Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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When a health crisis map looks strikingly similar to the political map, I bet it means politicians failed us. The strong hostility between Republicans and Dems at the beginning of the pandemic helped put us in this position. They could have pretended to have a unified front on health at the beginning but... politics.

Doesn't help that Republicans continue to be on the opposing side of health (mostly) in order to stay in line with the sentiment of their base. Partisanship has completely dominated the news stations, blame could surely be put there as well
It sucks when reporting facts is considered 'partisan'. But I disagree that this is a 'both sides' issue.

"There were 100 preliminary reports of the syndrome out of some 12.8 million doses of the vaccine administered, the CDC said. The cases were seen mostly in men over the age of 50, about two weeks after receiving the single-dose vaccine.The agency noted that the risk of severe adverse events from vaccines remains rare, and that everyone 12 years and older is recommended to receive a vaccine."

i mean it would really suck if u were healthy before the vaccine and u voluntarily did this to urself. i can understand humans hesistancy.

"There were 100 preliminary reports of the syndrome out of some 12.8 million doses of the vaccine administered, the CDC said. The cases were seen mostly in men over the age of 50, about two weeks after receiving the single-dose vaccine.The agency noted that the risk of severe adverse events from vaccines remains rare, and that everyone 12 years and older is recommended to receive a vaccine."

i mean it would really suck if u were healthy before the vaccine and u voluntarily did this to urself. i can understand humans hesistancy.
It would really suck to be healthy and die of a heart attack doing a 5k too.

The real question you should be thinking about is if the incident of what you are worried about is larger than it would normally be in general.

Did you not see that about 6000 people get this disease every year in America?

The logical leap would be to look at 6000/330,000,000 is about .000018182 (the lower range from that AP link I think was about 3000 if I am remembering right which would be .000009091)

And 100/12,800,000 is about .000007813

So I am not sure that you can actually say if those people were not already going to catch it and it just happened to happen right after they got the vaccine.
well, if i ever have to be exposed to humans again, for my own selfish reasons, i would want them to be vaccinated.
if i got the vaccination, and lived, i wouldn't care.

it's a conundrum, and i'd feel slightly like a hypocrite requiring any workers around me to be vaccinated, but i'm already surviving cancer 7 years beyond my prognosis, so i hope it does completely go away because i might need help someday.
When a health crisis map looks strikingly similar to the political map, I bet it means politicians failed us. The strong hostility between Republicans and Dems at the beginning of the pandemic helped put us in this position. They could have pretended to have a unified front on health at the beginning but... politics.

Doesn't help that Republicans continue to be on the opposing side of health (mostly) in order to stay in line with the sentiment of their base. Partisanship has completely dominated the news stations, blame could surely be put there as well
Both sides are not the same and it's not just politics, but a cold civil war, at least for some on the right. One side supports the constitution, free and fair elections and the rule of law. On the other hand the republican base are in the thrall of Trump and thus their politicians, the republican base these days are racist, bigots and authoritarian fascists opposed to liberal democracy. Change is coming and these idiots can either go with the flow or go down swinging, either way, sooner or later, they will go. The choice for the soul of the nation could not be more stark or clear, move into the future, or wallow and stagnate in the past. You no longer have the "luxury" of racism and fucking up your country for shits and giggles, the world is not waiting, take a look around, they are moving ahead while republican morons in America argue about taking vaccines and wearing masks that save lives.

All the good people left the republicans, like Pence's soul fled his body in terror long ago, only America's assholes, morons and mental ill remain. GOP, the party of moral failures, traitors and fools, Trump owns them and Putin owns Trump. The trouble is Trump is going to state prison until they take him out in a bag.
well, if i ever have to be exposed to humans again, for my own selfish reasons, i would want them to be vaccinated.
if i got the vaccination, and lived, i wouldn't care.

it's a conundrum, and i'd feel slightly like a hypocrite requiring any workers around me to be vaccinated, but i'm already surviving cancer 7 years beyond my prognosis, so i hope it does completely go away because i might need help someday.
not running any 5k's either. i'm not fond of walking a mile to my mailbox but my dog loves it.
Congrats on surviving cancer. And I hope that you don't get this virus too, it sounds like you are able to stay socially distanced enough to mostly be safe if you play it smart. As for the vaccine, it is clearly safe and highly effective based on the hundreds of millions of people that received it and almost all without any reactions to it outside of maybe a sore arm.

Mind if I ask, why did you feel the need to start posting in this thread?
Congrats on surviving cancer. And I hope that you don't get this virus too, it sounds like you are able to stay socially distanced enough to mostly be safe if you play it smart. As for the vaccine, it is clearly safe and highly effective based on the hundreds of millions of people that received it and almost all without any reactions to it outside of maybe a sore arm.

