Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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:clap: im done here. Im not offending americans, but im offending the processes happening in america. A lot of americans share my opinions. Like your president. Now having a white democratic you might finally find your way to "change". Sure you can ;) I hope you do! I support him! Bonus, he is not from kenia, conspiracy-wise ;)

... just take a look at Alex Jones.... :wall: Personification of your problems! Pure moronism! Is it a bioweapon of the socialists or the bilderbergs depopulation weapon, or just a fart from Pelosi, the evil shapeshifting queen of the hive? :D ... one day he going to find out :D
If you organized your thoughts better, you'd prolly make sense.
Don't stereotype. It's another liberal trait. It makes it easy on the Libs though being told how to think and what to do. I guess it comes from the Gov handout lifestyle thinking.
Maybe has something to do with the company one keeps? Sane people stay away from insurrectionists and confederate flags. My taxes pay For the local fire dept. And I do pay my fair share. Handouts? Huh?
Im sry to carry it political, but it's the point.
You print trillions of dollars feeding the debt deflation every new years legislative budget because you have no choice facing the shutdown.
Most of the money gets just sucked by the MIC and you can't do anything about it, just go on..... but you have no single fucking dollar to provide the jobless the homeless the food and the warmth and the doctor to maintain their health stable. YOU WANT TO GO ON THAT?
It is THE thing about it in your country.
Vaccination is not "a solution" when your health-state is "down".... the vaccination only helps you when you are in a good health state... if you have no good health taking the shots, the chances of complications skyrocket.

Its not the vaccination that helps you but your imune systems reaction to it..... what you expect from a fuckedup body taking a vaccination that just eats mcdonald and drinks alcohol sleeping in the cold ?? Shot them the vaxx releasing them into the cold and face the collateral damage! DO IT! GO ON!

These bodies have no good imune capacities, struggling the wilderness! Just junk in them, no money, no home, shitting in the streets!

Thats not a brainer, whats the reason for the pandemic on your side of the ocean! You have a radical-economy as evil as that from the nazis. We had the world having enough power to free us..... but you have the military.... nobody stops you. You must change from within!

You are "anti-social" warfare-economy.... in germany we say: "Ihr seid voll die Asozialen im Umgang mit euch selbst und mit der Welt!"

Start caring for one another, thats "social", that defeats the pandemic.
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Thanks but I prefer my doctors advice
Bonus he is American :clap:
Use to work in Mexico for decades, swear to something, everyone appears to be a doctor. The plant I use to work in Monterrey .had a "doctors office "....most the windows knocked out or missing with papers and debris blowing throughout room ! I swear ! Very comforting. Very dangerous working conditions......good luck finding even a pair of plres . Had a great nightlife however.
Im sry to carry it political, but it's the point.
You print trillions of dollars feeding the debt deflation every new years legislative budget because you have no choice facing the shutdown.
Most of the money gets just sucked by the MIC and you can't do anything about it, just go on..... but you have no single fucking dollar to provide the jobless the homeless the food and the warmth and the doctor to maintain their health stable. YOU WANT TO GO ON THAT?
It is THE thing about it in your country.
Vaccination is not "a solution" when your health-state is "down".... the vaccination only helps you when you are in a good health state... if you have no good health taking the shots, the chances of complications skyrocket.

Its not the vaccination that helps you but your imune systems reaction to it..... what you expect from a fuckedup body taking a vaccination that just eats mcdonald and drinks alcohol sleeping in the cold ?? Shot them the vaxx releasing them into the cold and face the collateral damage! DO IT! GO ON!

These bodies have no good imune capacities, struggling the wilderness! Just junk in them, no money, no home, shitting in the streets!

Thats not a brainer, whats the reason for the pandemic on your side of the ocean! You have a radical-economy as evil as that from the nazis. We had the world having enough power to free us..... but you have the military.... nobody stops you. You must change from within!

You are "anti-social" warfare-economy.... in germany we say: "Ihr seid voll die Asozialen im Umgang mit euch selbst und mit der Welt!"

Start caring for one another, thats "social", that defeats the pandemic.
I thought you left...

