The White privilege to terrorize

Why do i want white people to have the human right to self determination? Because i am actually FOND of my family, friends, ancestry and would prefer it not forced into destruction

So now my question

Cuz one time some of you saw hollywood anti-white raysism propaganda and it made your feelings sad?
You basically said you like your family and ancestry, so it's about you wanting to fuck your relatives and keep outsiders from noticing your incestuous nature and commenting on it like "Hollywood movies"

X-files was right about you people.
You basically said you like your family and ancestry, so it's about you wanting to fuck your relatives and keep outsiders from noticing your incestuous nature and commenting on it like "Hollywood movies"
X-files was right about you people.

Your argument is that one time you saw hollywood anti-white propaganda about raysism and it made your feelings sad, therefore whites should be denied the human right to self determination.
Can we get his name changed to "EFFORTLESSDECIMATOR78"..?

honestly isnt special to make an anti-white go into total denial of everything they've ever stood for in their life and demand a topic change.

I could teach a 7 year old to do it.
You call ANYBODY that doesn't hate white people a white supremacist - so i take no offense kiddo!

Besides - why attack the capitol building when you can come into a forum and make EVERY SINGLE ANTI-WHITE DENY EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER BELIEVED AS HOLY?
No, I call the people who, at Trump's orders, marched on the Capitol Building with the intent of interfering with certifying an election. That is an act of insurrection, also an act of terrorism. White terrorists. We saw them for what they are.


Typical Nazi propaganda is to accuse others of what you are doing as cover. Your posts are so old and boring.

So, how about saying something interesting? Tell us about Plasma Beings.
Your argument is that one time you saw hollywood anti-white propaganda about raysism and it made your feelings sad, therefore whites should be denied the human right to self determination.
White people aren't a race. Get over it, your ancestors produced a loser like you, what is there to be proud of?
White people did everything on this list and you're projecting it outward onto everyone else. You need to seek a therapist and get on some medication that works.

ALL races did everything in that list long ago

but you say that ONLY white kids deserve genocide for the past
White people aren't a race. Get over it, your ancestors produced a loser like you, what is there to be proud of?

You just BLAMED white people for all of human history
then you immediately say that these evil white people dont exist

all you know for CERTAIN is that one time as a child you saw hollywood anti-white propaganda about raysisms - and it made your feelings sad - so now you have an irrational hatred for whites
ALL races did everything in that list long ago

but you say that ONLY white kids deserve genocide for the past
You need to admit you never got the chance to fuck and impregnate your mother and that's why you want to live surrounded by people who are like you, its degenerates like you who make white women disinterested in white men, they don't want to create something like you.
honestly isnt special to make an anti-white go into total denial of everything they've ever stood for in their life and demand a topic change.

I could teach a 7 year old to do it.

To be fair, I have no idea what the argument is. Just having a laugh at your superhero self-perception.
You need to admit you never got the chance to fuck and impregnate your mother and that's why you want to live surrounded by people who are like you

There are 2 things i dont have a problem with

1) getting laid
2) making you anti-whites look stupid AF
Looked back to what I think are his first posts. Is this because he says that black people get to have their own countries and cities and white people don't and says it's irrefutable...?
Looked back to what I think are his first posts. Is this because he says that black people get to have their own countries and cities and white people don't and says it's irrefutable...?
He's the kind of exemplary member of the "white race" we've come to expect from inbreds.