Well-Known Member
so i've been really tinkering with foliar sprays this whole summer. I like Green Dope Project from J Bleezy and the Mendo Dope crew, they spray something called Plant Therapy in a couple of their videos. I have one spray i like, next to try is this one
Plant Therapy
Organic Soy oil – 38%, Organic Peppermint – .5%, Citric Acid – .25%,
Label Inert Ingredients
Purified Walter, Isopropyl Alcohol, Soap, and Sodium Citrate (baking soda sub.) – Total – 61.25%
Application Rates
SHAKE concentrate WELL before measuring. Add water to your application sprayer.
Add 2 tbsp. (1oz.) of concentrate per 1 gallon of water.
Shake/agitate mixed contents of sprayer before applying to plants. Agitate as needed during use, approximately every 5 minutes. Close cap of concentrate tightly when not in use.
now for the goofy part, you see each of these ingredients can be store bought, the hang up is they are sold in retail sizes....the peppermint oil comes in 15ml bottles....the soybean oil comes in 32oz bottles. This is my regions stores, yours may have different sizes available.
so you see these are the numbers you must work with in calculating the formula, remember we are making a concentrate.
ok so with that i just bought all the stuff i need right in town, i replace the Sodium Citrate with Sodium Bicarbonate...meh it all works whatever.
I've hacked up a spreadsheet to quickly calc out what i need for a batch.
you have to make your own copy to edit

what you now do is change the green cell until the lowest limiting ingredient size you have fits. i have 32oz soybean oil so i can only make .66gal of concentrate...with the 15ml of peppermint i will only need 12.49ml, so ill have some left over.
ok remember this?
Add 2 tbsp. (1oz.) of concentrate per 1 gallon of water
so that .66 gallon concentrate i just made can make 84 gallons of spray because there's 84 fl oz (.66 of a gallon) and 1 oz makes 1 gallon
shoutout to @JimmiP for help in foliar sprays, now to go test this and see how it works.
edit: i need to look at the soap amount, think it's too high. will fix in post edit if need to.

1oz:1gal mix
Plant Therapy
Organic Soy oil – 38%, Organic Peppermint – .5%, Citric Acid – .25%,
Label Inert Ingredients
Purified Walter, Isopropyl Alcohol, Soap, and Sodium Citrate (baking soda sub.) – Total – 61.25%
Application Rates
SHAKE concentrate WELL before measuring. Add water to your application sprayer.
Add 2 tbsp. (1oz.) of concentrate per 1 gallon of water.
Shake/agitate mixed contents of sprayer before applying to plants. Agitate as needed during use, approximately every 5 minutes. Close cap of concentrate tightly when not in use.
now for the goofy part, you see each of these ingredients can be store bought, the hang up is they are sold in retail sizes....the peppermint oil comes in 15ml bottles....the soybean oil comes in 32oz bottles. This is my regions stores, yours may have different sizes available.
so you see these are the numbers you must work with in calculating the formula, remember we are making a concentrate.
ok so with that i just bought all the stuff i need right in town, i replace the Sodium Citrate with Sodium Bicarbonate...meh it all works whatever.
I've hacked up a spreadsheet to quickly calc out what i need for a batch.
you have to make your own copy to edit

what you now do is change the green cell until the lowest limiting ingredient size you have fits. i have 32oz soybean oil so i can only make .66gal of concentrate...with the 15ml of peppermint i will only need 12.49ml, so ill have some left over.
ok remember this?
Add 2 tbsp. (1oz.) of concentrate per 1 gallon of water
so that .66 gallon concentrate i just made can make 84 gallons of spray because there's 84 fl oz (.66 of a gallon) and 1 oz makes 1 gallon
shoutout to @JimmiP for help in foliar sprays, now to go test this and see how it works.
edit: i need to look at the soap amount, think it's too high. will fix in post edit if need to.

1oz:1gal mix
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