Why do we feed, water, water with soil?

Again. POoist or step off. You are a perp as witnessed. You grow what?Scrawny cats in cages. I'm dying! I give a fuck less. Knock on my door or lip service your pathetic penis.
My comment comes from years of trial and error. Started to notice almost without fail that plants on a feed water water schedule suffered and yielded less as the same clone fed LIGHTLY every single watering.

Watching a specific phenotype and dialing in its needs by adjusting just how much it gets fed is an art.

I always start with the less is more moto and adjust by watching the plants. Again, an art that takes time to learn.

I like to try and take mine right to the limit and feed just till I see the very beginning of burn start on the leaf tips. After you run the same pheno a few times learning and adjusting as you go, that's when you start to get them...big ole donkey dick flowers. Trial and error.

The best way to answer your question for yourself would be to start with two clones of the same phenotype. Feed water water one. Feed feed feed the other. See which one yields best. My money is on the fed plant.

My cats more than likely cost more than the jolopy you drive daily. but that’s besides the point.

not including food..

Do you feed feed water?

what is your point? you just tried to tell me that youve never seen it on a nutrient bottle EVER and basically i must be a moron that learned everything i know from youtube to believe something so idiotic as "feed, water, water". Then you say " id love to see a crop grown following that feed chart". Are you trying to say a crop cant be grown well on that schedule? Obviously it can and does. I dont personally see an advantage to feed, water, water, but its a common method and it does work. It sounds like theres not much difference between the 2. I was just curious what the logic is behind a commonly known method, but i guess theres just always going to be guys that love to be condescending and treat other people like they are morons. Are you going to respond to everyone else in this thread that thinks feed, water, water is a viable method and ask if they learned everything from youtube?

You can feed water water feed.. But you won't get the same results

I am confused .. You can grow a crop following the feed chart.. But it might not be the best crop you've grown.
My comment comes from years of trial and error. Started to notice almost without fail that plants on a feed water water schedule suffered and yielded less as the same clone fed LIGHTLY every single watering.

Watching a specific phenotype and dialing in its needs by adjusting just how much it gets fed is an art.

I always start with the less is more moto and adjust by watching the plants. Again, an art that takes time to learn.

I like to try and take mine right to the limit and feed just till I see the very beginning of burn start on the leaf tips. After you run the same pheno a few times learning and adjusting as you go, that's when you start to get them...big ole donkey dick flowers. Trial and error.

The best way to answer your question for yourself would be to start with two clones of the same phenotype. Feed water water one. Feed feed feed the other. See which one yields best. My money is on the fed plant.
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Stunning my man
what is your point? you just tried to tell me that youve never seen it on a nutrient bottle EVER and basically i must be a moron that learned everything i know from youtube to believe something so idiotic as "feed, water, water". Then you say " id love to see a crop grown following that feed chart". Are you trying to say a crop cant be grown well on that schedule? Obviously it can and does. I dont personally see an advantage to feed, water, water, but its a common method and it does work. It sounds like theres not much difference between the 2. I was just curious what the logic is behind a commonly known method, but i guess theres just always going to be guys that love to be condescending and treat other people like they are morons. Are you going to respond to everyone else in this thread that thinks feed, water, water is a viable method and ask if they learned everything from youtube?
Soil has a microbial herd that breaks down the fertilizer into elements the plant's roots uptake. This is an ongoing process based on what's in the soil. So it shouldn't matter if you feed occasionally then water or feed each time the microbial herd is what is feeding your plant when you are in soil.

Does that help?
Soil has a microbial herd that breaks down the fertilizer into elements the plant's roots uptake. This is an ongoing process based on what's in the soil. So it shouldn't matter if you feed occasionally then water or feed each time the microbial herd is what is feeding your plant when you are in soil.

Does that help?
Every 2 days and 50 PPM increase everytime. That should puzzle.