We are waiting
Cauhing and Sneezing does spread it. Even breathing spreads it. Touching does not spread it through the skin.
A dead body does not caugh, does not sneeze... it does not even breath anymore, it does not spread.
Patients with severe symptoms get isolated/hospitalised/quarantined.... those spread low. If they die, the spread is over.
The virus don't profit from killing or severe damage, in fact killing the host, lowers his chances to spread.
Any mutation that reduces severe symptoms, increases the spread.
Any mutation that increases the mortality, decreases the spread.
The spread of today are the patients of tomorrow.
There is no need to worry about "deadlier variants", there is no such.
SARS-CoV2 is exactly that: a lower deadlier mutation of SARS, which had 10% mortality, in the first place.
5 of 6 people over 80 years SURVIVE intensive care with Covid, having positive outcome... thats VERY good chances btw.
The hole process is just adoption.
We adopt, it adops, on and on.

We only say that it is DANGER in terms of spread because high counts patients of the elderly at the same time can overcharge the medical-system, and then we can't manage them to survive, because of not having the right equipement at place and not enough personal. Thats the only reason... spend more on medical care..... SPENT! Take care your homeless... get them health insurence... get them a HOME!

Americas fuckedup health care system and the long distance from the place of living to the hospital with adequate equipment makes it easy for the can get the vaccine for free... but if you catch vaccination-damage, whats your insurance? Your masses of homeless people without health insurance spread covid in the streets.

USA pop 300mio... yesterday: +94,811 new cases / +1,811 dead = 1,91%
Germany 80mio... yesterday: +7,768 new cases / + 77 dead = 0,99%

4 Times the population you have..... but 12 times the daily new cases and on that double the mortality rate.

50% of americans got vaccinated.... :wall: Look how great it works :D
Thats 150millions.... within each million there is people having DAMAGE from the vaccination! PLENTY!
You dont care them... "get a fucking job!", "now why dont you have a job".. you disvalue live that has no job... like the fucking nazis! "Oh thats just useless human junk"

Maybe you should find a vaccination against "Stupidity" :D

EDIT: Not that Im not grateful.... I thank the russians for THEIR millions of losses stopping us, 80s ago, i wasn't even born. Im really grateful for this Grundgesetz for the Bundesrepublik Germany... i accept it as MY CONSTITUTION! You did great work on that ... we function.... now what about you? Your "we the people"... you suck IMHO! Your country is stuck in the "dark middle age" .. and the same goes for the UK.... its fact! YOu have the "wild west" the same time... meaning "dark middle age" with guns everywhere and shootings instead of swordfights! But you got the plaques now.... it's getting more and more "dark middle age" at your place! The rest of the world... skyrocketing and outperforming you in any demands exapt military-industrial-complex... :rolleyes: Your stuck founding an empire that already fall apart... you dont know how else to proceed... it's so funny. Yay, me little Adolph, a fucking small democratic PEASANT. Snickers for the Left-handed! "...aaaaand you're fed up"

You're not fed yet?
Try this:
A dead body doesn't cough or breathe..........who told you that? Thanks for passing that on!
Im democratic.... if you want to reffer my specific exact political direction on the spectrum its between centre-left and centre-right. The centre. I oppose the left and the right both. ;)
The CDC themselves state that only 6% of those 700,000 died of covid. There truly is an epidemic of misinformation
Not a credible source, even Facebook would take it down! 99.99% or the WORLD'S media call bullshit on this. What's wrong, couldn't find a source to back up your bullshit, "bitchute", remember you don't believe the CDC they are all part of a vast global conspiracy, according to you. Get a fucking grip and stop publicly displaying your stupidity and ignorance, it's pathetic, go get vaccinated and STFU.
Most of those who are coming down with the Covid have been vaccinated. Your own immune system is the best and wearing a mask while isolating yourself weakens the immune system. If the vaccine worked well there would be no need to force people to get it or give it away for free. How many billions are taxpayers paying for the free vaccines?.
Looks like you’ve been drinking that Qool-aid.
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