Well-Known Member
Speaking of extractions, how about pointing a person in the right vaporizer direction @Cotyledon420?, @blueberrymilkshake
Can you link me to a site where I might get a decent vaporizer. Totally new to me, but my friend likes his and I’d like a way to smoke some of my RSO. I’d love to be able to use it to smoke Kief like you do Cotyledon.
No tobacco for me though.
These were the best atomizers a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if anything has come along to replace it. Not a whole lot of people are vaping concentrates these days, so their isn't a huge market.

Humboldt Vape Tech Saionara Top Airflow Atomizers
Humboldt Vape Tech Saionara Top Airflow Atomizers w/Titanium Bucket Installed.