Gotta show off my boy...To all the Pitbull haters this is for you!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The biggest. Almost to the point where it's annoying and we have to tell him to give some space. He listens for a minute then comes right back to attention whoring. If he hears our neighbors outside he'll run outside and cry to get their attention.

Ahhh I always love seeing pictures of Moose.... he's a cutie patootie!!! I know what you mean about the attention thing.... my Jack is also an attention whore... always glued to me begging for just a few more tummy rubs. My favorite is when I stop petting him and he manuevers his snout under my hand to lift it up and toss it back on his head for a few more pets and scratches.

Dogs RULE!


Well-Known Member
OK, maybe I chose my words wrong... I don't hate the people I hate the deed...

The diffirence between a pit an d a lab is the one will try to kill the other one will bite your ankle...

Sadly yes, over here they are trained and bread to be nasty to do well in illegal dogfights...

So your's may be a nice pooch... I can allow for that possibility....
Its how you train them not the breed,the 2 dogs i spoke of as being mean mofo's were both fighting dogs,the lab was undefeated against many pit bull's in the fighting pit & the st bernard was a dog that was mean enough the owner used to let it fight 2 dogs at once in the pit,breed means shit.

The only thing's that seperate a pit bull from other dogs is its strong desire to protect its family & to protect its turf & how far it will go to protect a loved one or home turf,these traights go all the way back to pack dogs not breeding for fighting,its a genitic code.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh I always love seeing pictures of Moose.... he's a cutie patootie!!! I know what you mean about the attention thing.... my Jack is also an attention whore... always glued to me begging for just a few more tummy rubs. My favorite is when I stop petting him and he manuevers his snout under my hand to lift it up and toss it back on his head for a few more pets and scratches.

Dogs RULE!

Thank you...I'll be posting more. I can't help it. Im like a proud papa. He does the same thing like "Dude, I haven't seen you all owe me." Is this something he'll grow out of or will be he a super suck for life?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Thank you...I'll be posting more. I can't help it. Im like a proud papa. He does the same thing like "Dude, I haven't seen you all owe me." Is this something he'll grow out of or will be he a super suck for life?

Hmmmm.... likely for life.... Jack is about 5 years old and he's still an attention whore. Nothing funnier then when someone comes to the house and as soon as they walk in there's Jack... shoving his nose in their crack to say HELLO... and then jumps around the person ....not on them... but all around them as if to say PET ME... PET ME. If the person doesn't pet him he moves in and snuggles up to the person... pushing his full body weight against them ....determined to get some acknowledgement and a few pets.

When it's someone I don't know (like a contractor doing work on my house) I put Jack in the backyard and tell them he's not friendly (TOTAL LIE!)... I want strangers to think he's a threat. At 110 lbs. he can be intimidating if you don't know he's a big ole cuddle bucket.

Anyhow... I used to let Jack on the couch and my bed.... but he's a space hog and drags all the sand in from the backyard so I put a stop to that. I need my space and I've found that by not letting Jack on the couch or my bed he understands that's mommy's space. Although I have to remember to not let my arms dangle over the side... because that's just an invitation to be harrassed by him for some lovin scratches and pets. :lol:


Well-Known Member

Hmmmm.... likely for life.... Jack is about 5 years old and he's still an attention whore. Nothing funnier then when someone comes to the house and as soon as they walk in there's Jack... shoving his nose in their crack to say HELLO... and then jumps around the person ....not on them... but all around them as if to say PET ME... PET ME. If the person doesn't pet him he moves in and snuggles up to the person... pushing his full body weight against them ....determined to get some acknowledgement and a few pets.

When it's someone I don't know (like a contractor doing work on my house) I put Jack in the backyard and tell them he's not friendly (TOTAL LIE!)... I want strangers to think he's a threat. At 110 lbs. he can be intimidating if you don't know he's a big ole cuddle bucket.

