Pandemic 2020

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Even on the trail bears are a problem at some of the shelters. People don't follow LNT guidelines. But far and away the most destructive animal you will meet on the trail is the mouse, and the most dangerous one the tick.
In Washington state the most dangerous animal was the goat . Plus human predators are prowling as well. When I was a hard core hiker in the North cascades and Mt baker and The olympics, and all into the Washington state trails for years I met up with a lot of wild animals. One time on the trail I met the sister of a Women who was shot dead by a 12 year old with a rifle out hunting with grandpa on a foggy day. He thought she was a bear. An aggressive goat I encountered in the Olympics on the Hurricane ridge range trail ,who by all accounts was out of control and should have been removed sooner, killed a hiker the following week I was there.

When I was out there ....there were very few bear attacks at all . People were really good about storing their food properly. I never saw a mountain lion but they were out there and I am pretty sure I was being stalked a couple times.

I am not even remotely interested in hiking anymore. It really did some damage on my knees .
In Washington state the most dangerous animal was the goat . Plus human predators are prowling as well. When I was a hard core hiker in the North cascades and Mt baker and The olympics, and all into the Washington state trails for years I met up with a lot of wild animals. One time on the trail I met the sister of a Women who was shot dead by a 12 year old with a rifle out hunting with grandpa on a foggy day. He thought she was a bear. An aggressive goat I encountered in the Olympics on the Hurricane ridge range trail ,who by all accounts was out of control and should have been removed sooner, killed a hiker the following week I was there.

When I was out there ....there were very few bear attacks at all . People were really good about storing their food properly. I never saw a mountain lion but they were out there and I am pretty sure I was being stalked a couple times.

I am not even remotely interested in hiking anymore. It really did some damage on my knees .
I've heard about the mountain goats being aggressive. And most hikers who are that far in the back country cook and eat supper before going another couple three miles into camp for the night.

Here in Florida there is not enough PUDS (pointless ups and downs) to really work on the knees. But the cho-pat knee brace is supposed to do wonders on the downhills.
I've heard about the mountain goats being aggressive. And most hikers who are that far in the back country cook and eat supper before going another couple three miles into camp for the night.

Here in Florida there is not enough PUDS (pointless ups and downs) to really work on the knees. But the cho-pat knee brace is supposed to do wonders on the downhills.
That’s why Florida is so amazing and the wild life is mind blowing . Alligator alley is teaming with alligators and the alligator population has made a tremendous comeback! But be careful on alligator alley in the dark because there are a lot of alligator accidents and hitting an alligator can be deadly. Can you imagine? I know people that drive that highway daily for work and are scared shitless driving it in the dark.
Last night at the riverhouse my usual PBS shows were not on due to Ken Burn's new film. So clicking around I came across Marcus Lamb on daystar tv. He was showing clips of Dr Ant that contradicted each other. (we all know the way science works is to make changes when we learn more) There was a doctor and a lawyer on the show to tell parents how to evade mask and vaccine mandates. If I had had a phone I would have called and told them to keep up the good work. Upwards of 800 GOP voters are dying a day. What is it they say? When your opponent is digging himself into a hole, you let him.

I found this when I googled daystar covid misinformation.

Just got a call from my doctor about my tests on Tuesday. They were processed at the local hospital rather than through Rite Aid so it was a lot quicker. Would have done the same with my daughter but we would have had to wait a minimum of two days to do it. No covid result yet but I did test positive for rhinovirus which is what we expected.

Never should have gone to the zoo last week.

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don't you have to get intimately close to catch the virus?...what does that yellow stuff taste like? :hump:
Which age group are you quoting? 5yr old or 85 yr old?
i keep picking sad when you post, not because what you post makes me sad, but because people like you still exist, and that makes me sad....
you obviously don't believe the stupid shit you say, you're either just a complete asshole trying to troll because you have NO ONE in your life and no other way to get any kind of attention, OR, you're actually a paid agent trying to disseminate false are you an incel looking for ANY kind of human intercourse? or are you a paid agent, comrade?
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CNN reporter tracks down doctor spreading dangerous lies. Hear her shocking claims
One thing that covid has done is to show how poorly the medical profession polices itself, the national AMA should have more power or the FDA should remove their MD statues for them and if they make any claim about being one even to make a speech as one, prison time. Sociopaths become doctors and lawyers too and we are living with the consequences of professional misconduct.
One of my wife's friends has Covid. She is an obese anti-vaxxer. Not a good combination. She's now intubated on max oxygen and her O2 level declining... we hope she makes it but it doesn't look good.
sorry, out of sympathy for antivaxxers, just feel relief now that there's one less idiot in the world

insider info or unqualified meanderings?....that is the question....
Covid is now endemic, but he has a point, it will turn into the "Wu flu" for most people. Mass vaccine production is still ramping up globally and I think almost everybody who is not vaccinated in North America will be infected by spring, the more winter the worse. It was an opinion stated in an interview and one I generally agree with. We here don't realize the effort being made to vaccinate the global population, we should be producing vaccines in Canada soon and mRNA vaccines in a year.
we don't speak in a strange accent, you do.
You should be glad of the chlorine smell, it drowns out the smell of tourists.
the dolly parton music coming from the sky, i can only imagine came from whatever psychedelic you were taking at the time.
whether you come back or not is up to you, but tourists are the reason it may seem like a shithole, so if you do come back, bring money, it's the only thing that makes you even remotely bearable
Common now, you know you are surrounded by dickheads and say so frequently! :D
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One thing that covid has done is to show how poorly the medical profession polices itself, the national AMA should have more power or the FDA should remove their MD statues for them and if they make any claim about being one even to make a speech as one, prison time. Sociopaths become doctors and lawyers too and we are living with the consequences of professional misconduct.
There’s a new show on ShowCase based on a true story called “Dr Death” which covers this. It’s really good.
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