Hi, i'm looking for the best organic pest control that leaves no taste or smell on buds, and it's safe to smoke. Something that could be used in any stage of the growth. Specifically against all types of fungus, mold, mildew etc. but also for other pests such as spider mites. Any recommendations please?
Soon i'll be starting my first grow and i want to prepare upfront to prevent any pests on my plants, especially mold because i'm allergic to mold and i have problems with my lungs. Of course i will be controlling the temps and humidity, but i would like to have that extra security.
So far i thought about Neem oil, but i read many comments about Neem leaving a terrible taste and smell, and that it shouldn't be used in the flowering stage.
Ladybugs are not an option as i can't have bugs flying in my house
I found this BioBizz Leaf Coat but i can't seem to find any reviews on it: https://www.biobizz.com/producto/leafcoat/ any experience with this product?
What do you personally use, how do you prevent pests in a completely 100% organic way, without altering the taste/smell of the finished product and making it safe to smoke?
Soon i'll be starting my first grow and i want to prepare upfront to prevent any pests on my plants, especially mold because i'm allergic to mold and i have problems with my lungs. Of course i will be controlling the temps and humidity, but i would like to have that extra security.
So far i thought about Neem oil, but i read many comments about Neem leaving a terrible taste and smell, and that it shouldn't be used in the flowering stage.
Ladybugs are not an option as i can't have bugs flying in my house

I found this BioBizz Leaf Coat but i can't seem to find any reviews on it: https://www.biobizz.com/producto/leafcoat/ any experience with this product?
What do you personally use, how do you prevent pests in a completely 100% organic way, without altering the taste/smell of the finished product and making it safe to smoke?