Do You Suffer From Cannabis Addiction

Oh yeah I'm addicted to growing. Smoking not so much. Even though I have all the weed I could smoke and would last me for years, I still find myself buying more LEDs, soil, pots, seeds, etc. I don't know why I can't stop! Maybe it's not so bad of an addiction...
When I was younger, yeah I feel like in hindsight I was kind of an addict. Always chasing the next hookup since I was only buying a couple gm at a time.

Once I hit my 20s i wised up and started hooking half or full oz, more cost effective + less "visits". Then dispensaries became a thing, and honestly the overall quality of what was available kinda went down. Street dealers always had better shit, i think this is true most places. Still kinda addicted in that I was spending more than I should & smoking more than I needed to, segwaying into habitual/ritual.

Now that I grow, hell no. This isn't an addiction, it's a true PASSION that, for the time being, I keep very simple and very cost effective. Full on habitual/ritual for me because I no longer smoke before work or before driving, it's not something i "have to do" first thing in the morning unless it's the weekend.
I got the privilege to work at the Austin State Hospital when i went to college and the fastest thing I learned is that you can have a problem with literally anything out there. A chronic masturbater with OCD who barricaded himself in a janitors closet(to masturbate ofcourse). A bipolar manic with a serious hair fetish. I mean the guy tackled a jogger with some scissors just to cut some of her hair off, and he even kept a collection at his house. There were a fair share of what Id call marijuana "abusers" that came and went but, like the others, it was driven by an underlying mental illness they just couldn't keep in check. Those meds are not fun and many patients despised taking them. All in all I certainly preferred their company to a lot of the others. They stayed mellow out(for a while) and you didn't have to look over your shoulder as much. I only smoke before work and when i get off at the end of the day(their rules not mine), and Ive been told by a few people that constitutes a problem. But I'll probably smoke everyday untill I'm dead or incapacitated. Believe you me there's far worse issues out there to have than being a pothead
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I had to go do an annoying task for my wife in a town with a few dispensaries the other day. Kinda half thought about stopping by and picking up a bag, but I have a shit ton left from last autumn, and $60 could be an eighth, or it could be a pack of seeds. Needless to say I did not stop by the dispensary.
Dont discount the amazing feelings you create for yourself and the store if you go in, look around, and leave having not bought anything. They dont expect that.
I was searching through California dispensary sites the other day, the stupid stoned sxxx I do to keep in touch with the markets.

I seriously cannot believe that in Cali they still get 40, 50, 60 or even $75 an eighth! Are there quality $100 or $200 ounces at some dispensaries? I didnt see that option.

How with so much supply is it all not $100 or maybe $200 per.

"Enquiring" mind wants to know!
I was searching through California dispensary sites the other day, the stupid stoned sxxx I do to keep in touch with the markets.

I seriously cannot believe that in Cali they still get 40, 50, 60 or even $75 an eighth! Are there quality $100 or $200 ounces at some dispensaries? I didnt see that option.

How with so much supply is it all not $100 or maybe $200 per.

"Enquiring" mind wants to know!
So basically, yeah, to get the quality most of us here probably expect, you'd have to get something above 60/eighth. The half and full oz you pretty much wait for sales otherwise the price point is pretty much the same.
Dont discount the amazing feelings you create for yourself and the store if you go in, look around, and leave having not bought anything. They dont expect that.

Ha, sadly these are Mass dispensaries, which are like Apple stores (if they only had descriptions of Apple products available to potential customers with the actual phones and computers stored in a drawer with basically no opportunity to see them until you rip open the package post non-returnable purchase). Also depending on the shop you might have to wait in a line outside, and some a line outside then a line inside (with multiple ID checks along the way).

I thought prices might come down a bit once they had a reasonable number of dispensaries open, but if that's happened I haven't really seen it.
I was searching through California dispensary sites the other day, the stupid stoned sxxx I do to keep in touch with the markets.

I seriously cannot believe that in Cali they still get 40, 50, 60 or even $75 an eighth! Are there quality $100 or $200 ounces at some dispensaries? I didnt see that option.

How with so much supply is it all not $100 or maybe $200 per.

"Enquiring" mind wants to know!
If youre surprised by what they charge people just imagine how little they pay their growers. I knew a grower from Colorado that would barely get $600 a quarter pound from the dispensaries and that was organic grown. That was a few years back and a business has to make a profit but damn. Thats a stick up if there ever was one. Youll see this get worse as time goes on and its legalized federally. Every greedy company in the country will throw their hat in the ring and push the mom and pop dispensaries right out of the picture. Imagine what an eighth will cost you from CVS or WalMart
If youre surprised by what they charge people just imagine how little they pay their growers. I knew a grower from Colorado that would barely get $600 a quarter pound from the dispensaries and that was organic grown. That was a few years back and a business has to make a profit but damn. Thats a stick up if there ever was one. Youll see this get worse as time goes on and its legalized federally. Every greedy company in the country will throw their hat in the ring and push the mom and pop dispensaries right out of the picture. Imagine what an eighth will cost you from CVS or WalMart
I picked up an eighth when I got my medical card. $50 for the top shelf! If that is as good as they grow, it will be my last. So I'm guessing my top shelf would have to go for at least $100. !!! I'm addicted, but only to good weed!!!
I picked up an eighth when I got my medical card. $50 for the top shelf! If that is as good as they grow, it will be my last. So I'm guessing my top shelf would have to go for at least $100. !!! I'm addicted, but only to good weed!!!
Right you are. Its worth every penny especailly if its grown organic. It can be a lot more expensive to grow
Well I just recently discovered one place that calls their mid level stuff “top shelf” so they might have better bud available for outrageous prices :x
Yep, I've been screwed plenty of times this year. $50 an eighth doesn't guarantee you good smoke anymore.

there are very few people I know who are heavy smokers that would be considered mentally healthy.

Most are self medicating and like you mentioned seem to lose their shit at the drop of a hat when sober.

But then there’s maybe two or three guys I know who consume absurd amounts of bud and dabs Every. Single. Day. And they’re fine. Totally normal socially and two own successful businesses.
Most are like that with caffeine and nicotine as well, but I wouldn't consider them to be mentally unhealthy. You should see how my boss gets when he gets hungry.
Heavy user for years. Occasionally I've had to stop for days to months at a time. I have never had withdrawal symptoms. That shit is a myth. That said, I can feel my chronic pain more accutely especially after a few days, but my sleep habits dont change and I don't get mad cravings or whatever. Caffeine is a different story.