Ready to harvest?


Hey noob grower just looking for some insight if these are ready to harvest. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Clear trichomes aren't ready
Cloudy white trichomes are at the height of the and cbd. Uplifting happy high
Amber trichomes mean your plant is done. Body buzz and couchlock.
A good compromise is when 60+ percent of trichomes are amber.
Your plant is talking too. When the pistols are curling back into the calyx they're good to go too.
Don't panick when you see the leaves dieing just know you're on limited time and better be flushing and cutting off nutrients, cause the end is near. You don't want bad tasting bad smoking erb.
If a environmental problem is killing your plant you may have to pull them early.


Leds? Those plants look burnt up pretty bad! Either from heat or nutrients. They could go one more week but it looks like the health of the plants it won’t do much more.
Yes LED lights. Sound like time to harvest. Hoping there not ruined from being burnt up as you say?


Well-Known Member
A good compromise is when 60+ percent of trichomes are amber.
Your plant is talking too. When the pistols are curling back into the calyx they're good to go too.
Don't panick when you see the leaves dieing just know you're on limited time and better be flushing and cutting off nutrients, cause the end is near.
That is exactly what the plant is supposed to do in the wild - produce buds (seeds) and die.
In our gardens, we (usually) prevent pollenation, so the buds continue to swell and wait for pollen until the plant begins to die (and we harvest).
We want to catch the cusp of that event - kinda morbid when you look at it like that:

"What's that little plant, you're 3 days away from dying? Perfect!" **SNIP** :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Clear trichomes aren't ready
Cloudy white trichomes are at the height of the and cbd. Uplifting happy high
Amber trichomes mean your plant is done. Body buzz and couchlock.
A good compromise is when 60+ percent of trichomes are amber.
Your plant is talking too. When the pistols are curling back into the calyx they're good to go too.
Don't panick when you see the leaves dieing just know you're on limited time and better be flushing and cutting off nutrients, cause the end is near. You don't want bad tasting bad smoking erb.
If a environmental problem is killing your plant you may have to pull them early.
Leaves shouldn't be dying. Flushing is pointless and when you see those brown hairs recede in then count on two weeks from that point and chop as they're ready at that stage.
Your high is strain dependant.amd if you pull early for " effects" xy and z you'll end up with a headache for your troubles.