid caps... between that and the other, me and vette are almost the same..:shock:

Of course the kitties hold a grudge! Wouldn't YOU? Go to sleep, wake up and your balls are missing! :lol:
LMAO.... You are soooo right!!!! :hump:
Damn right they do.. mine waits till I'm doing dishes and attacks when my hands are in the water and I'm defenseless...:twisted:




Well-Known Member
yEAH.. NEVER WAS A GOOD SLEEPER...opps stupid caps... between that and the other, me and vette are almost the same..:shock:

LOL.... that is scary!

Damn right they do.. mine waits till I'm doing dishes and attacks when my hands are in the water and I'm defenseless...:twisted:

A whole new definition for "here kitty, kitty!" Karma is a bitch! ;-)


Well-Known Member
A whole new definition for "here kitty, kitty!" Karma is a bitch! ;-)
So are cat claws to the back of the legs........ :p.......
Shoot I'm seeing a lot of hate starting again.. fdd closed a thread because some guy was ragging grow tech..... I log on chat and a chorus of bite me's and WTF there... Fluff has a hate thread... Must be something in the water.... Or maybe because I'm straight I notice it more...... Waaaaaa !!!


Well-Known Member
I don't go into the LiveChat here anymore. No one I know in there :razz:
I can't type fast enough for the the time I get it up, I've missed the topic.. Thats twisty for you.. day late and a dollar short..:shock:
Lots of new folk.... I saw that 801 were online... I think thats the highest I've seen........ :hump:


Well-Known Member
We've been abandoned................
*singing "all by myself with wikid ..all by myself.."

actually Woo Hoo....... sorry...threw a stroke... :):)