Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

"One third (33%) of Americans near retirement (age 55-65) FAILED a basic knowledge quiz about Social Security retirement benefits, while another 19% barely passed with a D – that’s over half (52%) with an opportunity to firm up their knowledge base. On the other side of the spectrum, only 3% got an A+ by answering all 12 true/false statements correctly."

66 in October started when I got my first house in 1982 pissed off with how slow growing is in soil
Developed my own equipment and been slated for it ever since.
Makes me wonder why as all I wanted to do was make farming easy for the farmer LOL.
Dunnit BTW.

Currently using my system for home cultivation which is causing a ruckass for my defoliation methods.
Happy growing all.
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64 and new here. I started in 1973, had a period of abstinence from 1986-1991 to get my head on straight and have been going at it ever since. I started growing the minute it went legal where I live. Well, maybe a few months in advance. Well, ok, maybe a couple of years.
same here, Oregon went legal 6 1/2 years ago,,, and right away they allowed 4 plants at home,, meanwhile the state is trying to set everyting up to sale to the public,,, supply problems, lagistics and so much more,, meanwhile i started growing and had plenty of my own stash while i sat back and smiled at the state going thru its early problems,,, well now its all running smooth and there are many dispensaries and stores and the supply is inexpensive ,, but i still grow, i really enjoy the green thumb part,,, still sitting on my porch smoking my home grown,, ,i do buy vape cartriges from the state legal stores,,, an d i buy my clones at the state legal store also