Does Anyone Still Smoke Spliffs?

The term spliff has different meanings to different people. Here in Jamaica, a spliff is a general term for a rolled smokeable. It can be with or without tobacco. If someone asks you if you have any 'blend' they mean tobacco to be mixed with ganja.

Often you will hear the term 'ital' or ital-spliff, the meaning of which conveys that it is without tobacco. Ital is a term that can mean all-natural and also can mean without salt (when the subject matter is about cooking).

In general terms, I find that Europeans and English people intend for the word spliff to mean a cone-shaped rolled smokeable, usually with tobacco mixed with cannabis. Hash-spliff denotes tobacco and hashish.

Finally, here in JM, 'spliff' can also mean a small amount of weed to roll a spliff. Often, one may ask his friend if he 'have any spliff.' This just means: can you break off a piece and share me a small amount of weed.

And the answer is yes: still many people rolling spliffs out here. Although good ganja is a bit scarce right now, and I do not see as many 'fat spliffs' or 'Bob Marley' spliffs of the large cone shaped variety.
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I smoke 95% joints but never do I roll a spliff, I want the pure weed taste. In Germany weed was hard to get but hash was always around and all my German frineds would mix the hash and tobaco, I always caried my own bowl I wanted the hash taste, I was a tobaco smoker in those days but prefered the pure taste of each. When I brought some weed back from A-dam my German freinds wanted me to add tobacco to the joints and there was no way! That taste in the early 80's of northern lights after smoking mexican dirt was amazing, addicting and got me into growing my own.
I agree, adding tobacco to weed, doubtful fun
Where I’m from in England a spliff always had a pinch of tobacco or it was called a “purey”.
Haven’t said that for a very long time haha.

Every country in Europe I’ve smoked in mostly smoked with a little tobacco.

I think a lot of the English and European tobacco tendencies come from all the hash that used to be around years ago.

You could always get hash when I was a kid and now it’s not so popular.
Smoking tobacco and hash was the standard in the UK because quite simply, there was no grass available. We had Lebanese Gold, Moroccan Green, Paki Black, and (ultra rare) opiated Nepalese Temple Balls. It's a crap method though because of the damage tobacco does to you.
I knew a guy at work from Jamaica in the 80’s and he rolled “spliffs”. Big cone shaped joints, pure weed I think. He was good at rolling them too. He used to laugh and say a Jamaican would only give you the skinny little roach and smoke the fat part. Happy guy. I remember he used to call women he liked fat. But he meant it like,”she’s real phat, man”.
I grew up on black hash in Eastern Canada but we never rolled joints with it; hot knives only! The hash lasts real long that way.
Every head I knew from the age of 14 on up had access to a propane torch and a set of knives. Shit every week one of my friends would come to school with a big hot knife burn on their lips. Sucked when it was my turn.
I don't think combining tobacco with weed was ever very popular in the USA-that's a European thing. All of my European friends combined them-they would never think of smoking weed by itself. Time period I hung out with these guys is the 90s. We used to call any particularly spectacular extra long joint a "spliff." I was friends with a Jamaican immigrant even earlier than that who called the massive all cannabis joints he rolled "spliffs" too. The younger potheads I know now, mostly family members and their friends, can't roll a joint for the life of them. I showed them how to roll a blunt because of the simplicity of it, but I'm pretty sure the only time they smoke joints is at festivals and camping. So much good vape technology around now, and also, the widespread availability of high THC weed, has spelled doom for the old ways. Plus, vaping is so much easier on the lungs. You can't beat a nice fat spliff sitting around the campfire with some good people though...damn you Covid!!
This is how my brother smokes it in Europe. Like I told him I don’t get it. Why waiste good weed
I smoke spliffs at lunch or while driving in traffic. I just put a sprinkle of weed in, and smoke the whole thing.
Sometimes I will do 90% weed and just a tinge of tobacco so it burns better while at home, but generally there's more tobacco than weed in my case.

With a bit of "clove tobacco" nobody can smell the weed, but Turkish blend cigarettes make a solid tasting and burning spliff.
I prefer L&M Turkish to camels.

We smoke freely at work, but I do a 80/20 tobacco/weed spliff to avoid stinking out the whole parking lot.
You never know when a district manager is gonna pull up etc.

Somebody said bugler spliffs aren't good, but idk... I think bugler is great tasting tobacco.
Bro pipes have a certain taste too I feel like, my hand pipe never tastes good lol. Bongs are find tho
Really? I've been making bongs since I was 15? Sounds like your weed just tastes bad. Best tasting hits, imo, are from either a new piece, or freshly cleaned with a new screen. One of my boys from London introduced me to a "spliff". I'd smoked some nasty shit before, or do I had thought, this was ethe harshest, nastiest thing I, to this day, have ever smoked. Maybe you all in the UK have better tobacco or something cause even Spindi(dude from London) said this don't taste right. Never even thought about corrupting my herb since.
If you mean joints then no, nothing is taking joints away, they look and feel cool and nothing delivers the same full-plant hit like a J. Spliffs though - I spent a long time in various commonwealth nations and boy do people like thier spliffs - spliffs will die the moment full-leaf flower is cheap enough around the globe. Tobacco is garbage and no roll should ever contain more than 10% tobacco imo. This is speaking as someone who got very used to the 50/50 spliff flavor. I get the flavor having appeal after awhile but tobacco is gross and does the opposite of what a good J should do imo.
I guess it's a regional thing, this opinion of what is a spliff. In my 47 years on this Earth I've been exposed to pot 45 of them with understanding that whenever it gets passed around people tend to smile more, joke around and pleasantries exchanged more freely. Names are irrelevant to me as long as we agree with the substance
I did up until I quit smoking(mostly) a year ago. I will roll one up on the rare occasion that I grab a loosie from the store down the street, just break the tip off(about an 1/8th of the cigarette) mix it in with about a gram of flower and good to go.
Since I am a typical American, Europe doesnt really exist and I first encountered the combining of tobacco and cannabis while in Canada. Thought it was crazy to mix them and LOL about it, but I suppose if you already smoke cigs it's like hey wtf not combine it save some time. Very male idea lol, the endless quest for efficiency so we can be lazy.

How it reached the point that the OP came to believe tobacco SHOULD be in a spliff bothers me, but in a good way lol.

Reminds me when someone talks about song lyrics and wonders why he said ABC only to find out he never really said, A B C...

Only my man the pizza guy on here gets a pass as he covers the cannabis with clove at work! Bless you pizza man! I love stealth players.
I learned to roll splifs in high school, sometimes I would roll one or two. But now I haven't smoked tobacco in a while, but if I were to smoke tobacco, I would like it to be in a splif.
I'm growing some Dagga and if it flowers I will dry them and try combining it with weed. They use it in S Africa.