Do You Suffer From Cannabis Addiction

That’s pretty slick. I did a little search to see how much they cost

I stopped rolling joints years ago and switched to cigarette tubes. I‘ll have to try out a pack of those tubes. Thanks.
That’s pretty slick. I did a little search to see how much they cost

I stopped rolling joints years ago and switched to cigarette tubes. I‘ll have to try out a pack of those tubes. Thanks.
You'll love it!... Especially if you have an electric grinder.
Handy tip from packing so many of these.... Get your funnel in the tip about 3/4 of the way in. Start with a small amount and use the small end of the bamboo stick to pack it down good against the butt. Add more material, and then use the fat end of the stick to fill it up. As you get close to the end, pull the funnel out a little more with each pack. Then with one hand, grab the wide part of the funnel, and use your index finger to push on the stick as you're pulling the funnel out. Takes a little practice, but soon you'll be packing 1 every minute.
That looks very efficient, however, I've always enjoyed rolling by hand, those perfect joints. It's more "intimate".
Totally understand that. I used to be that way with my personal stash. However, we hang out with some influential people in the community, and this is our contribution to our group is to provide all the weed they want, so .. yeah, it's alot. This is just easier. Roll on my brother!
Totally understand that. I used to be that way with my personal stash. However, we hang out with some influential people in the community, and this is our contribution to our group is to provide all the weed they want, so .. yeah, it's alot. This is just easier. Roll on my brother!
In like 20 more years you need to send us a pics of all the little 70 year old ladies rolling joints, lol. That would be priceless. Maybe even have a cribbage board sitting there for good measure, lol.

JK man. I think it's awesome.
That looks very efficient, however, I've always enjoyed rolling by hand, those perfect joints. It's more "intimate".
How many joints do you roll in the run of a day though? It all comes down to how many you burn and how long you’ve been rolling joints. After the first ten thousand or so I figured I’d had enough. I like the cigarette tubes. They’re pretty quick and convenient. The amount of weed is the same each time too. I can usually roll 3 or 4 in five minutes, so it saves me time over rolling a joint.
Not saying a well rolled joint isn’t a thing of beauty, some folks have real skills. Me I’d rather save the time rolling and just load up tubes and be done with it, but I respect people who have the patience to sit and roll up nice joints.

I am going to get me a supply of those blunt tubes, just for showing off…
Rolling joints is like a meditative hobby for me.

When I was like 16 I was so irritated I couldn’t roll that I went and bought a pouch of bugler tobacco and would just sit at my desk rolling shitty cigarettes and throwing them in the trash until I was good enough to make a smokeable joint.
Rolling joints is like a meditative hobby for me.

When I was like 16 I was so irritated I couldn’t roll that I went and bought a pouch of bugler tobacco and would just sit at my desk rolling shitty cigarettes and throwing them in the trash until I was good enough to make a smokeable joint.
The hand roller may soon become a lost art. I'd do the same thing in my 20's.. if I didn't like that "pregnant" one I just rolled, id tear it apart and start over.