Anyhow... I used to let Jack on the couch and my bed.... but he's a space hog and drags all the sand in from the backyard so I put a stop to that. I need my space and I've found that by not letting Jack on the couch or my bed he understands that's mommy's space. Although I have to remember to not let my arms dangle over the side... because that's just an invitation to be harrassed by him for some lovin scratches and pets. :lol:
Ahh damn... I love his suckiness, but sometimes a little free time is what's needed. Everyone knows he's a huge suck, but there are people he just doesn't naturally like. Like we have two neighbors he automatically takes defensive posture with. Don't know why...they've never done anything to him. He just doesn't like them. Do you have any children? At this point my wife and I don't, and while we think he would be good with them (Based on how he acts around other children) we're just not so sure on how he'll be with one around all the time. I know he'll probably run them over from time to time, but how do we establish that they're above him in the pecking order as well? Even when they're the same height.


Well-Known Member
House animals tend to see how the pecking order works very quickly....

I think I have an even bigger problem... I inherited a racist dog.... and have lots of friends of other races...


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking. That he would naturally know that they were our child, and his/her rank in the home was higher than his.One of my ex's had a racist dog. But her previous owners were black, and they used to beat the hell out of her. So I understood her not wanting to get to close.


Well-Known Member
You better not show that picture of him wearing the reindeer antlers to his friends, or he's gonna flippin' KILL YOU! :lol:

I was just telling Dave that now that Missy hardly walks we should be able to get both girls a nice big beef bone like that and Hazel will be able to keep hers (Missy's a dirty bone thief!). Hazel's got this 2" piece that she's kept for a YEAR, hides it from the old dog, and then late at night I hear this noise--it's the bone being tossed in the air and landing on the driveway.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ahh damn... I love his suckiness, but sometimes a little free time is what's needed. Everyone knows he's a huge suck, but there are people he just doesn't naturally like. Like we have two neighbors he automatically takes defensive posture with. Don't know why...they've never done anything to him. He just doesn't like them. Do you have any children? At this point my wife and I don't, and while we think he would be good with them (Based on how he acts around other children) we're just not so sure on how he'll be with one around all the time. I know he'll probably run them over from time to time, but how do we establish that they're above him in the pecking order as well? Even when they're the same height.

Since Moose has a good disposition he will likely be very protective of your children (when you have them) and a good play buddy. I don't have kids, but I helped raise my niece and so there are often a bunch of kids around Jack... he loves them.

One thing to be very careful of with kids and dogs is the defense of food. You will have to train Moose that food can be taken away from him at any time and he has no right to 'defend' his food.

This is important because if you give a dog a bone and they are busy eating it and a small child or toddler walks or crawls up to the dog, the dog will often growl as if to say "BACK THE FUCK OFF.... THIS IS MINE". If a child sticks their hand over there it could get bitten..... even by the most friendly dog... it's just their nature to defend their food. You have to break them of that.

When I first got Jack my (now ex) b/f was living with me and Jack had a big dog bone and my b/f bent down to pick it up and Jack growled at him. My b/f stood up and backed away. I was in the kitchen and without hesitation I FLEW into the family room and WHACKED Jack upside the head with a hard open handed SMACK .... it hurt him and he let out a yelp.... I snatched his bone away and proceeded to scream at him. My whole body was shaking .... I was SOOO ANGRY! I'm not a hitter when it comes to training my dog.... but in this case I kinda snapped had to let it be known LOUD AND CLEAR that would not be tolerated. Dogs are magnets to children and children don't know better then to not stick their hands in a dogs face.

Jack learned right then and there that his behavior was wrong and would not be tolerated......he has never growled since when someone tries to take away his bone. It's kinda funny because he will try to cover the bone with his paws like if you don't see it... it's not there.... but he never growls or shows aggression. He gets a sad look on his face .... but he lets it go.

I still feel bad about that slap and hurting him.... but I do feel it was for the best, I don't want a child to be accidentally bitten and I don't want to lose my dog over an innocent mistake.... so all in all... I got the message across even though it wasn't the ideal way to do it.

