Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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this sucks.

Fortunately the vaccines prevented serious illness. :D

"They had symptoms similar to allergies or a cold, a hospital CEO told the Las Vegas Review-Journal."
Fortunately the vaccines prevented serious illness. :D

"They had symptoms similar to allergies or a cold, a hospital CEO told the Las Vegas Review-Journal."
the mild symptoms is great news that the vaccine protected the healthcare workers, but how do they know they didn't infect other people.

nope. no contact with humans is the safest for me.
i hope this does eventually subside, i might want to come out of hiding someday.
the mild symptoms is great news that the vaccine protected the healthcare workers, but how do they know they didn't infect other people.

nope. no contact with humans is the safest for me.
i hope this does eventually subside, i might want to come out of hiding someday.
If those other people were unvaccinated and were not socially distanced it is entirely possible they infected them.

Vaccine + social distance + mask > 100%-(Vaccine + social distance + mask)

I agree with you about the hoping it subsides. Stay safe everyone!

I never figured in 2019 that the disinformation/propaganda pandemic wouldn't be the scariest thing we would be dealing with this last year. I mean it might be down to about 3-4th on my list at this point between the virus, fires, voting suppression.

These brainwashed voters who are keeping the insurrectionist Republicans in power are like a dead limb at this point, hopefully Biden can keep the drain flowing.

this is important to me because i have humans that want face to face meetings and i always refuse.
this gives me validation

Swaminathan warned that vaccinated people can still get Covid and pass it on to others, which is why WHO officials have been urging people to continue wearing masks and practice social distancing.
this is important to me because i have humans that want face to face meetings and i always refuse.
this gives me validation

Swaminathan warned that vaccinated people can still get Covid and pass it on to others, which is why WHO officials have been urging people to continue wearing masks and practice social distancing.
Me personally I'm more concerned with hand washing protocol
ya, the rona not new to cattle producers.
i've lost several before learning extract would stop their cytokine storm.
usually only happens when a calf doesn't get colostrum..
the extract will dry them up and give u enough time to administer cattle serum like bo-bac 2x.
horrible, horrible, death.
but thanks to cannabis, i've been able to save them.
47D28AFE-1EB7-45FC-AF11-ED82AEBD379F.jpegthink before u pet a cow.
humans don't think of cows having rabies, but they can, and they can easily give it to u.
that's why vets get rabies vaccinations.

"As with many other infectious diseases, infants, the elderly, the immunocompromised, and those with other underlying health conditions are at increased risk of contracting bovine zoonotic infections (McMichael et al. 2002)."

i don't have a ventilator, so new years eve i was giving88EF22C3-7C87-458C-B213-CB2674EB10EE.jpeg cpr to a calf that died.
her name is Bubbles and she thinks she's my puppy now.

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Bubbles is all girl, no bull.
so sad.
yeah, if i had to be around humans i'd get a vaccination and wear a mask.
these aren't just numbers, they are suffering and dying humans.
as soon as i saw the harvard report 1-25-2020 about covid, i sent it out to business associates and most back then were like fauci, nbd.
my sister still runs around like nbd and probably hasn't got the vaccine.
i had double pneumonia as a child, and another near respiratory death in college, having beta strep and mono simultaneously.
i'm deathly afraid of any kind of respiratory illness. that's why 7 years of extract and no colds or flus is such a big deal.
i was texting a real estate broker and in the middle of the conversation he said he had to go they were taking his brother to the hospital with covid and died two days later.
the mild symptoms is great news that the vaccine protected the healthcare workers, but how do they know they didn't infect other people.

nope. no contact with humans is the safest for me.
i hope this does eventually subside, i might want to come out of hiding someday.
All the reason for others to get vaccinated. See, it does work and unless you are vaccinated the 70% of the rest of the population might make you sick.