***DAT's Art Cave***

I saw this really cool frog on my work window in the morning. I had seen it’s prints up on the window in the morning fog but I didn’t know what created the strange scary pattern . Thinking it might have been some sort of massive centipede type monster lizard, not a cute litttle frog! There are little lizards that hide in my drawers and in some of the rooms. It can be a bit startling when I see them but they are super sweet and harmless. 4FED641B-97A7-4605-932A-D5FC77C5C182.jpegEC1E8813-90B8-41E3-9E04-3E199A4D3192.jpeg
Lol. He was back again today!! And I hung out with him for a while. This is getting serious! Lol my new little buddy. So with the heavy rain yesterday there was condensation on the window and I was able to get his trail pattern. Isn’t it trippy. And he climbs very high on the window so the snake like pattern he leaves is freaky wierd.
this picture is of the snail kite bird .
The wings on this bird are so beautiful . It’s an endangered bird here because snails are as well. A bird that eats snails is very cool.

does he like Garlic with his snails? :)
I reckon you could do some cool graphic art with the froggy trail.
my boys both have frog "knuffels". Knuffel is the Dutch word for cuddle, but also means kids cuddly toy:) the youngest also has a Seal called Keilly who like the frogs has his own language lmfao. Who needs shrooms when you have kids!!!
does he like Garlic with his snails? :)
I reckon you could do some cool graphic art with the froggy trail.
my boys both have frog "knuffels". Knuffel is the Dutch word for cuddle, but also means kids cuddly toy:) the youngest also has a Seal called Keilly who like the frogs has his own language lmfao. Who needs shrooms when you have kids!!!
I need shrooms .
They were grown in coco coir. And to be honest , they taste way better than the ones found in/on poop.
Do they give the same type of hallucinatory effects? I might do that recipe. I have grown weed in coco coir before so I know a little bit about how to manage the moisture levels .
Do they give the same type of hallucinatory effects? I might do that recipe. I have grown weed in coco coir before so I know a little bit about how to manage the moisture levels .
I tripped just fine a few times :D . In the bottom pic you can see the substrate on the base . Top pic is them after toothbrushing 'em off .