California Gubernatorial Recall Election

Here's what I don't understand about the latest polls.. They show that the majority of voters want to keep Newsom by a spread of around 8%, but at the same time the most likely replacement is Larry Elder instead of another Democrat? How does that make sense?
Here's what I don't understand about the latest polls.. They show that the majority of voters want to keep Newsom by a spread of around 8%, but at the same time the most likely replacement is Larry Elder instead of another Democrat? How does that make sense?
there are no other democrats on the ballot...
take a look at Texas or Florida for what a republican run California would look like...o_O

What part is so bad? The covid? I don’t want the fucking government in my life telling me what to do. I don’t want criminals to be able to steal and get away with it if you won’t let me take the law into my own hands and I don’t want my money drained and put into a general fund which they use for “ Social programs” to basically buy votes
Yep. Gave us great infrastructure in interstate highways and freeways

And taxed us twice for it along with raising our DMV fees! Remember the first time it was raised the money was misappropriated. The son of a bitch let the freeways go to total shit to basically strong arm voters to vote for another increase. He didn’t get on it much until he started getting recalled and then all of a sudden CalTrans was everywhere working. What we pay in taxes our roads, schools, ect should be some of the best in the world. I saw what he did to SF as mayor and he has done the same to the entire state
You should understand why I have so much destain for both parties if you read my statements and watched the videos. In short I am so very tired of the two party system .When both parties are playing the AMERICAN CITIZEN. Both full of rich elites and elite wannabes controlling their lazy unthinking hardcore follower .using their following sheep to divide the common man. to destroy AMERICA!
I am voting for Larry Elder, yeah his is a republican.
But his is not part of the establishment. I believe his is for the common man .There is over 5 million plus laws
On the books . since I have been here in this realm. How am I suppose to follow all those laws without a attorney on retainer . ignorance of the law will not protect will from a law you had no idea existed. So keep playing my party ,your party as your and my world is being destroyed by stupid laws ,regulations and fees us to obliviousness.
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And taxed us twice for it along with raising our DMV fees! Remember the first time it was raised the money was misappropriated. The son of a bitch let the freeways go to total shit to basically strong arm voters to vote for another increase. He didn’t get on it much until he started getting recalled and then all of a sudden CalTrans was everywhere working. What we pay in taxes our roads, schools, ect should be some of the best in the world. I saw what he did to SF as mayor and he has done the same to the entire state
You would really like Afghanistan. Move soon.
Yep liberals are working tirelessly to make sure every child is trained to peepee standing and squating
Better than the right wing terrorists method.

And taxed us twice for it along with raising our DMV fees! Remember the first time it was raised the money was misappropriated. The son of a bitch let the freeways go to total shit to basically strong arm voters to vote for another increase. He didn’t get on it much until he started getting recalled and then all of a sudden CalTrans was everywhere working. What we pay in taxes our roads, schools, ect should be some of the best in the world. I saw what he did to SF as mayor and he has done the same to the entire state
I my statement was about what Eisenhower did you weenie.