Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot to mention...I think for my next grow, I'm going to start off in small containers and then transplant to bigger pots as needed. It will help the plants from stretching towards the center and up towards the light.

I'll be happy as long as most of them grow short and stocky...I'll accept a couple that aren't 'perfect'. I just want to make it to harvest this grow.......


Well-Known Member
they look like there loving the light. i could c where the littler pots could help.

and your going to make it all the way. but man does it take a while..:shock:


Well-Known Member
they look like there loving the light. i could c where the littler pots could help.

and your going to make it all the way. but man does it take a while..:shock:
Yeah, I am hoping it all works out for the best :). If I can just manage to keep them watered correctly this time and keep the temps reasonable, I should be ok. I know I bought all the right soil, ferts, etc. I just have to be diligent in caring for them. I can do it!


Well-Known Member
Another quick one. It looks like when I adjusted the light the other day, I got it just right. I'll take a tape measure out, but I think it's about 12 inches or so from the tops of the plants. Most of my babies are really starting to take off. The 2-3 smaller ones will be where the rest are soon.

I secured a few blankets to hang behind the plastic. Yes, I still need to hang the plastic and will get to it. The reason it's taking so long is I have to cut it to size, hang it, etc. I haven't been getting more than about 10 minutes at a time in the grow area lately. The time I'm there is spent watering and tweaking anything that needs immediate attention. I have circumstances that keep me from being able to be there as much as I'd like. As soon as I can, I'll get it done.

Anyways, here's a pic.



Well-Known Member
looking great!!

do you have a small fan you could blow over them? i'm just thinking about when my light was about that far off and the plant grew a little too much in one night and got burned. just thinking... its a delicate balance.


Well-Known Member
looking great!!

do you have a small fan you could blow over them? i'm just thinking about when my light was about that far off and the plant grew a little too much in one night and got burned. just thinking... its a delicate balance.
You actually can't see it in the pics, but, there is a rotating fan blowing air on them as we speak. I turned it on a little less than a week ago to make sure they have strong stems. I should be ok for now with the light height. I'll move it up as we go ;-). Practice makes perfect.


Well-Known Member
I just got a great phone call :). It looks like someone I know is going to trade me a grape ape clone for 2 of my papaya seeds. If they get 2 females from seed then I get another clone. I figure give 2 seeds instead of giving 1 and it turn out to be male. It's not like a male seed would do me any good anyhow... I should have the clone next weekend, which also guarantees me a nice female.

BTW, this grape ape strain is really freaking good. I smoked some a few times this week and's good.


Well-Known Member
hey mary, everything is looking good for you. i'm growing papaya too. started a week before you. good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
KEVIN Keep an eye on my journal for updates :). I'm going to subscribe to your journal now. I'm interested in watching the differences :-)


Ok, well, today I managed to hang the ballast and the few extra blankets I had. I still need to hang 1 or 2 more blankets as well as cut the plastic to size and hang it as well. Hopefully the blankets I put up today will help the heater not run as much.

I did manage to cut a real quick piece of panda plastic and put it under the pots. It doesn't look the greatest right now... I still want to cut a more exact sized piece to go under the pots, but for now this will stop water from getting on the floor. The reason I cut a sloppy piece is, the roll of plastic I have is 10 feet wide. I need to lay it on a wide flat surface, roll it out, measure, and cut. I haven't been able to do this yet because of where the roll of plastic is. I wish I could tell you more...

Here's 2 pics I took with my good camera. I'll update with more pics soon...probably when the plants are a bit bigger. Maybe in a week? Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
I'll be watching this too. Looking good. Subscribed.
Thanks :). Right on man, keep an eye on this and I'll be watching yours as well. I'm excited to see the differences in our grows. We both have the exact same seeds ;-). I think my aurora indica's are going to turn out well too. All 3 that I have growing are looking nice...big ol' fat leaves. Fatter leaves than the papaya's. I'm more excited to smoke the papaya's however :hump:


Well-Known Member
Pimp, your right...It's soon going to be Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica and Grape Ape Grow Journal. Oh well for titles.