Had I planned better I would have incorporated proper training to avoid the problem in the first place... but he was new to my house and I hadn't thought about it.

About the people Moose doesn't like....I think dogs have excellent instincts. Jack likes most people... so when there is someone he doesn't like... I heed his instincts and don't have that person around.

Sorry for the novel length post... I love the dogs and I kinda get wrapped up in threads talking about their wonderfulness :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
You know that was a mistake Ski. He accidentally bit you while you guys were playing tug of war. You shouldn't have gotten him all hyped it. It's no way a breed like a retriever would ever try to hurt you. They're too cuddly.:spew:
Oh yeah I forgot, Only pitbulls bite. All the other dogs are just playing. :hump: Although I must say your pit does look very cuddly hahah


Well-Known Member
I really don't like hitting dogs. I don't like hitting animals, period. I "bite" my dogs with my hand, a nip sort of (how hard depends on the infraction) as it's more their language.
Ok,im found out,it's a pic of me :shock:
:o I... I... I don't know what to say, except that I guess it figures that you are not only totally in touch with your male side, but clearly in touch with yourself.
groan moan an complain but not sound anything like a dog?

maybe even make the occassional velociraptor sound?
That's weird. My old dog does that, but she kind of growl-sings to you (she's some kind of Lab mix) and strangers think she's being aggressive. No, man, it's because I've taught my dogs to bark ONLY to alert me to someone who doesn't belong, after that no barking allowed. And my Ridgie that I rescued moans, a really weird and annoying moan. One of her previous owner's complaints about her was that she moans at you. :lol: WTF? Shaddup, dawg!

I now call them F'awgs. Fuckin' dawgs.

So, we've got a neighbor who has a dog he lets roam the neighborhood, and this dog's a cat killer. Hazel's been trained to protect the cats, but I don't know a whole lot about protection training, just encourage her to be protective of them, clean them, all that. This dog went after the little cat the other day, and God DAMN if Hazey-Haze didn't get all over the son of a bitch like white on rice! :lol: Ran is ass off YELPING.
Next time, we bean him with the pellet gun. Don't let your fucking dog kill our cats! Keep it home, or we'll make it hurt. Neighbors, please, train your own dogs, mkay?
House animals tend to see how the pecking order works very quickly....

I think I have an even bigger problem... I inherited a racist dog.... and have lots of friends of other races...
I've had that problem with horses that were roughly handled by a certain body type. It was TOUGH re-training, once a horse is hysterical with fear there's really no getting through in their heads. It can be the same with a dog if it's afraid.


Well-Known Member

Since Moose has a good disposition he will likely be very protective of your children (when you have them) and a good play buddy. I don't have kids, but I helped raise my niece and so there are often a bunch of kids around Jack... he loves them.

One thing to be very careful of with kids and dogs is the defense of food. You will have to train Moose that food can be taken away from him at any time and he has no right to 'defend' his food.

This is important because if you give a dog a bone and they are busy eating it and a small child or toddler walks or crawls up to the dog, the dog will often growl as if to say "BACK THE FUCK OFF.... THIS IS MINE". If a child sticks their hand over there it could get bitten..... even by the most friendly dog... it's just their nature to defend their food. You have to break them of that.

When I first got Jack my (now ex) b/f was living with me and Jack had a big dog bone and my b/f bent down to pick it up and Jack growled at him. My b/f stood up and backed away. I was in the kitchen and without hesitation I FLEW into the family room and WHACKED Jack upside the head with a hard open handed SMACK .... it hurt him and he let out a yelp.... I snatched his bone away and proceeded to scream at him. My whole body was shaking .... I was SOOO ANGRY! I'm not a hitter when it comes to training my dog.... but in this case I kinda snapped had to let it be known LOUD AND CLEAR that would not be tolerated. Dogs are magnets to children and children don't know better then to not stick their hands in a dogs face.

