Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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This is the same place that elected Joel Greenberg, Gaetz's buddy, so they ain't big on judgement in them parts. The redder they are, the faster they fall...
More than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases reported in Seminole County (wesh.com)

1,120 new COVID-19 cases reported in Seminole County; officials urge people to mask up or get vaccinated

Florida's current coronavirus situation is concerning, according to health experts.

Unvaccinated people continue to show little to no interest in getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Now, the number of new cases is rising sharply.

"The numbers are definitely going in the wrong direction," said Alan Harris, Seminole County Emergency Manager.

Statewide numbers back that up. More than 45,000 new cases were reported as the week wrapped up on Friday — that's double the number of new cases from a week ago; nearly triple the number from the week before that.

Seminole County is also seeing a discouraging spike two weeks after July 4.

"Seen an increase in current cases to just under 1,500 people here in the county, that's up from about a thousand a week ago, and much, much lower the week before," Harris said.

The statewide positivity rate is at 11.5% compared to 7.8% a week ago.

Seminole County's emergency manager said he will not suggest a mask mandate, but is asking the unvaccinated to either get a shot or mask up for their protection and the protection of others.

"Nobody ever said the vaccine will prevent you from getting the virus, it's to help build up immunity so you don't end up in the hospital or you don't end up dead," Harris said.

The local head of the health department in Seminole County says with 58% of those eligible already vaccinated, she's hoping the spike won't be lengthy.

"We're hopeful that this surge will come down more quickly than it did last year because we have more of the population, well, we have some vaccinated now, we didn't have that last year," Donna Walsh said.

Seminole County's also blasting out messages on social media, trying to set aside fears of the vaccine based on widespread misinformation, saying if in doubt, ask a trusted source.

"Call your medical doctor, call someone that you trust, you obviously trust the doctor, get the information from them," Harris said.

There could be several reasons for the spike in positivity — it could be because fewer people are getting tested, so those getting tested because they feel sick will raise that number, but the rise in new cases just means community spread is happening.

New statewide numbers released on Friday afternoon show the spike in cases statewide and in Central Florida.
Louisiana Man Dies of COVID-19 After Calling Vaccines 'Poison' (newsweek.com)

Louisiana Man Dies of COVID-19 After Calling Vaccines 'Poison'

Alan Scott Lanoix's three sons had to bury him on Father's Day after he died of COVID-19. The Louisiana-born man refused to get vaccinated because he considered it a "poison." He died on June 9 at the age of 54.

Lanoix caught COVID-19 at his manufacturing job. His sister, Lisa Adler, thought he would recover and then have immunity, she told WWL-TV. However, his sons and wife—who was also his high school sweetheart—all contracted the virus too. He ended up hospitalized for 17 days, spending some of those days on a ventilator.

Near the end of his life, he told his sister that no matter what happened, he was happy with his life and he loved his family, Adler told the station. Adler delivered her final goodbye to Lanoix through an online video chat as he sat dying in the hospital.

"He thought the vaccine was poison and he was afraid of getting it, and there's a lot of people that have that same feeling," Adler said. "I urge anybody if they are on the fence about getting the vaccine, do it in my brother's memory."

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are now among unvaccinated people, the Associated Press reported in late June after studying data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Only about 1 percent of all pandemic-related deaths occurred among vaccinated people in May, the AP said.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that current vaccinations in the U.S. are so effective that "nearly every death, especially among adults, due to COVID-19, is, at this point, entirely preventable."

New cases are being propelled by the relaxing of pandemic prevention measures, low vaccination rates as well as the Delta variant of COVID-19. The variant seems to be spreading more quickly than the coronavirus strain that initially began the pandemic.

"It feels worse this time because we've seen it before," Amelia Montgomery, a nurse at Cox Medical Center South in Springfield, Missouri, told The Atlantic. "Walking back into the COVID ICU was demoralizing."

Missouri is one of several states experiencing their worst coronavirus case increases since Democratic President Joe Biden first took office on January 20, 2021. Montgomery's hospital is so filled with new COVID-19 patients that new hospital beds only open up when someone dies. New beds open up every day.