Mind if I ask, why did you feel the need to start posting in this thread?
i'm still alive and this vaccination thing and pandemic are obviously a big deal.
like i said, i have no dog in this debate right now, vax or no vax, but i do wonder what humans are doing outside my human contacts.
i doubt they tested it on a cancer survivor taking 1600mgs of extract daily. could be an interaction.

my main reason for posting probably is the curiosity factor, why vaccinated humans, who are presumably protected, care if the un-vaccinated get vaccinated?
i'm still alive and this vaccination thing and pandemic are obviously a big deal.
like i said, i have no dog in this debate right now, vax or no vax, but i do wonder what humans are doing outside my human contacts.
i doubt they tested it on a cancer survivor taking 1600mgs of extract daily. could be an interaction.

my main reason for posting probably is the curiosity factor, why vaccinated humans, who are presumably protected, care if the un-vaccinated get vaccinated?
Mainly I care because people who are vaccinated have friends and family that they still love that have been fully absorbed into the online cults that are causing them to act very unsafely by radicalizing them to anything that trolls have convinced them to be using very sophisticated data analysis to find exactly how to trigger them.

But scientists I think would point first to the fact that the more people that have this virus cooking in their system are allowing it to thrive and that leads to mutations, and that increases the chance of a more severe form of the virus being birthed that the vaccine doesn't work on. People getting vaccinated decreases this vicious diseases ability to reproduce.

Also this is just this one virus. There will be future pandemics, and if people are still radicalized against science it will just be the same thing all over again.
this is troubling.
so even if i hire somebody down the line, like a nurse, she could possibly still give me covid even if she was vaccinated?

“A growing body of evidence indicates that people fully vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) are less likely to have asymptomatic infection or to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others.”

“At this time, there are limited data on vaccine effectiveness in people who are immunocompromised. People with immunocompromising conditions, including those taking immunosuppressive medications, should discuss the need for personal protective measures after vaccination with their healthcare provider.”
When a health crisis map looks strikingly similar to the political map, I bet it means politicians failed us. The strong hostility between Republicans and Dems at the beginning of the pandemic helped put us in this position. They could have pretended to have a unified front on health at the beginning but... politics.

Doesn't help that Republicans continue to be on the opposing side of health (mostly) in order to stay in line with the sentiment of their base. Partisanship has completely dominated the news stations, blame could surely be put there as well
Both sides cuck

Death cult trolls are really getting old.
“Community immunity protects everyone. But it’s especially important because some people can’t get vaccinated for certain diseases — such as people with some serious allergies and those with weakened or failing immune systems (like people who have cancer, HIV/AIDS, type 1 diabetes, or other health conditions).”
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Even if a person is fully vaccinated they could still physically spread the virus to the un-vaccinated by coming into contact with it in a store and taking it home say. Very few infections seem to happen that way but it still happens.

10 children on life support as Mississippi sees surge in delta variant cases (wapt.com)

10 children on life support as Mississippi sees surge in delta variant cases

Vast majority of hospitalizations, deaths are among those who are unvaccinated, Dobbs says

ACKSON, Miss. —

Concern about the spread of the COVID-19 delta variant is rising in Mississippi.

State health officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said in a tweet Tuesday that 12 children are in the ICU and 10 are on life support because of a surge in delta variant cases.

"Delta surge - be careful," Dobbs said on Twitter.

Dr. Alan Jones, associate vice chancellor for clinical affairs at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, said the hospital is treating four pediatric COVID-19 patients. Two are on ventilators.

"We have had more pediatric admissions than we had early in the pandemic," Jones said.

Dobbs also said that "pretty much" all cases in Mississippi right now are the delta variant. He said the vast majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are of people who are not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Jones said UMMC is bracing for a new surge in patients.

"What we are doing to get ready for it is operationalizing the plan that we have fine-tuned over the recent months to make sure we are ready for the large increases in hospitalizations," Jones said.

The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 219 new COVID-19 cases and 10 additional deaths on Tuesday, bringing the statewide total to 325,072 cases and 7,451 deaths since the pandemic began.


More than 1 million Mississippians have been fully vaccinated. Mississippi is at the bottom of the list, along with Alabama, with the lowest percentage of the population that has been fully vaccinated.

"The unfortunate thing, we know, is that a number of these -- both hospitalizations and the deaths we are seeing -- are preventable," Jones said.

The health department has been urging those unvaccinated to get the vaccine. They are now urging people 65 and older with underlying health conditions to avoid large social gatherings regardless of being vaccinated or not.