The White privilege to terrorize

I'd be for widening the crimes available for the death penalty in the cases where there's irrefutable proof. And it's not out of hate/anger, it's more out of euthanizing type of sadness. Like hardcore forcible rape caught on camera with an admission and dna evidence, it's just the right thing to do for everyone involved.
Revenge is sweet. Idn't it?
I'd be for widening the crimes available for the death penalty in the cases where there's irrefutable proof. And it's not out of hate/anger, it's more out of euthanizing type of sadness. Like hardcore forcible rape caught on camera with an admission and dna evidence, it's just the right thing to do for everyone involved.
I am not as kind as you. A life spent behind bars is crueler than ending it.
I want him to spend the rest of his life behind bars, with no reduction of sentence for any reason, including good behavior. There's no parole in the Federal system. That's more satisfying and long lasting. Faced with that, he might do us a favor and take the coward's way out of this world.
He will live, Biden put a moratorium on on federal executions and I doubt a future republican administration would execute him, they would more likely pardon him just to trigger the libs.
He will live, Biden put a moratorium on on federal executions and I doubt a future republican administration would execute him, they would more likely pardon him just to trigger the libs.

We really really need to have a growing avalanche of convictions. The repubs are basking in impunity right now. They need to be firmly paddled for that sort of "because we can" kicking of sand castles.
That's no good. May as well legalize physical torture of cruelty if your goal.
I am balancing a desire for the punishment fitting the crime
a deep reluctance to condone murder by government.

I also think you just mounted a straw man/false equivalency argument.
Yes, wanting to see someone executed is emotional. That's why the death penalty exists. Hypothetical instances work. Bring a lunch.

Do you see the irony? You say the problem is emotion, yet your own emotion on the topic locks you into seeing only one possibility for euthanizing a person.

I am balancing a desire for the punishment fitting the crime
a deep reluctance to condone murder by government.

I also think you just mounted a straw man/false equivalency argument.

My apologies, I thought you said something about preferring cruelty. I must have misread.
Do you see the irony? You say the problem is emotion, yet your own emotion on the topic locks you into seeing only one possibility for euthanizing a person.

My apologies, I thought you said something about preferring cruelty. I must have misread.
It is the nasty little cherry on top of doing this right. I admit that.
It is the nasty little cherry on top of doing this right. I admit that.

It's unfortunate that the issue is compounded by tribalism. Republican hate, especially for brown people, has fueled the vast majority of the motivation for the death penalty in the US. Which of course means that there can be no other reason for supporting some ideas about euthanizing humans(sarcasm). We understand it perfectly with animals, you have one kid shoot a cat because he hates cats and he's a pos, but you have another kid shoot a cat because it's sick and yes it's sad, but also compassionate. One kid has hate in his heart and one doesn't, two identical actions, but with tremendous difference. For some, those differences are impossible to see.
It's unfortunate that the issue is compounded by tribalism. Republican hate, especially for brown people, has fueled the vast majority of the motivation for the death penalty in the US. Which of course means that there can be no other reason for supporting some ideas about euthanizing humans(sarcasm). We understand it perfectly with animals, you have one kid shoot a cat because he hates cats and he's a pos, but you have another kid shoot a cat because it's sick and yes it's sad, but also compassionate. One kid has hate in his heart and one doesn't, two identical actions, but with tremendous difference. For some, those differences are impossible to see.
I agree. But the premise for this conversation is someone solidly convicted of something awful. So in my instance, the first kid's motive does not apply.

I think we have noreal choice but to remove such convicts from contact with society. Canning them til they are carried out in a body bag is imo better than proactively killing them, once they are in the care of our government.

I own my emotions in this instance, but I do not use them to advance my argument. Rational motives that can be expressed and discussed are present and sufficient to arrive at my conclusion, I believe.
This case would seem to fit the first kid's instance and, although some cannot perceive the possibility of this position, but I have zero hate in my heart for Dylan Roof and also believe that euthanizing him is the right thing to do.
This case would seem to fit the first kid's instance and, although some cannot perceive the possibility of this position, but I have zero hate in my heart for Dylan Roof and also believe that euthanizing him is the right thing to do.
I am held back by the power of Canuk's manufactured evidence reservation.
I am held back by the power of Canuk's manufactured evidence reservation.

Completely understand, which is why I could only support it in some very specific circumstances. As a blanket rule, I do not support it, because a 99.9% success rate isn't good enough. Killing an innocent person through our legal system is one of the most embarrassing and unjust things we can do, and actually do.
The problem as I see it is that the death penalty is a punishment and really is a form of ultimate torture. That is one big reason why I am opposed to it.

We have the capability to peacefully put people to sleep with anesthesia first, but we don't. There is no reason we should kill people the way we do.
Do you see the irony? You say the problem is emotion, yet your own emotion on the topic locks you into seeing only one possibility for euthanizing a person.

Euthanizing. Clever use of semantics. Is it for you, or the condemned?