Terrence Coulter, the critical-care medical director at Cox, told The Atlantic that he feels conflicted caring for coronavirus patients who could've avoided infection by getting vaccinated.

"You're just angry," Coulter said, "and you feel guilty for getting angry, because they're sick and dying."
I'm really beginning to think that only the real stupids of the world become republicans. The stupider they are they higher they rise in the ranks and foolishly tell the people they want to vote for them to refuse a life saving vaccine.

They must really want to lose in '24 and if they keep it up they won't have any of their base left by then.

The worse part of it is with all the extra infections newer and more virilent varients will arise and it's more likely one will appear that affects those of us with enough brain cells to have got vaccinated. Got my 2nd Moderna shot 3 weeks ago.

We’ve plummeted from dumb to dumber — to proud and unapologetically ignorant | Opinion (yahoo.com)

We’ve plummeted from dumb to dumber — to proud and unapologetically ignorant | Opinion

We live in ignorant times.

By now, surely this is obvious beyond argument to anyone who’s been paying attention. From the Capitol insurrectionist who thought he was storming the White House to Sen. Tim Scott’s claim that “woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy” to whatever thing Tucker Carlson last said, ignorance is ascendant.

Yet, even by that dubious standard, what happened recently in Tennessee bears note. According to a story by Brett Kelman of the Tennessean newspaper in Nashville, the state, under pressure from Republican lawmakers, fired its top immunization official, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, and shut down all vaccine outreach to young people. Fiscus’ sin? Doing her job, working to increase access to the COVID-19 shot among kids.

Specifically, she sent a letter to healthcare providers reminding them that under the state’s “Mature Minor Doctrine,” they are legally allowed to vaccinate children 14 years or older without parental consent. According to Fiscus, the letter, written in response to requests for guidance made by those administering the shots, utilized language drafted by an attorney for the department of health and was vetted by the governor’s office.

All that notwithstanding, it infuriated some state lawmakers. They used words like “extreme disappointment” and “reprehensible” and talked of closing the health department. Some anonymous person even sent Fiscus a dog muzzle. Then she was fired, and the state shut down all vaccine publicity efforts targeting young people.

This means no postcards sent out to remind kids to get their shots, no nudges on social media, no flyers or advertisements, no events at schools, no outreach whatsoever. And not just for COVID, mind you, but for everything — measles, mumps, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis, polio.

In a pandemic.

In a state with a less-than-stellar COVID vaccination rate.

At a time when experts are tracking the rise of a deadlier new COVID variant.

It is hard to imagine behavior dumber, more dangerous, more short-sighted and more downright bass-backward than that exhibited by Tennessee and its lawmakers.

Which is, unfortunately, right on brand for this country in this era. It was in the 2000s that Stephen Colbert coined the term “truthiness” to describe the right wing’s secession from objective fact, and some of us began to speak of them as living in an “alternate reality.” How, we wondered in newspaper columns and speeches, can we have meaningful discourse if we cannot agree on basic facts?

Years later, that concern feels too abstract. The threat turns out to be more visceral and urgent than any of us could have imagined. Yes, some people live in alternate realities. What’s worse, though, is when they have power to impose those realities on the rest of us. That’s what we’re seeing in Tennessee and elsewhere, and the results will be as tragic as they are predictable and preventable.

Ignorance is bliss, they say. But it isn’t.

Ignorance is fever.

Ignorance is chills.

Ignorance is trouble breathing.

Ignorance is an empty seat at the table, a bedroom come suddenly available.

Because ignorance is death.

And while the aphorism isn’t true, can you imagine if it were, if ignorance really were bliss? Disney theme parks would have to find a new slogan.

Right now, Tennessee would be the happiest place on Earth.
This is total bull crap re why bother if I can still get covid. Perhaps when the load off the hospitals happens I can finally get my heart operation ....... fucking imbeciles!!!
This is total bull crap re why bother if I can still get covid. Perhaps when the load off the hospitals happens I can finally get my heart operation ....... fucking imbeciles!!!
I was reading the Pfizer mRNA might come out of EUS by September and mandatory vaccinations by schools and employers will become common. I expect it will have a bigger effect in the States than Canada with their private health care system and insurance. We should be close to 90% fully vaccinated (eligible) by fall in Canada, we are almost at 80% with a single dose and over 55% fully vaccinated now.