Just met with my children, everything is looking good. These babies are REALLY taking off won't be long and we'll have 5 blade leaves, probably a day or so. Everyone is fattening up nicely and filling out.

I had to move the light up a bit, probably about 2 inches (2 chain links). The temps at the tops of the pots reached 89, so that's def to hot. If temps stay at that range, I'll move the light again. All the plants look fine, there may be a pin needle sized burn spot on the biggest AI, no big deal. They are starting to grow fast enough that I'm going to need to move the light up every few days, or at least once a week (best guess). I gave everyone a good misting to cool them down after their hot summer day ;-). When I finished temps were at 80.

EDIT: My humidity is still low...this is something I should probably address, or I may chance it. I've heard of other people not having problems with humidity in the high 20's. Me however, I'd like conditions to be as good as I can make them. I have been looking at humidifier's, my issue is, that's ANOTHER thing I need to keep watered, and they use A LOT of water. I'm hoping hanging the panda plastic will help keep humidity in the grow area. If I start seeing problems or real thin, flaky leaves...then I'm definitely buying a humidifier.

Grow my little friends and become young ladies.


Well-Known Member
hey mary, looking good!!! my thoughts on the low humidity during vegging, i don't think i would worry with it much as long as you are misting. i was having a hard time with high humidity levels during flowering on my first grow. cured it with fans. i bought a high dollar dehumidifier, sent the temps thru the roof. couldn't use it. i use it for getting distilled water.


Well-Known Member
hey mary, looking good!!! my thoughts on the low humidity during vegging, i don't think i would worry with it much as long as you are misting. i was having a hard time with high humidity levels during flowering on my first grow. cured it with fans. i bought a high dollar dehumidifier, sent the temps thru the roof. couldn't use it. i use it for getting distilled water.
Well, I'm not going to worry about it until it poses problems. Having humidity below 30% is not supposed to be a good thing and that's where I am right now. Hopefully I'm ok and I don't have any issues. So far, so good though.


Well-Known Member
you know kevin brought up a good point... he says it put his temps through the roof.. well you don't really want anything thru the roof, since your so close and all.. but higher temps could be a nice thing. perhaps if you were to get a humidifier it would almost act as a two in 1. your heater may run less...

i'm not pushing either way though, i personally don't know the effects of low humidity.

on a side note- i think there is a lady dance you can do. its suppose to help persway the plants to turn into females.. kinda like a rain dance. try it out next time and get some pictures!


Well-Known Member
Well, I just did the lady dance :hump: Go ladies Go!!!

I just gave everyone their first dose of grow big. 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water. I watered all the babies a nice good watering today.

Here's a few pics. The first pic is everyone...the 2nd is the best AI (used to be stretchy)...the 3rd pic is a nice looking papaya.




Well-Known Member
something tells me thats not the only time you will be dancing in your attic.

wow, the ai has really fat leaves. amazing. i bet your a super proud dude. there looking great.

i'm totally convinced i need to get tht 400 watt mh going b4 my next round of seeds.

oh and wheres the end 2 ur light? i thought i saw it b4.

oh and good job again!:clap::leaf:


Well-Known Member
something tells me thats not the only time you will be dancing in your attic.

wow, the ai has really fat leaves. amazing. i bet your a super proud dude. there looking great.

i'm totally convinced i need to get tht 400 watt mh going b4 my next round of seeds.

oh and wheres the end 2 ur light? i thought i saw it b4.

oh and good job again!:clap::leaf:
Your right...I will do the bud dance one day soon too :leaf::leaf::leaf:

I really like how fat the leaves are, it looks cool!

I agree, you should definitely use your conversion bulb. This thing works just have to get it as close as you can without doing any heat damage.

I took the end off. When the end was on, the plants were growing kind of crooked. I took the ends off to see if it would make the plants grow straight...and sure enough it worked. I think this is because of my using to big of pots to start off with and the light not covering enough area. Next time I'll be transplanting as the plants grow.

Thanks!!! This is exciting. I can't wait to see how the grow big helps out. They are growing fast right now as it is. I gotta tell you...pure earthworm castings as a top dressing is the way to go....I'm serious.