Any tips on getting cuttings to root faster using aeroponics

Sterilize during the entire cloning procedure. Biggest thing is getting the cut to seal itself before infection. So you should keep the water cool and “sterile” until it has time to do so. Once it seals it’ll root a ton faster. If it’s fighting the whole time you get lackluster clones. No hormone in the mix either. Seems to just keep them in callus mode.
Sterilize during the entire cloning procedure. Biggest thing is getting the cut to seal itself before infection. So you should keep the water cool and “sterile” until it has time to do so. Once it seals it’ll root a ton faster. If it’s fighting the whole time you get lackluster clones. No hormone in the mix either. Seems to just keep them in callus mode.
I'm not sterile in the slightest literally use just some regular old trimming scissors. Snip and place in the cloner all done. The water just gets topped off and occasionally I hit it with 34% h2o2 or 3 ppm of pool shock and keep trucking.
I get roots in as fast as 4 days longest is. I fill my cloner with 300ppm water with 1/3 cup (mind you my cloners are 126 site or bigger)of hormex no 8 or 16. And let it run.
I've been using ro water...I have a added rapid starter and use clonex gel but maybe I need to add 1/4 strength nutes to the water as well?
I found if there was any warmth and I used nutes I would get algae growing on the rockwool...just something to watch for.
Since theres no roots theres no sense in using any nutes...its a waste imo.
I've been using ro water...I have a added rapid starter and use clonex gel but maybe I need to add 1/4 strength nutes to the water as well?
No hormones in the water. Nutrients are fine IMO and experience. In fact nutes make for healthier cuts in an aero cloner. With RO water I highly recommend a sterilizing/oxidation agent. These aren’t the right terms (sterilization etc) I’m sure but you need something to give the clones time. Half these guys are using tap with chloramine in it and don’t understand that’s the cleaning agent lol. I can clone with dirty trays and old water too lol, those cuts are always subpar next to cuts that have been maintained correctly. You will see it in flower.
From permaclone suggesting weak flower nutes (200ppm 500 on scale)... makes porcupine quill roots pop out of my rapid rooters:)
IMHO... Plain tap water & a little patience, don't keep F'ing with em. The chlorine/chloramine s/b enough to fight pathogens in most cases.
Nutrients are useless to unroot cuts

A healthy donor plant is #1
This. When started using tap instead of RO my success rate when up to 100%
But when they nub up I change the rez to RO water with a little Rapid Start. Roots should explode within 48hrs.
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short spray cycles have been doing me right lately. 30 seconds on, 10 minutes off
I use a cycle timer too, more to keep my res temps low, but same idea...I use a "1 on 4 off" timer...1 minute on, 4 off. Keeps my res at about 72-75f which I find perfect. for clones.
Pool shock is the ticket.

I use dip n grow, and then diluted pool shock every 3 days. RO water, No nutes, no cover, keep the temp around low 70's f. Beautiful roots in a week to 10 days every time.
How much water do you dilute the pool shock....and do you use powder or liquid shock?