Hang in there, they should be doing better by fall when vaccination rates are high in Canada. Those who are vaccinated might get a mild case of the "Wu Flu", many of those who are not will get very sick or die, the delta variant is very contagious and is a different animal than the original strain. I do think it is serving to frighten some of the hesitant to get the jab though as are the numbers of young folks currently in the hospitals.
Some local factories are allowing double vaxxed people to remove their mask while at their work station. Heat breaks only kick in at 40° (104F), so not having to wear a mask is a bit of a luxury/privilege. The unvaccinated, like my sister in law, stick out visually. She's pissed. :grin:

Other deniers have been asked it they're going to stop working , as eventually they'll be required to be vaccinated in-order to be eligible to be employed - nothing new in that regard. The workplace is obligated to provide a safe working environment here. Meaningful dialogue seems meaningless these days - but you love them anyway and hope they eventually see things differently.
I’ve got 5 gallons of 35% H2O2 if someone wants it.......it’s food grade :o

Bleach...hydrogen peroxide, I think we have a solid plan here to revolutionize the selling of cleaning products as medical products biz. Look out medical industrial complex. Mayo clinic...pffft, go back to making sandwiches. We will fix folks right up, none of that liberal commie med school bullshit, just the school of hard knocks.
This is the same place that elected Joel Greenberg, Gaetz's buddy, so they ain't big on judgement in them parts. The redder they are, the faster they fall...
More than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases reported in Seminole County (wesh.com)

1,120 new COVID-19 cases reported in Seminole County; officials urge people to mask up or get vaccinated

Florida's current coronavirus situation is concerning, according to health experts.

Unvaccinated people continue to show little to no interest in getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Now, the number of new cases is rising sharply.

"The numbers are definitely going in the wrong direction," said Alan Harris, Seminole County Emergency Manager.

Statewide numbers back that up. More than 45,000 new cases were reported as the week wrapped up on Friday — that's double the number of new cases from a week ago; nearly triple the number from the week before that.

Seminole County is also seeing a discouraging spike two weeks after July 4.

"Seen an increase in current cases to just under 1,500 people here in the county, that's up from about a thousand a week ago, and much, much lower the week before," Harris said.

The statewide positivity rate is at 11.5% compared to 7.8% a week ago.

Seminole County's emergency manager said he will not suggest a mask mandate, but is asking the unvaccinated to either get a shot or mask up for their protection and the protection of others.

"Nobody ever said the vaccine will prevent you from getting the virus, it's to help build up immunity so you don't end up in the hospital or you don't end up dead," Harris said.

The local head of the health department in Seminole County says with 58% of those eligible already vaccinated, she's hoping the spike won't be lengthy.

"We're hopeful that this surge will come down more quickly than it did last year because we have more of the population, well, we have some vaccinated now, we didn't have that last year," Donna Walsh said.

Seminole County's also blasting out messages on social media, trying to set aside fears of the vaccine based on widespread misinformation, saying if in doubt, ask a trusted source.

"Call your medical doctor, call someone that you trust, you obviously trust the doctor, get the information from them," Harris said.

There could be several reasons for the spike in positivity — it could be because fewer people are getting tested, so those getting tested because they feel sick will raise that number, but the rise in new cases just means community spread is happening.

New statewide numbers released on Friday afternoon show the spike in cases statewide and in Central Florida.

suffer the libtards.
Current wave is shaping up up to be the worst so far, going to maim and kill a lot of retards.

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I got to quit checking this thread right after I smoke.
And their children. And the immunocompromised.

Anyone who can get the vaccine and doesn’t, is a shit stain on society.
So, my unsympathetic side is thinking maybe the government should fund mass spreader events that are only available to the unvaccinated.

free beer, clothing optional mud wrestling, live country music, Trump speaking events, the Gaetz and missing link events, evangelist sermons, Christian choirs belting out hosannas and such. All in one yuuuuge unventilated enclosed and crowded venue. Free to the unvaccinated.