The White privilege to terrorize

Its a bit of a mindfuck for anti-whites to read my posts and realize THEY ARENT THE GOOD GUYS THEIR TV TOLD THEM THEY WERE

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Is this face value, or making fun of itself? There's no such thing as an Asian/Black/Latino/White homeland. There are individual ethnicities for those broad groups and they have a country that could be considered a homeland. Because nobody knows where the fuck Blackland and Whiteland are. Tough to find on a map.
He's the kind of exemplary member of the "white race" we've come to expect from inbreds.

You are welcome to say that anybody that doesnt hate white people is "inbred".

My "crime" on this thread............ NOT HATING WHITE PEOPLE - scroll thru
Is this face value, or making fun of itself? There's no such thing as an Asian/Black/Latino/White homeland. There are individual ethnicities for those broad groups and they have a country that could be considered a homeland.

Who do you think you are fooling anti-white?

colonialism 001.jpg
I disagree about the guillotine, but I see it's an emotionally locked topic. You are unwilling to believe that a person thinking another person dying is okay, could do so without hate, even though you understand it just fine with animals and are able to recognize that humans are animals.

State dependent, so I guess it's just as inaccurate to say chamber/injection as it is to say firing/chair/hanging.

Me? The third party spectator? Yeahhhh...don't forget the people that are having the pain inflicted upon them. That's a perspective you probably shouldn't forget about.
A person faced with impending death from a lethal disease choosing to take his (her) own life is different from society deciding that that life should end.

And how is the inflicting pain part worse for the inflictor than death?
Latinos are from everywhere.

A person faced with impending death from a lethal disease choosing to take his (her) own life is different from society deciding that that life should end.

The "animal" comparison wasn't about suicide, it was about euthanizing a sick/wounded animal. It sucks to do, but it's also the right thing to do.

And how is the inflicting pain part is worse for the inflictor than death?

The psychology behind it isn't that internal happiness leads to inflicting pain into others, it's internal pain that leads to inflicting external pain onto others.
They are ALL AROUND you. They are closing in. You cant even breathe without smelling the frijol. White Culture is under siiiiege!!1!

I lived in spain for 3 years - speak fluent spanish. One of my favorite hobbies is to make fun of self hating white people in spanish around latinos. They thoroughly enjoy it.

Most of them are nice people, they just need to be in their home.

I KNOW that this comes as a surprise to you - cuz one time u seent a hollywood movie picture and you think that everybody that doesnt hate white people must HATE all the brown people - but newsflash - MOVIES ARENT REAL
The "animal" comparison wasn't about suicide, it was about euthanizing a sick/wounded animal. It sucks to do, but it's also the right thing to do.

The psychology behind it isn't that internal happiness leads to inflicting pain into others, it's internal pain that leads to inflicting external pain onto others.
The subject is about execution of humans, not euthanizing animals.

So, please explain how there are worse things than ceasing to exist, again.
Awww, he won't even support his own statements. If I didn't know any better, I might have to start questioning this effortless decimation...
Awww, he won't even support his own statements. If I didn't know any better, I might have to start questioning this effortless decimation...

Listen JUSSIE - nearly everything i've said is just based on OBVIOUS TRUTHS that even the most casual of observers have noticed. So you asking for me to provide EVIDENCE of your guilt (as if you are a juror on your own trial) is just silly kiddo.

I could post EVIDENCE for days and you will never own up to it JUSSIE
So give up this ACT that you anti-whites are somehow UNBIASED JURORS lmaooo its childish