The White privilege to terrorize

Also, this is a monograph. Those are NOT subject to peer review. Peer-reviewed sources are absolutely essential for any meaningful discourse.
Peer reviewed research Into on obvious historical fact? You want a peer reviewed study Into the usa and slave breeding? Penned from a modern perspective or from some group of scientists at the requisite time period? Move the goalposts all you want.

You people will ignore facts until a group of authority figures you support come forth and tell you when you can cha ge your opinion. If you had innate curiosity you wouldn't have to relearn high school history. Want my old McGraw hill books?
Peer reviewed research Into on obvious historical fact? You want a peer reviewed study Into the usa and slave breeding? Penned from a modern perspective or from some group of scientists at the requisite time period? Move the goalposts all you want.

You people will ignore facts until a group of authority figures you support come forth and tell you when you can cha ge your opinion. If you had innate curiosity you wouldn't have to relearn high school history. Want my old McGraw hill books?
"Obvious historical facts" have taken a beating from a man who told >30000 lies in four years and suborned almost half of Americans.

Also, slave breeding is not germane to the eugenics movement, which started decades after emancipation. Red herring/straw man.

OK I'm done. Your intellectual rigor is poor.
You know how history works, when it conflicts with your ability to hear it, you tend to suffer cognitive dissonance, is this a defense mechanism of some kind?
One does not LISTEN to academic references. Had you had more than a GED you would know this.
One does not LISTEN to academic references. Had you had more than a GED you would know this.
You can read meinkampf, I'm not quoting that shit. His ideology is laid bare, ideology drives and motivates action, his ideology was clearly influenced by the USA and its historical abuses.

That's THE fucking ideological head of nazism. Want something more than that?
You can read meinkampf, I'm not quoting that shit. His ideology is laid bare, ideology drives and motivates action, his ideology was clearly influenced by the USA and its historical abuses.

That's that fucking ideological head of nazism. Want somethi g more than that?
Peer-reviewed current research in known academic journals. NO monographs.
"Obvious historical facts" have taken a beating from a man who told >30000 lies in four years and suborned almost half of Americans.

Also, slave breeding is not germane to the eugenics movement, which started decades after emancipation. Red herring/straw man.

OK I'm done. Your intellectual rigor is poor.
Your clearly suffering from cognitive dissonance if you cannot fathom how eugenics conveniently happens to parallel all the selective breeding and previous "race science"(pseudoscientific nonsense) and how it impacted future extensions and "research". The history is ugly and most wont talk about it, its purposely buried as a historical blemish, just like the rapist founding fathers dentures were made from slave teeth. They needed a dentist to build those dentures or doctor of some sort, whatever rudimentary knowledge was expanded upon or completely overhauled at certain historical points do to scientific advancements, every single medical "science" at the time did this to some degree when considering slaves were the first "products" this was "humanely" tested upon.
Peer-reviewed current research in known academic journals. NO monographs.
Do you believe white privilege exists? I'm more curious if any mental labor with you is even worth the effort.
Your clearly suffering from cognitive dissonance if you cannot fathom how eugenics conveniently happens to parallel all the selective breeding and previous "race science"(pseudoscientific nonsense) and how it impacted future extensions and "research". The history is ugly and most wont talk about it, its purposely buried as a historical blemish, just like the rapist founding fathers dentures were made from slave teeth. They needed a dentist to build those dentures or doctor of some sort, whatever rudimentary knowledge was expanded upon or completely overhauled at certain historical points do to scientific advancements, every single medical "science" at the time did this to some degree when considering slaves were the first "products" this was "humanely" tested upon.

Do you believe white privilege exists? I'm more curious if any mental labor with you is even worth the effort.