Jack learned right then and there that his behavior was wrong and would not be tolerated......he has never growled since when someone tries to take away his bone. It's kinda funny because he will try to cover the bone with his paws like if you don't see it... it's not there.... but he never growls or shows aggression. He gets a sad look on his face .... but he lets it go.

I still feel bad about that slap and hurting him.... but I do feel it was for the best, I don't want a child to be accidentally bitten and I don't want to lose my dog over an innocent mistake.... so all in all... I got the message across even though it wasn't the ideal way to do it.

Had I planned better I would have incorporated proper training to avoid the problem in the first place... but he was new to my house and I hadn't thought about it.

About the people Moose doesn't like....I think dogs have excellent instincts. Jack likes most people... so when there is someone he doesn't like... I heed his instincts and don't have that person around.

Sorry for the novel length post... I love the dogs and I kinda get wrapped up in threads talking about their wonderfulness :mrgreen:'s okay, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I think the best way for dog owners to learn is by talking with other owners. Moose isn't territorial over his food, but that's with us. I just don't know how he'll react when he's eye level with something trying to take his food. We'll just have to work really hard over the next year or so to break any bad habits he may have. I'm hoping he'll be fine, but like you said even the friendliest dog can snap when agitated. We pull on his ears and tail. We put our hands in his mouth and face just so we can get him used to being harassed. We try to annoy him to build up his temperament even more.


Well-Known Member
You better not show that picture of him wearing the reindeer antlers to his friends, or he's gonna flippin' KILL YOU! :lol:

I was just telling Dave that now that Missy hardly walks we should be able to get both girls a nice big beef bone like that and Hazel will be able to keep hers (Missy's a dirty bone thief!). Hazel's got this 2" piece that she's kept for a YEAR, hides it from the old dog, and then late at night I hear this noise--it's the bone being tossed in the air and landing on the driveway.

My mom did it to I must repay the favor! You gotta be careful with those bones. Moose ate that entire thing in 3 hours and shit bone chunks for the next two days. I was so scared.


Well-Known Member
Oh and the other day I caught the little fucker licking the trichs off my ladies. He almost got a hurt real bad!


Well-Known Member
My mom did it to I must repay the favor! You gotta be careful with those bones. Moose ate that entire thing in 3 hours and shit bone chunks for the next two days. I was so scared.
If you're really worried about it, freeze the bone first. The freezing really helps break up the bone cells and prevents it from making shards when they chew it. Believe it or not the old dog Lab mix would go through that bone in about the same amount of time. While Hazel's head and mouf look like a pit's, Missy's got the jaws and teefs to back her shit up. (And now she's not seeing so well, so if you hand-feed her, be careful! Hazel's gotten really good at being extremely gentle taking food.)

I've worked with every dog I own on food and toy issues FIRST. I own it, not them. Each and every time. This is how I trained my mother's Rottie, and my kids were able to do some truly test-ful things to that dog (they could literally pull his pud, and he'd just lick the hell out of their faces to make them quit). Anyone, man, woman, or child, can walk up to either dog and remove food directly from their mouths. Now, there's another vicious breed that should be kept muzzled at all times, too, huh?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
My mom did it to I must repay the favor! You gotta be careful with those bones. Moose ate that entire thing in 3 hours and shit bone chunks for the next two days. I was so scared.

LOL.. One year I gave Jack a big bone from a Prime Rib.... he chewed on that thing all day as it still had lots of meat on it. I meant to take it away once it got picked clean... but I didn't get there quick enough and sure enough... he ate part of the bone he had bitten off. Apparently there was a sharp edge where he'd bitten it in half and the next day when he was out back trying to poop it out the sharp edge was giving him some trouble coming out. He would squat & push... then yelp... hop a few feet and try again. I think it took him a good 20 minutes to get that thing out. It was both sad and hysterically funny at the same time. I wish I had video taped it. :lol: