How do I clean room after mold?

Just Another One

Active Member
I had a small mold issue in a bunch of colas during my last run and am about to have an empty room. What are the best methods to make sure I kill all the spores? Was thinking of spraying a bleach solution on the walls and surfaces. Thoughts?
Spraying straight white vinegar is better than using bleach. Bleach only kills the surface mold. Anything that is porous the mold will just move deeper and remain hidden if you use bleach.
H202 29.9% just follow back of bottle instructions like a 10:1 ratio water. Someone on RIU mentioned bleach only spreads mold as it kills the mold and not the spores. I haven't read too far into it but why risk it when there is a safer and cleaner alternative, right?
Bleach. After it's dry and aired out. All surfaces get a spray of copper fungicide. This occurs before a plant goes into the room. Grow room prepared type thing. Stop the problem before the grow. Instead of having it happen during the grow.