Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

It's funny how you're so blatantly unaware that you're projecting your own lack of morality. You're hammering on Clinton for things that Trump does, but you like Trump, so you set your morals aside for him. We don't do that here. We're philosophically consistent. Fuck Cuomo and fuck Clinton and fuck Gates and fuck Trump, because they're all slimy pieces of shit. We're not quite there with Biden yet, but we will be if some info comes out like it has with the others.
I dont share that view, so I ask whos we?
Oh hi,

I'm so glad to find such an informed voice regarding right wing lies, myths and fake conspiracy theories because as an expert in such matters, you are able to tell us something more interesting than stale old 2020 Republican propaganda. Tell us about Plasma Beings. I want to know more about Plasma Beings.
Plasma Beings never fail. Destined to be a classic, along with "take my wife..please", or "I don't get no respect." :lol:
It's funny how you're so blatantly unaware that you're projecting your own lack of morality. You're hammering on Clinton for things that Trump does, but you like Trump, so you set your morals aside for him. We don't do that here. We're philosophically consistent. Fuck Cuomo and fuck Clinton and fuck Gates and fuck Trump, because they're all slimy pieces of shit. We're not quite there with Biden yet, but we will be if some info comes out like it has with the others.

But I don`t like Trump, you assume I like him. You are with Biden, man, that is like... Well, a racist pedophile. That is your morals...
Plasma Beings never fail. Destined to be a classic, along with "take my wife..please", or "I don't get no respect." :lol:

Hahaha, you post Trump photos as I like him, but does that make Biden not a pedo racist? Hmmm... Your lack of morals are astonishing.
Hahaha, you post Trump photos as I like him, but does that make Biden not a pedo racist? Hmmm... Your lack of morals are astonishing.
If there is an antichrist, it is Individual 1 and you've made it clear you worship him. Give proof that Biden is like him. Biden was not my first choice, but he's hands down better than Individual 1. That's why he beat him by 7 million votes. That's how disgusting Individual 1 is. He's amoral, as you.
edit; oh yeah, lol.
Hahaha, you post Trump photos as I like him, but does that make Biden not a pedo racist? Hmmm... Your lack of morals are astonishing.
Plasma beings. Tell us about Plasma Beings, not the stale old Republican propaganda and right wing fake conspiracy theories. That stuff is sooooo 2020, old, stale (and to be honest, stupid -- you could do better). So, tell us something interesting. Plasma Beings. Tell us about Plasma Beings.
But I don`t like Trump, you assume I like him. You are with Biden, man, that is like... Well, a racist pedophile. That is your morals...
"I don't like Trump, but"


You'd be more interesting if you told us about Plasma Beings.
If there is an antichrist, it is Individual 1 and you've made it clear you worship him. Give proof that Biden is like him. Biden was not my first choice, but he's hands down better than Individual 1. That's why he beat him by 7 million votes. That's how disgusting Individual 1 is. He's amoral, as you.
edit; oh yeah, lol.
So you support a racist pedophile. Good to know. After that you can not teach anyone about morals.
Please support your claim that Biden molests children and that be believes some colors of people are genetically superior or inferior.

I left a lot of videos two pages ago. If you don`t believe on his own words, I don`t know what to say, you are a racist like him.
Well I used "we" a few times. Are you implying that you embrace inconsistency, that you're already perceiving Biden as a perv, or that you would never dislike Biden no matter what he has done?
I do not see how my question implies any of those three. I’m trying to know your political allegiance, and am asking politely, and a bit confused by your somewhat aggressive post.

Who to you is we?
Well I used "we" a few times. Are you implying that you embrace inconsistency, that you're already perceiving Biden as a perv, or that you would never dislike Biden no matter what he has done?
That is hat I was saying and you didn`t prove me wrong, even if anyone disagree just a little bit with the narrative you try to impose they are not on your side anymore... You are the fascist here.
I do not see how my question implies any of those three. I’m trying to know your political allegiance, and am asking politely, and a bit confused by your somewhat aggressive post.

Who to you is we?

You can see how the narrative is build, you are not allowed to disagree even a little bit because you will be attacked. And I am the fascist... Ok.
I do not see how my question implies any of those three. I’m trying to know your political allegiance, and am asking politely, and a bit confused by your somewhat aggressive post.

Who to you is we?

You objected to my use of we. I used it three times. What part exactly do you object to? We is what I said, that we're philosophically consistent, that we haven't seen evidence of Biden being a pedophile, and that if we did, we would reject him for it. It's not binary, so it doesn't somehow undo the good he has done, same as how Clinton was economically excellent, yet we can still say fuck him and his abuse of power and his predatorial grooming of his intern. Feel free to be more specific about what part of that you object to.
You can see how the narrative is build, you are not allowed to disagree even a little bit because you will be attacked. And I am the fascist... Ok.