Newbie with problems


Thank you for having me and hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can put my mind at ease haha.

So here's a bit about the grow

2m x 2m x 2m tent

1x 4 inch inline fan exhausting

1x 4 inch inline fan inlet

2x internal fan on low settings

3x mars hydro ts1000 lights started on 25% as seedling now lights are on 50%

Plants since seed hatched are 30 days old

Strain is stardawg autos.

I was just watering with tap water until I realised the pH was 8! So for the past week it has gotten pH 6.5 water as I use biobizz pH down.

I also add 1ml per litre of biobizz fix mix as feed every water.

I am giving them approx 400ml of water every 3 days as the soil dries on the top only but always damp below.

Soil has lots of perlite in it.

Lights are on 20 hours off for 4 hours

Lights are 25 inches from the tip of the plants

I had some extremely tiny white bugs and a week ago I sprayed the tent and plants down with Dr schimmel spider mite killer and no bugs seen at all since.

So a rocky start

Problem I am having and I have no idea if its normal but the new growth looks twisted and very thin leaves. Also just looking for a bit of comfort or criticism on how they look.

There is 13 plants in there I know this is to many but I have 2 other tents identical and will be splitting them all up in a week or 2 but was saving on electric while they was small. All tents have 4 lights in as will this one soon.

I have ordered some pipe cleaners as the ties in using at the moment I have very lose as there not ideal

Thank you for your time



Well-Known Member
Looking good, I think... leaf color is a little dark, perhaps... if it were me I might dial back the N a tad. Is that plant starting to flower, tho in pics 5,6? Is that an auto?


Well-Known Member
Growth seems ok as all are pretty uniform in growth.
Your lighting will need to ramp up as grow moves thru later stages ( to properly light up that space ) - right now your panels overlap ( light footprint ) is ok for now.


Thanks buddy..the lights say they cover 3ft by 3ft so I spaced them 3 feet approx on the ground away. I have a 4th light im adding for that set up in a few days so it has 1 in each corner sort of thing. The other 2 tents have 4 lights in. They are mars hydro ts1000 and I've got them on 50% on the dimmer does that sound right? Also what do you think about the thin curly new growth.

I've jumped in the deep end haha


Well-Known Member
That size tent would need at least 1200watts ( actual ) . 1400 watts + would be getting about 38 watts a square foot. May want to consider that.


Looking good, I think... leaf color is a little dark, perhaps... if it were me I might dial back the N a tad. Is that plant starting to flower, tho in pics 5,6? Is that an auto?
Its an auto and I did think that wich isn't great lol im praying not and hoping it's just signs of sex and more leaves to come. What's N bud nutrients?


That size tent would need at least 1200watts ( actual ) . 1400 watts + would be getting about 38 watts a square foot. May want to consider that.
Im new to it bud it could be totally wrong haha. I have 4x ts1000 mars hydro lights for that tent. The size of the lights I don't think I could fit anymore in really


Well-Known Member
Its an auto and I did think that wich isn't great lol im praying not and hoping it's just signs of sex and more leaves to come. What's N bud nutrients?
Yeah looks like that auto is starting to flower, that's all... N is nitrogen... I'd dial it back a bit...


Well-Known Member
Aren't they to small is that a bad thing? Also how to I dial the nitrogen back a bit
I've never grown autos but it's probably fine. If you're using 1 ml/L of biobizz I'd cut it back to .75 or 0.5 for a couple weeks and keep an eye on the color.


It's all fine... I'd still cut the biobizz a tad for a couple weeks if it were me...
If it has gone into flower and the other haven't as its 2 of them that look like it are they still OK with 20 hours light 4 hours dark until they all hit flower


A little update
I added an extra extractor and filter. Added an inlet from another room. 3 more mars hydro 1000 led lights and correct pH water with zero nutrients. I have lst them a few hours before these photos again they are in flower by about a week maybe. As first time I have no idea but looking for opinions on how they are looking. Hopefully I have lst them correctly . I've just tried to make each bud site the same height and spread out for light to hit.
I have re sized the images in size to 1mb so they appear darker but the leaves aren't that dark in real . Just the compression has darkened them.
I ditched the string and got some pipe cleaners also haha

